There has been a sad lack of rogue dealers, since they most often rely on heavy investment in herbalism/alchemy or another PC who has done so. Although it makes sense that only skilled individuals could synthesise narcotics, making drugs more easily available to roguish characters is a reasonable step to take (whether it be through perk or other form) to expand and enrich this aspect of criminality (which, lets be honest, is really lame in its present form relying on specialised and suitably aligned spellcasters as opposed to more roguish dealers, drug lords and criminal scum that are more ubiquitous in fiction and RL).
Normally a "try to achieve this IG" would be fine in this kind of matter, but to do so is basically to run at a loss (rogues not having alchemy/herbalism bonuses, and the impracticality of buying drugs from NPC stores and reselling) unless you have DM interest or assistance in one way or another.
What RwG is suggesting could be cool, or alternatively some other method of obtaining drugs could be implemented that is not as involved as crafting systems or the necessity of DM interaction - such as a quest, a far away but relatively inexpensive store, or something else IG.
Normally a "try to achieve this IG" would be fine in this kind of matter, but to do so is basically to run at a loss (rogues not having alchemy/herbalism bonuses, and the impracticality of buying drugs from NPC stores and reselling) unless you have DM interest or assistance in one way or another.
What RwG is suggesting could be cool, or alternatively some other method of obtaining drugs could be implemented that is not as involved as crafting systems or the necessity of DM interaction - such as a quest, a far away but relatively inexpensive store, or something else IG.