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Messages - Theophilos

The Triad is the new Bane, as studies show that evil densities on the server are at an all-time high. With this revelation, prospects for future evil characters are bleak: to step into another man's shoes, you must work twice as hard to outshine them. A player who does not outshine receives less recognition from peers and fewer plots and loot from DMs. Hence a player wanting to be successful and make waves should seek other concepts.

...and what better place to start than a paladin, cleric or other pious character in service to the Triad? With the prevalence and power of the Temple of Tyrants and other evil groups on the server, The New Church of the Triad comes pre-made with one of the most important commodities for any successful faction: clearly-defined enemies. In addition, with evil being the de facto standard in the Dominion, good can take a proactive stance rather than the reactive one which it traditionally assumes in NWN persistent worlds.

The New Church of the Triad provides a stable framework for operating within the good-aligned character model. It is most suited to characters of LG, NG or LN alignment who worship Tyr, Torm or Ilmater, but allowances are made to embrace the service of good-hearted worshippers of Helm and Lathander. Concepts which fit into the mythology of the Church include grizzled Triadic Knights with anger control issues, aasimar clerics of Ilmater with deep-seated alcoholism and ruthless crusaders under Tyr who see morality in black and white.

The goals of the church include the dissemination of its holy principles to the populace, the discontinuation of the practice of slavery and the gradual scouring of the smut of the island's evil institutions by all honorable means.

I look forward to playing with you. If you have any questions or would like to coordinate your concepts with me, please PM me on the forums or find "Theophilos" in-game.