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Messages - Ancient Mystery

General Discussion /
June 13, 2011, 05:27:34 AM
what the shit is this?
haven't you heard of the leaving thread?

Bug Reports /
June 08, 2011, 04:10:18 AM
Knight is no longer an option? (replacing purple dragon knight)
Suggestions /
May 18, 2011, 07:33:44 PM
Two quick comments:

1: I don't think raise dead is all that miraculous really, given the game world. I'm guessing 99% of PC's have at one time -already- been raised from the dead at least once.

2: If you are a lvl 9 cleric and you haven't really made some good noise or otherwise accomplished feats for your god, you should reexamine what it means to be a cleric. However, I would guess a majority of those that reach 9 on this server are probably doing a great job. It would be a shame to punish the majority of good players for the failings of a few. Instead, why not remove the ability to cast the spell from those who don't impress, thereby giving them incentive to improve their RP?
General Discussion /
May 07, 2011, 10:24:37 PM
General Discussion /
May 06, 2011, 08:32:01 PM
Just want to drop a note here because I am currently playing a very sexual character. She will make crass comments, sometimes she can be downright whoreish. I have tried to do it in a way that adds to the flavor of the server. If I cross any lines with anyone regarding my language, speak up in a tell.

Overall point: No, you can not pay her for sex. Yes, your characters can refer to her sexuality and react to it (disgust, desire, etc) and should!
General Discussion /
April 29, 2011, 09:21:08 PM
In terms of survivability, you can't go wrong with downloading a character creator module and testing your builds out on monsters. EFU mechanics will be slightly different but you can get a good sense of what kind of feats/spells/skills work well together. This is the one I use. There is also a CEP version if you know what that means.

As a general rule I would say good RP > good Build (but you def want both if possible). The better you become communicating your character the more likely you are to find a minion who will kill rats for you or a DM that will give you the ultra-rat-slayer-10,000.

Remember you begin this game -very- weak and it will take a long time for you to become strong enough to go out on your own. Make friends with people who know what they are doing. Play an interesting personality and be a survivor above all else. If that means fleeing from even common dangers at times, swallow your pride. Someday I promise, you will make all the rats pay.
General Discussion /
April 29, 2011, 07:30:17 PM
I am sold on your arguments.
General Discussion /
April 28, 2011, 11:05:00 PM
I'll give you fighter/rogue, probably the most powerful build in the game. But even fighter/bard....? Yes, you get arcane wands, yes you get bard song. But you lose out on a ton too. Your song will never get powerful, your feats will be more limited. I'll grant that its close either way. Just not sure why, if that's the case, people would want to reward PC's who are not multi-classed over those who are.
Off-topic Discussion /
December 09, 2010, 06:35:36 PM
New software inbound. A day or two more.
Off-topic Discussion /
December 02, 2010, 06:39:32 PM
Computer is down, be back with Nolan when its back up.
General Discussion / Much Love To All!
June 13, 2011, 05:26:36 AM
I want to make sure to pass along a note to all the players and DM's who have been a part of my life for so many years. The last couple weeks of play were absolutely amazing and kudos to everyone for giving me endless hours of enjoyment. EFU has consistently been a place where imaginative have shared experiences unlike anything else. I write fiction as a hobby, and many a great character or concept has come to me through the window of EFU. (what's that about bad writers borrowing and good ones stealing?)

Anyway, although we've never met and I know less then 5% of your names, you all have been great comrades in arms. I hope the absolute best for you going forward. Although I had hoped Ivy would be around for a couple more days, there is a very good chance I wouldn't have been able to play him much anyway. I am going through a pretty big transition in my life and will have to put aside the server for a time. I promise I will be back. I always come back. And I can't tell you how satisfying it is to know that the server will be here being awesome and waiting.

Although everyone is deserving, I want to single out the man with the plan, Howland, who managed to hook me way back in 2005. In my humble opinion, Howland should be raised to deity status, so that we can literally worship him in game.

Trolling welcome.

Bug Reports / Prestige Class Download Broken Link
June 08, 2011, 03:58:31 AM
The link for the prestige class downloads is broken on the web site.
Suggestions / Detect Evil/Chaos
May 07, 2011, 09:41:08 PM
I was thinking that it might add some more flavor to the server and to Paladins as a whole if they were given an option of Detect Evil or Detect Chaos. This would allow paladins with more law oriented gods (Helm, Tyr, etc.) an option to be defined crusaders of justice as opposed to simply crusaders of good. Over the years it has struck me as strange that a paladin of Tyr for example would shun the company of LE guard/noble/etc while happily taking a CN halfling rogue swashbuckler along to all their stupid paladin parties.
General Discussion / The Aryran Perks?
April 28, 2011, 10:56:59 PM
Just curious why folks are interested in giving perks to "pure" this and that. Quite frankly, other then multi-classing fighter/rogue, I think the class system is set up in a way that benefits non-multiclassers, especially on such a low level server such as ours. I enjoy playing multi-class characters, but on average I'd say my pure class characters are better mechanically. Maybe a 10/10 character is better, then a 20, but I think 3/4's are generally worse then 7's. Am I wrong in thinking this?