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Messages - 13lackDr4gon

Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 17, 2009, 06:51:15 AM
Sweet as character bro,
When Deputy Ordo Nex'tro shot you once with an arrow as you were escaping with the govenor.
I remember when I had to spy on you for a goblin.. as Detective kassandra hollows
And ol' Jango Shin'obi will always remember the wolf hunt.
Off-topic Discussion /
September 14, 2009, 11:32:36 AM
Love your signature.. hahaha mwahahahaha *coughing fit*  :twisted:
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 07, 2009, 01:09:52 AM
Hah i was teleported into that quest at the very start (the invis goblin) hah, looked cool but i didnt want to get killed by the "good guys" damn goblin haters!
Introductions and Group Management /
August 20, 2009, 10:27:24 AM
Detective Hollows from the Kassandra Hollows Detective Agency would need devices and gadgets. Work freelance. For whom you want and went you want.
General Discussion /
August 14, 2009, 01:27:00 AM
The whole 'weekly' thing. First of all, the FR calendar is divided into months of three tendays (no weeks), second, even if the FR calendar did have weeks, one week OOC time does not correspond to one week IC time, therefore naming something 'weekly' on this calendar would only make it weekly OOC, not weekly IC.
Well, I was just muckin' around. I didnt think it would go right down in to 'game time'. But hell bearly any of you knew it was there. I figure at wednesday midnight everyone should try and theive something IG.
Break an' Enner will run rampant.
Batton down the hatches weaklings.
Ahem, then the next day my Detective Kassandra Hollows can solve the crimes.
General Discussion /
August 13, 2009, 04:30:13 PM
mwahaha, yes I did make the crimewave event.
But hey at least I am using it.
General Discussion /
August 13, 2009, 04:29:31 PM
Yeah hope to see you around IG. Remember if crimes need a'solving seek Kassandra Hollows *wink*
General Discussion /
August 06, 2009, 10:37:34 AM
I do that with my monk down at the docks in the tavern.
General Discussion /
August 05, 2009, 06:35:54 AM
Damn straght.
How would we go about making this happen i wonder?
Someone should or somepeople should make Card Dealer Characters.
General Discussion /
August 04, 2009, 10:49:30 PM
Mean ideas all of them.
I was thinking though something more like a card game, but not 'just' a card game something like yugioh or along the lines of a card game like that. something that can.. 'Move mountains' hah.
Off-topic Discussion /
July 21, 2009, 03:16:59 PM
Hey ya, hope all goes well.
See ya in game.
Ordo  out.
Off-topic Discussion /
July 21, 2009, 03:06:27 AM
"So a galaxy where 40% of the population is either a jedi or sith? Not to mentio that 40% are the human players?"
It is odd that, cept you gotta remember this is set like 3,000 to 4,000 years before the movies. Anything could be possible.
Off-topic Discussion /
July 20, 2009, 02:09:25 AM
#25 Behemoth vbmenu_register("postmenu_136208", true);  
Primitive Surface Monkey

Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: You don't need to know where I live.
Posts: 34

secutor, you post a picture with a jedi just about to cut off his own hand with his lightsaber. Is he Emo?
Behemoth, they couldnt cut their own hand off to be emo... its lazer the wound wouldnt bleed. He'd be like this is the end.... *zzzz* oh crap! hah.
I think it will be awesome. cept you can never know till your've gotten past vista and the shitty windows.. *sighs*
Im keen as for Republic comando or bounty hunter they'd be better RP than jedi. Cause naturally everyone under the sun will be jedi or sith.  But my bounty hunter will be collecting lightsabers, mwahahahaha!
Off-topic Discussion /
July 19, 2009, 11:03:52 AM
I dunno, i like star wars.
Merely asking if anyone else is waiting for the game.
Off-topic Discussion /
July 19, 2009, 07:17:01 AM
Hmm, indeed it is.
You must choose what you say very, very carefully.
Mwahahahaha *mad laughter ending in coughing fit* ...