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Messages - Borgan

Suggestions /
June 16, 2009, 10:39:13 PM
Gobsquat and the Docks have traces, yes. But only faint traces. You realize that this kind of setup cries out for a criminal mastermind to set up shop, don't you?
Suggestions / What about us criminals?
June 16, 2009, 08:07:28 PM
I am a complete newcomer, and it is possible that this has already been addressed and settled. If so, please point me to the thread and I will shut up. But the one overwhelming thing that was most noticeable to me, someone who loves to play rogues, is that your PW is squeaky clean.

Check  me on this, willya? You have people, semi-people from everywhere on Toril being dumped without warning on this dinky little island out of the blue. The place, an old Netherese ruin, is crawling with undead, orcs, wild predators, and somewhat/sorta/civilized goblins. Meanwhile, the various factions are duking it out behind the scenes, and sometimes in front of the scenes, for dominance.

Yet, in all this, I have yet to find a single solid fence to unload my swag? C'mon people. There are places to pick up rogue gear, I have dug up a couple already. But where are the dirty little out-of-the-way places, dimly lit, where you can buy anyone or anything for the right price? You can't convince me that in a situation such as you have modeled, that island isn't crawlins with professional thieves and assassins, dope peddlers, bootleggers, slaver pimps, and every other type of evil known to man. I am not advocating making it into somethign that dark, but really... at least make it a little bit risky to walk the streets at night for some reason besides undead and rats, willya?

If no one else does it, I may be sorely tempted to start advertising my services as a professional hit man. Just to add a bit of authenticity to the place.