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Messages - Bouquet of Roses

Kragg was one of my favorite PCs of v6, a bonafide, ballsy badass, and being able to help him get off on the right foot with those 1500 gold was an honor and a privilege!

I know this is somewhat stale to say, but I'm really, truly looking forward to what you come up with next!
Off-topic Discussion / Re: The Passing of Diz-e
October 30, 2021, 11:14:39 PM
I have a lot of fond memories from time spent playing with Diz-e. We never talked all that much OOC, but we made up for that with a bunch of IC.

This really came out of the blue, and it's sort of shocked my brain to a halt, so finding the words, or even just figuring out what to say, is a challenge.

I'll always remember Diz-e as an EFU-friend, that I had a lot in common with, and could pass many hours alongside, with conversation and RP, and being given a window into his plots and plans always felt like a blessing. Always ambitious, driven, even in the face of stark opposition.

I can only say I hope he was happy 'til the end.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Eryeth Cotte
August 05, 2019, 05:25:04 PM
I'm sad that there's so much stuff we won't get to actually see through.
The whole tug-of-war between light and dark, good and evil.
I would've loved to see where it would've ended up ^^

Makes me kind'a wish I'd done it sooner.

But like everyone else-
I'm really looking forward to seeing what else you can think up, especially now that you have a feel for the server.
General Discussion / Re: V5 Feedback Thread
July 12, 2019, 08:56:43 AM
This isn't meant to argue or claim anyone else wrong, not in the slightest, this is just my own two cents and my own experiences.

I've played a character in the pond/woods, who survived for a fairly decent while, with the self-imposed restriction of never dawdling in the Peer or Ticker without explicit reason to do so- IE being invited.
While I did have moments of regretting that decision, I was never actually tempted to break it, or change my mind.
Yes, the Ponds are "empty" of NPC guards and Factions. Personally I think that's a good thing. Some of my fondest memories of playing Anna was just huddling about the fire with another PC, and start talking, and watch as more and more PCs came and joined us. We'd usually end up some 4-5 PCs chatting away. I fucking loved that. It's amazing.

There's obviously a lot of potential issues with the setup, and down-periods are gonna be hellish, but on the other hand, I fully appreciate the Sandboxy feel of the "hub".
Only changes I'd ask for would be quality of life stuff, some of which have, to my understanding, already been put in.

As a side note- While the Mongrelwoods can be extremely punishing, but they can be just as rewarding. Saying there's no sort of "benefits" or "support system" for druids or other wildling PCs isn't true at all. Especially not for druids who'd need, what, level 5 and wildshape to have a high enough stealth to reliably get around the woods without too much trouble?

I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed playing a Ponder, with how it is now. And I look forward to doing so again.

As for a personal note on your comments, Derkot- You're already trying to do what would need be done to try and change some of it. Organize the Ponders. Push the "invaders" out. Make it unsafe for them. It won't be easy, but it's not about winning, it's about the journey!
Bug Reports / Mesmerizing Sorcerer Charm Spells.
May 06, 2019, 05:48:50 AM
The additional save for unique effects of Mesmer perk Charm Spells break the domination effect, if both saves are failed.

The interarction's in the middle of the Combat Log!

Nadia liked Loppi a great deal. Even if she did get pretty violent towards the end!
I'll miss the A N G S T Y T R A I N.
He was fun ^^ And it was great to get to watch him evolve.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Daeis Ancrath
May 02, 2018, 06:51:43 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed Daies, with what little I got to interact with him early on his career, before my vanishing ^^
And you, by extension!
Very glad to have you, and hope whatever next you come up with is just as fun for you to play!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Artreez the Broken
April 03, 2018, 05:10:57 PM
Artreez was really a delightful, wonderful addition to the server. I loved interacting with him each and every time I got to, and he successfully made me both pity him for what he'd been through, and envy him for how it had forged him into the man he was.
Just sad I didn't get to try to help him more!

Best of luck on whatever you play next ^^
Bug Reports / Sorcerer Perk Token - Multiclassing
April 01, 2018, 04:03:54 AM
As said in the title:

When level 1 is taken as sorcerer, and a perk is chosen that grants a token (Like Tribal Shaman, the one I used for testing) , if level 2 is multiclassed (I used Ranger), the token isn't removed, not after reset, either.
Don't imagine it's a huge thing, but it is potentially exploitable!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Rose Felher
March 31, 2018, 07:00:44 PM
I really liked Rose from a personal perspective. She was a sweet little thing, who seemed to see people first, agenda second.
That's the sort of character/person I'm personally very weak to.
Good job. Hope you have fun on the next one, too!
GSID: Unbent Unbroken

Character: Shandra Sallianarra
I'm sad he's gone, sadder you're "gone", but overjoyed things are going so well for you! I hope they keep going along this track.
Best of luck!
General Discussion / Re: Character Portraits
February 14, 2018, 08:34:17 PM
Alley Addams

Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 05, 2017, 03:47:02 PM
I really enjoyed Khorin. On both the characters I interacted with him on.
You always manage to draw me into your concepts, one way or another, and you didn't break that habit on the Kinslayer.

From being asked to pay 50 gold on a positivist, with absolutely no idea why since she just ran into a group and decided to follow, to backroom dealings and contracts to whistleblow other contracts- All of it amazingly good fun ^^

I look forward to your next, even if I won't get to play with it much!