I rolled a Fighter PC who took a weapon focus feat in shortspear and 2, Dorndaggan Das Daukyr. Upon reaching level 4, I could not take weapon specialization with the same weapon. Is this intended, or a bug?
Should be able to take all normally, as far as I've tested. Though I will take a look when I can.
I just tested it now. It worked fine for me. Weapon focus shortspear and weapon specialization shortspear was available right at level 4 fighter.
Maybe it's just specific to me, then. I took pictures, re-logged to try again.
I would suggest, just in case, that you redownload haks. Rather, redownload dialog.tlk file and c_zool_efu.
And make sure you got no overrides that can possibly override any feat information or other stuff (Because overrides will override hak files information if they collide)
Redownloading did the trick, thank you.
You probably had some old version and actually did not have the necessary information in there.