I've been doing a lot of thinking lately both from recent and my own past attempts at Demonic/Devil style conflict and I am beginning to feel like there needs to be something done if it can be fit into the scripting schedule. There is way too much emphasis on people being "Present" in the process of attacking people with demons and devils which to me feels fundamentally flawed. In my own forrays into Brimstone when I was playing Paub my devil summoner people would automatically drink invis potions and scream "OH THERE HE IS" and chase me around.
Similar to the Animation/Necromancy system I feel it would be very cool if EFU made some steps to overhaul the situation of Devils and Demons alike. I simply feel that short term "BOund" creatures with casters blood could just as easily exist on par with summoning zombies/animate undead in some way or form. The idea then would be you could find entire scenes in the Underdark, without DMs, where one or an entire cabal of demon researchers had ripped their denizens forward.
Demons summoned to prowl the Dunwarren. Devils left to wreak havoc in the In Between. Monsterous legions amongst the Underdark left as a clear sign that "THERE IS SOME SIZABLE EVIL AT WORK HERE".
The custom summoning themes for these kind of PCs are great and fun, but at the same there's just more I feel could be potentially viable even without the need of a DMS assistance.
If the idea of "Augmenting Demons/devils" isn't favorable at the very least I would say implementing somthing like the Unleash Undead player tool for Demonic and Devilish summons would add a palpable horror and presence to these concepts.
These aren't simple summons but supremely evil monsters and having a way to keep their presence long after the caster departs and runs off cackling I just feel would add so much to these style of concepts.
I don't really know how scripting-intensive something like this would be, but maybe giving a prominent infernalist/demonologist some kind of placeable like.. "portal to the hells" that would spawn beasties now and again until destroyed might be better. The "Unleash" tool is something unique to necromancy, and I think is better remaining that way, but something for demon fans might be nice- it gives a way for burdgeoning infernalists to build some tension without risking their neck prematurely.
But then I'm not sure if something like that is desireable or even possible, though I do vaguely recall a PC in late EfU:M with a similar tool at their disposal.
Mass zombie hordes are universally stronger than mass demon/devil hordes, but they take more time and effort to make than a released summon. One idea is to have certain less scrupulous npcs sell the reagents needed to create a Dimensional Anchor for something like 500 gold so that there is a noticeable investment.
The way this would work is it creates an area where everything summoned within it is automatically unleashed. It would only take effect for things summoned within that dimensional anchor area and the summoner would forfeit their control over the beings as they are now no longer summoned, but truly called to the plane instead.
The anchor would need to be temporary too of course, maybe lasting up to 10 minutes so there is enough time to rp it out.
Maybe a 'contract' system. Similar in style to the undead system except you allow the summon more presence/power in the Prime, in exchange for items/blood vials, but an increased chance of turning on you, being cut loose, like the unleash undead tool.
I guess you could base it off the Balor's constant PFE checking, but instead, give it a percentile chance of going bugfuck every round?
Honestly with Albert Reed this was something that always got me. Right now Demons/Devils are just a summoning theme for flavor. Also as a conjurer you really lose out on the buffs of transmutation. Also there are plenty of way stronger summoning themes that are way more powerful and do not carry the same negative stigma.
I think infernalists and demonologists should be given more flavor.
Well. I once played a powerful demon dude. All it takes is making it more than 'summon theme' in-game. I looked for demon names and made deals with lesser demons to know more, of course it was risky. One of my goof ups triggered a HUGE demon plot/event that very few knew where it all started!
Also, with this knowledge I unleashed a powerful demon (named) on the Stewards and Stargazers. It roamed the wilds until it was defeated.
I personally wouldn't want a devil/demon system akin to the undead system. Maybe some sort of expanded alchemy demon/devil research that allows 'gate' or 'planar binding' type items, limited making, and having the spells altered/revamped for this type of use.
Summoners of all stripes have an abundance of awesome available to them. Well-stocked, they can theoretically tackle any problem they encounter. There are secrets and nuances that would take several pages of text to fully articulate. Some of the obscure possibilities with the summoning system are unknown even to some of our dungeon masters. Conjurers are definitely not lacking in content.
As for black magic, I think putrid_plum's post very effectively demonstrates what can be done already. There are items rarely acquirable in-game that can enable incredibly dangerous, lucrative rituals for fiendish spellcasters.
Such acts do require a dungeon master, however...
Perhaps something comparable to druidic rituals can be granted to darkbinders. Decidedly sinister locations, such as the Bone Pit, do exist. Why not enable an enterprising evil to do something similar? Let them gather the dark energies and unleash a pack of hostile imps! Receive an unholy boon! Risk their lives with a spellcraft check!
There wouldn't be a need for a grand reward like enriched leystones either, I think. Most would stop such a dastardly deed out of principle or self-preservation. Maybe it can require a live player sacrifice.
I personally think demons/devils should be more of a big deal than people make of them.
It would feel 'cheapened' if you just saw hordes of random demons just lying around the crossroads or something. I think some things are cooler when they're rare.