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Messages - TroyDerringer

General Discussion / well
December 09, 2008, 04:59:36 PM

well i have not played here since it was in underdark but when i looked over at the Introductions and Group Management

it looked like there were a ton of factions, of couse maybe u are only referring to the former dm sponsored seekers, spellguard, etc.  Each faction fell on hard times tho, and had times they were *the* faction. I remeber when someone told me watch was dying, then bam tons of people joined and dms got active, players got active and off it went.

I am sure the factions here will hit the same loops of up and down.

In mean time enjoy the wide wide variety of player factions. I know I will :)
General Discussion / well
December 09, 2008, 04:55:53 PM

I think others have said it the fact is fable 2, fallout 3, and new nwn 2 expansion combined with finals are taking most peoples time. Also Warhammer Online and WOWTLK is also taking back some people.

When there are no new games in jan, and people are played through the november stuff, it will probably pick back up.

I am returning myself, im sure others will to.