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Messages - FreezyThePenguin

Suggestions / Storm Domain - Aerdrie Faenya
November 27, 2009, 09:08:37 PM
I was considering creating a cleric of Aerdrie Faenya when I noticed that the acceptable domains listed for her on the Realmslore forum don't include the Storm domain.

For the most part, I was wondering whether this is just an error, or if there's a reason it isn't included. I'd like to suggest the domain be allowed for clerics of Aerdrie, being that a) she is a goddess of weather, and b) it's one of her domains as per several resources. The spells and ability granted by the domain seem fitting for a cleric of her faith, especially the ability to resist lightning (while in flight) and to cast Gust of Wind, given her air/sky-themed nature.