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Messages - Seithes

General Discussion /
April 21, 2011, 11:43:07 PM
I am all for developing my character and I am dying to roleplay an awesome evil overlord. However, its hard to be evil and badass when you just got owned by a rat :-/

Had several run ins, some due to my own ignorance others due to me being so weak. Also I had done stuff like writting my history in my description. Dont know what I was thinking lol. I just want to make him right so I can be capable of what I am looking for.
General Discussion /
April 21, 2011, 11:37:10 PM
Thanks everyone :D I have a much better idea of it all now. Lots of great info ^_^

I can't wait to get him started. Only thing I can think to ask now is..
 You guys have mentioned worshiping necromantic gods. Can anyone point me to a guide about deities? What benefits I'd get, how to worship one.. how to find these gods or related stuff in game?
Do I just look for it in the list in the OOC area and get a desc there? I went faithless last time so its total unknown for me.  

Also, I like the idea of jumping on IRC and asking but I'd probably never stop asking questions lol It's good here though, all these big explanations and I can re-read them :) honestly, I have a 7 phase plan and a text file called necro cookbook full of my ideas. I'd ask about details for all of em xD Dont wanna spoil the surprise though ;)
General Discussion /
April 10, 2011, 03:47:57 PM

Sorry guys, Freya's not so great with communication -.- I think he was just wanting to know the specifics on going about an assassination should the need arise..
Off-topic Discussion /
April 08, 2011, 03:17:34 PM
Most of this has already been decided. I've been planning this out for quite some time now and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Till then please stop leaking secrets all over to forums because metagamers exist and its easy to pretend they knew nothing but act on it anyways.. but thanks for completely and utterly blowing our cover o.o Keep it to our IRC or email me..

[edit] I also posted an app to the DMs telling them a whole bunch of my plans. They're aware, we just need to show presence in game.

Some of you may have met me, Seithes Varyon.

First off, he was my first ever NWN character. I probably shouldnt have put all my plans into it but he's way messed up because I had no idea what I was doing lol

So, I'd like to make my original plans happen with a new character and I was hoping some experienced players could offer me some advice on how to go about it.

I'll be rolling a new guy on Friday. What stats should I give him? Last time i put it all into into intelligence(18) and wisdom(16), everything else was around 10 (except strength which was 8) and it worked very poorly for me..

I'm aiming for palemaster, perhaps eventually even lich so any idea what level I should be to ask for these kinds of things?

As for my cult, I had a fair number of players under me but I had a lot of trouble trying to get us a hideout. Trying to remain in the shadows but I need to make some kind of contribution to general roleplay too so any advice on how to keep my new PC from being discovered too early, recruit members and still be noticed enough to get a place would be good.

Anything else you can think of will be more than welcome.