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Messages - PatherTane

Introductions and Group Management /
May 17, 2011, 10:21:00 PM
I approve.
Suggestions /
May 12, 2011, 07:38:10 AM
Exotic Katana.
+1 Discipline

((I find a certain lack of these within the module. I understand they are exotic weapons but to see more of them would mean more interesting Katana concepts in my opinion. Also this is just a basic item similar to the sturdy bastard swords you see dropped around the server.
Bug Reports /
May 10, 2011, 10:15:59 PM
I'v encountered Giant Undead Bears that use blur and much to my amusement cure serious potions.
Off-topic Discussion / Brilliant!/Deaththread
May 21, 2011, 11:34:07 PM
This post covers two things I'd like to say;

Firstly the progression of events and the pace of the server currently is amazing! It is top notch entertainment for myself and I would say the server as a whole! To all the Dm's involved with events and you Team Nature I would like to say a very big THANK YOU! You've helped make EFU into the same server as before in the underdark a server that grips you by the ears and goes "come on this is going to be one hell of a ride."
To all the players who have not yet delt with a H'Balan Event where
you face the oncoming horde of rampant monsters that really make the end seam real or have yet to feel the tension that flickers through the air in a docks political stand off. I say to you please, please, please seek these sorts of things out they are -amazing- and really bring the game world to life for me.

Well Done!

Secondly I'd like to announce the death of my PC Pather Tane. He was by far one of the most successful PC's I'v ever had. He was a real kick in the ass to play as it's hard to play through those paladin codes and not get frustrated. Those who have ever played paladins will know what I mean about frustration when 3/4 PC's on the server are evil.

 I'd like to say a big thanks to all those who helped him become what he was to name but just a few and in no apparent order: ListeninSilence, Bearic, Smaug, TNVW, Nightshadow, KoP, LPFF, JohanMaxon, ToH and many many others! Also thank you Alyssara and Iron_Oligarch for giving me such a sweet ending not really that glorious but is was really fun.


 Servers awesome, plots pushing fast. Keep up the good work all.
Pather Tane died thanks to all who made him a really cool PC to play.