We are discussing things without actually knowing what we are discussing.
As it's been said, using it can be considered an hostile action, and in a place with NPCs requires the presence of a DM.
You also assume that it tells someone is a cultist in big flashy letters. I haven't had the chance to find a cultist so far, but I believe this assumption is wrong.
If you are a cultist, you could contact me, so we may test how the censer actually works.
As it's been said, using it can be considered an hostile action, and in a place with NPCs requires the presence of a DM.
You also assume that it tells someone is a cultist in big flashy letters. I haven't had the chance to find a cultist so far, but I believe this assumption is wrong.
If you are a cultist, you could contact me, so we may test how the censer actually works.