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Messages - NeverwinterDays

Screen Shots & Obituaries /
February 19, 2013, 05:07:43 PM
Awesome toon a lot of shady dealings and manipulation going on in the background :)
Suggestions / Werewolf Script
February 22, 2013, 12:32:31 AM
I just got to witness this newish script personally and it lead to possibly the lamest and most ridiculous death ever so I think it needs looking at. I was standing by the transition to mistlocke from the springs and an elder werewolf spawned right on top of me as I was going through the transition and killed me outright, without any time to react.

What I would like to suggest (I know there is a howl plus something in the log as it happens) is that the werewolves spawn at least a short distance from the players so that they can react to these (very powerful) spawns. Its not nice to have a powerful npc appear out of no where and kill you before you can see whats happened. Worse then an invis gank as you can't detect them before they even appear with detection skills/or see invis. Makes no sense that you wouldn't see a giant werewolf running at you.