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Messages - Bearic

Iyar 2nd, IY 7789,

Ephia's Well is abuzz with activity following the recent election and tensions. Legate Dante Moretti removed shortly after a series of public edicts were set into place to some unrest. They did not run again but were replaced in the running by Zina Zizzo, a wealthy merchant of the Souk. However, opinion has swung away from the Dragon and his hatchlings and their promises of gold: Total Victory and Glided Districts.

Instead, on the month of The Wilting Rose, Legate Alexandria Sayburgh is elected to much fanfare by the improvised and those tired of men paying their way out of crime. Alongside Legate Achaeus Komemnos, a tense situation prods along. The war reaching its zenith, one hopes. The Springtime Promise begging some peace from bitter actions between the accord, and some certain reform.

Suggestions / Re: End Orc Plot
January 08, 2025, 02:16:22 AM
Orc plot ends you
I didn't see the towel get thrown in.
Correspondence / Re: To Angelica Illudo (Bearic)
November 22, 2024, 04:41:03 AM

Nothing doing, my dear. All originals are just that, one of a kind and as they are.

~o- Illydo -o~
Kanon Hray 27th, IY 7788. A time when doors are opened to all guests,

As the war etches on and devastates much of the unprotected regions of the desert, the flow of dinar into Ephia's Well has skyrocketed. Dozens of lost settlements, bands and treasure troves emptying into the safer option. The Gold League's choke-chain of affairs has proven a net positive, at least for those with enough dinar to afford the voice.

Word swirls of the cost of all this. A refuge camp maintained for military drills destroyed completely by these Titans of Dawning. White League Legate Ahmet's Disappearance and later replacement with Legate Asherias brings more questions than answers and raises further worries of unstablity. The elephantine cannonade's firing still rings in the ears fresh of those that have heard it; the whistling ether of vibrant energies carving across the sky. Total Victory.
Always more random explosions.
Correspondence / Re: [A golden letter to Bashir]
September 02, 2024, 09:04:13 PM
Major General Khatara: Fashionista of the Western Front,

We are fashionably late, but you must always keep them guessing. Another Month, another Display. Are you ready?

~o- Illydo -o~
Correspondence / Re: [A golden letter to Bashir]
July 26, 2024, 04:17:24 AM
Bashir Khatara, Protagonist of Good Sense of Tact,

Once more I write to ply your interest in next months showing. I do understand if the war effort has you under the weather, but perhaps the distraction will do you well. Do write back.

~o- Illydo -o~
Sunny D is better.
Illul 7th, IY 7788




Word spreads like wildfire that the Lover's Gap is pacified. The Weapon there destroyed. The forces pushed west, fleeing the Kah'eshi, routed. Zthae'ikos, The Spear, dead.

A broken detachment lead by Sergeant Seymour Duncan finds its company halved. Those brave enough to sully forth to meet the host, count among them dead names listless as poets and historians work to put them to phrase and prose.

The Banda Rossa make jab and cheer for the victory of the Well and despite their discounted involvement. Removed from the War Council days prior to this entanglement, they toast the death of Janissaries who rebuked them and the victory won that much more difficult.

The assembly prior stirs its own strange energy, rumors of children being bartered for the securities of the western front work through the ears of stranger and friend alike. A foul taste fills the mouths of those with concern like ash. Surely it was all jest. A princess was present and some insane halfling was said to have broken into the event and flung disgusting gases twice if not three times or more before the Janissary put a stop to it.

Perhaps this is an upswing for Ephia's Well in the conflict, even if matters domestic are muddled.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Samton Ashworth
July 07, 2024, 04:47:11 AM
Bashir Khatara, Weaver of Chic,

I don't do anything cheap, I'm afraid. If you require a great deal of Baz'eel fine silks I can arrange a delivery, a spool comes at five thousand dinar, but for you, I could do four thousand.

As for keeping away flame, this flamewing silk would indeed be useful for you, but rare. I do know a few people that could arrange to gather it, but it would take a bit of time and again, more dinar. For five thousand dinar I could arrange for as many spools as my contacts could manage. I imagine at least six.

Let me know if you need either of them.

~o- Illydo -o~
Correspondence / Re: [A golden letter to Bashir]
June 23, 2024, 08:43:40 PM
Bashir Khatara, Avid Seeker of Style,

Meravigliosa! The twenty-ninth will be the date then. I look forward to seeing your own works again, and whatever the rest of the Well might piece together.

~o- Illydo -o~
Tabbah 23rd, IY 7788

The war drags on, failures and victories roll into a an economical struggle to the benefit of survival. The "Dragon" Argent Argyris, claimed a seat amidst the heart of the war, with his fellow Golden Legate Balstan Gloamingdaith. They vowed widely the notion of Total Victory, and through much difficulties secured the funding for the new district, in entirety. Whether these things are to go as so planned is a heated topic.

Promises and arrangements has been stretched thin and made tense. It is a confused matter who will have majority control of the new structures, and more importantly, how they will operate. Though, much of it seems due to the matter of Conscription.

With the continued asylum of refugee, the strain on resources and proper protections is obvious. And as the enemy host continues its assault, drastic actions were taken. Men sent to march on the eastern front, piled with the security of a future in Ephia's Well, have brought one step of Victory Further, or died trying. These securities bought the men on the Eastern Front by the Lover's Gap enough time to set up siegeworks and hammer down upon even now the blasting walls of the Thousand Clan's Encampments there.

This aid from the scattered masses was cut short, the night before the completion of a Massive Weapon that it is rumoured when tested, took a large chuck out of a mountain side. The reason for the appeal was obvious, as the Grandmaster herself decried the horrible treatment of Conscripted Quarry workers, and told the self-named Dragon that it must cease.

However, plans quickly shifted on the frontlines, any hopes in capturing the Fortress and this Weapon now lost. Through quick action a Kan'Zuzu force assembled by works led under direction of Warmaster Rennik Colmes, and driven by the strange guidence of Thrasamund Sorrow-Marked, sapped underneath the castle and within.

The halls were spoken to be a nightmare, even with the outside distraction and siege. The many of Ephia's Defenders worked there way to the top of the Fortress, with Sergeant Samton Ashworth detonating a massive bomb to destroy the Weapon. Even in this victory, they could not celebrate, and the many had to work their way back down the castle and back through the now collapsing tunnels. Soldier of the Fourth Legion Duncan MacGregor and one Antonio Caravari were lost in this effort.

Even on the foot of victory, things remain uncertain. The Rampart Nusrum has fallen almost completely into the Thousand Clans Control, and efforts South remain likewise besieged. As the election ends, Purple Legate Marcellus Saenus takes a victory over Gloamingdaith. The golden majority ends, but the war and the expenses compiled to its efforts and this new district are hardly finished.
Correspondence / [A golden letter to Bashir]
June 23, 2024, 04:53:56 PM
Bashir Khatara, Most Excellent Designer of Ephia's Well,

It is nearing the end of Tabbah, and we were hoping you would be included and in charge of next month's Fashion Show. Our products have been moving, but we would like to help the people of Ephia's Well celebrate with new visions for our future, and the new faces that flock to us daily.

Let us arrange a best time for this, so we may inform the general public.

~o- Illydo -o~