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Main Forums => Off-topic Discussion => Topic started by: Spiffy Has on March 17, 2014, 03:51:35 AM

Title: A Mystery In Laywin's Field
Post by: Spiffy Has on March 17, 2014, 03:51:35 AM
"Twas a stormy night of the murder, lad. Middle of the square- Old Man Pete was stirring up a ruckus about freaks coming through town- and aye, they were freaks, tails wings and scales, all of em- some sort of performer's troop they was- but they were gone when Old Pete got kicked into Kelemvor's Realm. He was on the stage, denouncing these freaks and saying we god-fearin' folk shouldn't let such folks in town- then blood started coming out of his nose and his ears and he dropped dead convulsing in seizure- it was a gorey sight. None of us touched his body for three days, and only then cause it was starting to stink." ~Lewis the Innkeeper.

Laywin Field has a murderer- a mystery, and an adventure waiting to happen.

You are a small group of adventures hired by the town's mayor to find the murderer, end the threat to his hamlet, and return the status quo to his humble home.

If you're interested, I'll actually build the Module and shit and run a few sessions for people to jump in on. There will be no haks, and you can play what you want. Just be FR appropriate.
Post by: Spiffy Has on March 17, 2014, 04:03:00 AM
Join #LaywinField on IRC to bounce ideas off me for this.
Post by: Aberrant Starlight on April 20, 2014, 04:35:33 AM
So yea, done.

You will need CEP, btw, which can be downloaded from the NwN Vault.

Join #LaywinField on IRC.