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Messages - hillbillyknight

Introductions and Group Management /
August 21, 2009, 12:57:28 AM
In my musings about this, my first inclination was a gnome illusionist/rogue.  Though, I don't know if he'd make a good first character.  Don't know.  
Also, if we're talking about level 6 to 10, it might be good to do either rogue or wizard, but not both.  Don't know if he'd be better off sticking to one class to make him more effective at what he does.  I do like the EFUSS system for this guy, though I'd have to investigate it more...
Thanks for the ideas.  I'll likely PM some of you and ask some more questions.
Hello all. I was thinking about an engineer type character who lands shipwrecked in the archipelago. He'd be a high intelligence rogue/wizard type of character specializing in traps, crafting wands/scrolls, and being a support type character. He'd be RP'd as one who works behind the scenes to support someone's cause. I'd rather not play an evil character, so he'd be either neutral or good. Now to the question...
Please give me some ideas about where he'd fit in well. Also as I prepare a background story and character build planning, what level can I expect him to spend the majority of his time? That will make a difference how I put the character together. One final question. ;) While browsing the new character information, it seems many of the guilds say no wizards. Did I read that right?
Thanks in advance for your help.