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Messages - Rag_gan

General Discussion / A stupid question.
January 18, 2011, 04:28:07 PM
Hi, i am new to the server. And i have been waiting trying to get out of my current situation without meta gaming...

The thing is, i was searching for rats in some goblin sewers. and i somehow got into the water, i must have either walked into a waypoint or clicked one.

Now the second problem is, i do not know how to get up to the surface, when i moved back to where i entered there was no way.

Third, i found a new friend, a shark. Which off course kicked my bottoms.

So i lie half dead on the Flooded tunnel bed. Waiting for help.

And will loose everything i earned, But that is not the case.

I can accept the instance of my characters unfortunate situation slipping on the far end of a bridge.

But i would like to know, how do you get out of water!

(Reason i ask here is because my character at no time would even care the slightest about the matter that he drowned once or twice.)