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Messages - Parasitic Paradise

Bug Reports /
November 11, 2011, 03:12:09 AM
Being able to select deadly diseases with GSF necromancy would be pretty pimp.
Suggestions /
November 10, 2011, 08:46:36 PM
Wrong thread, move to bug reports plz.
Bug Reports /
November 09, 2011, 03:31:27 PM
All the animal companions have strength and weaknesses. Did you know your bear could stealth?
Simply type the command "/c stealth a" and it will become hidden according to it's hide/ms.
You can feed them potions of mage armor, barkskin, cats grace, and give them terrifying AC and damage potential.
It's as Talir says, learn to use them, and keep an eye on their HP bar. Otherwise, they are extremely potent companions that can not only kill Mist Ogres (There was a certain gnome druid whose badger took down three) but can ruin questing groups who harbor a person you wish to assault.
The XP penalty for loosing them is well worth it.
Suggestions / Wilderness "Favor" point
November 13, 2011, 05:59:51 PM
The wilderness of Ymph should have it's own association where we can garner 'favor' points to purchase supplies and gear from the wilds merchants. The slaying of abberants, undead, etc... all garner points for us to eventually spend on loot from merchants such as Maida and Huntzlerock.

It doesn't make sense for the faction who most dislikes the trappings of civilization to utilize coin in such a way!
Bug Reports / Bog Grove Crystal
November 13, 2011, 05:21:38 PM
PC: J'hala Fergot
Account: Wicked Witch of the West
Report Date: 11/13/2011

I am unable to access my Bog Crystal after claiming it with Nermann the previous day (Or reset). I was able to access it the moment I claimed the bog, and now I am unable to. When I ask for a key from Nermann Huntzlerock, I get %'s Bog Grove Key-Stone.
Spiders, Panthers, and other druid wildshape forms should allow the druid in question to be able to scale cliffs and other physical hindrances with ease.

So I suggest giving these forms the scripted power to do so.
Bug Reports / Contagion Bug
November 11, 2011, 02:56:35 AM
My character, J'hal Fergot, (Account: Wicked Witch of the West) Cast Contagion on a cave beetle and the DC of it was fifteen.

My PC has GSF necromancy and had 20 wisdom at the time. So the DC should have been at least 22.

She was a druid, who cast it at a third circle.
Suggestions / IG clock broken
November 10, 2011, 08:35:58 PM
It appears to be stuck at hour 13, the IRC clock says it is 11:19 AM