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Messages - Mad Jack Dubloons

General Discussion /
May 09, 2011, 12:12:47 AM
Just FD them and say they were trying to rape you
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
May 07, 2011, 11:24:59 PM
Finally, leged is dead.
Suggestions /
May 07, 2011, 03:14:42 PM
That reminds me of the GOBLIN SUPERHERO than Wcsherry spawned and harassed Canzah, me and some other folk to no end.
General Discussion /
May 05, 2011, 11:58:30 PM
IRC is fool of tools, trolls, and tolls who disguise it as a troll.

Fear it, revere it, embrace it.
Introductions and Group Management /
May 05, 2011, 12:02:38 AM

Maybe a Basilisk is more to your taste? No?

I got an infinite number of goals folks, hunting down the server's legendary monsters, what more could we want?
General Discussion /
May 04, 2011, 11:12:54 AM
[Troll=DRD]Also, DRD is amazing. If you play a Praxes groupie, you will be rewarded with shameless homosexual advances from Calculor[/troll]

On a more serious note, enjoy efu, it's a harsh server, but rewarding.
Off-topic Discussion /
May 04, 2011, 10:44:45 AM
The meaning of life by kotenku

Kotenku, what is the meaning of life?
To crush your enemies
see them driven before you
and to hear the lamentations of their women
to learn how to be chill
ice cream
Suggestions /
May 03, 2011, 01:38:32 AM
Or a serious disability applied and can only be removed with a dm present.
Suggestions /
May 02, 2011, 08:38:11 PM
The spell is prone to bugs that are annoying to the extreme, but I don't think can be fixed. (if under the influence of this bug and you go below 0hp or it is dispelled...[shrug] bad things happen)

That said, revertng it to ONE ROUND per level is more reasonable.
To be truthful, I didn't expect H'bala to be released during the time I played this PC. I didn't expect a lot of things to happen. I just hoped to ignore all the server wide plots that would of inevitably led to my PCs death, in order to hunt down a Monster known as the KRAKEN and learn more about the diluvian city and the ragers.

I learned that this wasn't for me. I cannot play a PC who cannot be part of a server changing plot in some way. I learned this lesson and I am glad for it, so I am going to quit Doubloons.

Mad Jack Doubloons was a Tormtar Paladin, a Sailor who was birthed upon a galley and sailed without setting foot on land till he was 15, where upon he joined the Church of Torm and became a paladin.

He made it his holy quest to hunt the Kraken.

I have only two screenshots of him, but they were both amusing and signified why I couldn't play a humorous paladin in this setting currently,.

Cheers folks!

And yes, this was THOMAS_IS_WISE who was playing this PC
Bug Reports / Monsters with bugs
May 07, 2011, 07:00:54 AM
Monsters such as GIANT LIZARD, HUGE GELANTINOUS CUBE, and other relatively high CR monsters have been spawning with a shit load of cure serious potions.

While this may be to make them more challenging, I am fairly certain its a bug and needs to be looked into asap before more player deaths occur to this traumatizing sight of a 3 intelligence ooze downing potions.
Bug Reports / Longest Night
May 06, 2011, 08:24:45 PM
the Pallid Mask Crusaders are wearing cloth armor instead of their normal full plate.

Survival rate as a result has dropped by 80% for npcs. :(

Who wants to kill this Puppy?

I want a group of people who want to come together and hunt legendary monsters throughout the server. Dragons, Manticore, the White Stags, the Krakens of the Deep, the Basilisk, and more!

This isn't so much as a group concept as it is a group of people interested in becoming famous/infamous on this isle through the dedicated hunting of these mythical monsters. They work together to end the threat they pose, or just to become famous, or sell the body parts to wizards.

The group has other goals, but I look forward to people coming forward and being part of an informal huntsman club!

The concept caters to all classes and alignments, so I hope to see you IG!

Mad Jack, OUT