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In-character Forums => Journals and Musings => Topic started by: I love cats on January 22, 2025, 11:34:34 AM

Title: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on January 22, 2025, 11:34:34 AM
I have come of age the valuable estate my family once held in our king's commons has been long lost. These other lords have utterly yielded to the rebels. They are content to enjoy what they have too cowardly to claim the lands of their forefathers. If not for the forces of Lord Grigori Orza our ways of life and our ways would be irrelevant and erradicated. I refuse to guard some weeping widow I have not the prestige to even court her. I refuse to be black out drunk brawling and fornicating with goats and join the idiocy of Bernard and his men. I refuse to be a glorified party guard for these idiot Winespill bastards and all manner of guests. All that has fat fool Norbert has spent on his frivolities and parties could have been spent reclaiming the commons twice over. I refuse to be subjected to the insane whims of the Nephezar and being burnt alive by Nicodemus on one of his temper tantrums. Me forced to be a censor and kneel for some weak mages who cannot duel? Grigori's name will be held in the same regard as Dorvant in the years to come mark my words.
Title: Re: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on January 23, 2025, 10:33:34 AM
I can't believe it Norbert's bastard Adrian and his fool awoken brother Norbert whored out Emily to committed utter treason against the ward. They lead a horde of Ticker men to assault the Peerage itself. Magnus the manslayer he was like many men who came to serve my lord a cutthroat and a savage dog. Lord Orza strongly objected to him being made into a retainer but somehow this crop of idiot awoken saw it done. However the disgrace and treason of Norbert's blood is inexcusable. In some bizarre act of idiocy after besting Norbert's fool knight in combat a duel was done. The losses we suffered were massive. As our ward was invaded Sunpurse sent no aid, the trash gulls sent no aid, The Glitt's continued their usual drinking and the Vale partied while it was me the men of Orza that occurred heavy losses. I did a few swings and made some retreats to the castle under invisibility. What turned the battle was some random mage casting extemely powerful magic to decimate the mob. Without this nameless mage Castle Moonspear may have been emptied once more.
Title: Re: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on January 23, 2025, 12:40:35 PM
[At this point quite a few pages are missing due withstanding the overall chaos of the rainfall pages destroyed]

...My lord he is dead his son I have never even heard of has taken over..............

............Drill?.......Those alcoholic midgets detonated the ring?

........These are not men whatever they are.......Men are disappearing........The Nothing it is coming?

.........After betraying our King we have betrayn our count and formed a Cinquefoil rose.
Title: Re: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on January 23, 2025, 01:02:17 PM
The deed has been done Castle Moonspear has been rigged to explode. All those years spent learning siege craft and explosives only to use it on my lord's own Hearth a treasure of the Peerage Ward. Lord Grigori nor Maximillian would have ever done something this foolish. It was a grand keep meant for the military master of the Peerage Ward. It is a great shame what lord Anders has asked of me. We can't pick our orders.

My company has been intercepted we were unable to reach Lord Anders at the Drill we are surrounded by Lizadfolk. It is going to be a very messy fight for us to get out of this. If the sendings are to be believed Anders is past the drill. I"m glad we don't have to defend the fool count at the drill.
Title: Re: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on January 28, 2025, 07:10:22 AM
These storms these wastes I can't believe how many memories have been removed. My home it is naught but ash. The Golden City Bazeel is the only known place and her gates are shut....I have arrived to the well and found what remains of the Cinquefoil Rose. A twisted bastardized version of what we signed up for. These witches, and these Balladeers these people largely have turned their backs on the ways of 99. The Grandmaster has even bent the knee to these damnable midgets who cannot even duel. Gone is the age of humanity true honor, duello and violence. Now it is weakness plots games and intrigue. What else left is there besides to count groats? My lord Anders even joined these Banda Rossa. I have spoken to one Caddick to make sense of this place. As fine as she speaks she knows nothing of true honor.
Title: Re: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on January 30, 2025, 04:52:17 AM
I had joined the Banda Rossa its perhaps the only place for a man like me in this city of games intrigue and nonsense. However unfortunately I have inherited their foes the Orentids. They got the better of me and I was sure I was facing death. She decided to take all of my belongings instead. I would not mind have ended my life then and there. My home is gone and I am in this nonsense new world ruled by these midget overlords. I have no idea how the fuck what happened to me is supposed to lower the rent.
Title: Re: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on February 20, 2025, 08:08:42 PM
As I have become more of the man the company has expected of me I have moved up. My forefathers must roll in their graves knowing that I am no honored retainer that I am just a sellsword. I had a nightmare of the Royal Archivist making a whisper denouncing me for my adventures with non humans in disgrace to my name and my house.  I have been forced to call midgets and knife eared freaks my comrades. Condoiterro Rousseau how she has coddled them tolerating the idiotic antics of Kythalae that are not good for the company. Tolerating the psychopathic midget Longhands. Killing Boris was utterly moronic however orders are orders. It is what happens when the antics of a midget are entertained. I had looked upon Longhands with favor at first however as time went on she became an utter disappointment.
Title: Re: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on February 20, 2025, 08:15:32 PM
The battle began and I took my position utilizing artillery. I heard the news that the psychopathic midget and the wood monkey Reithel perished. While Alice and other idiots were screaming on the telescope I made it clear to them the only thing I gave a damn about was firing on target. Good riddance the less subhumans in the company the better. The only death I felt bad about of my comrades was Magnus. All of my years of education in the art of siege had been utterly unraveled. I expected archers, mages on the walls, their sneaks. I did not anticipate a wall lowering to the ground and a full invasion. There are some who expected me to just stand fight and die. We who possess true honor know how to properly navigate a battlefield. Instead of engaging Orcs as one I took advantage of their waves against them hurling explosives at them, cutting some of them down only to vanish into invisibility. However that Ogre, that fucking ogre was hurling dispels at everyone and killing everyone. I made it a point to avoid that thing as much as possible and kill its men while fools faced it head on. I to faced a few Behemoths.
Title: Re: Donisthrope Diary
Post by: I love cats on February 26, 2025, 05:12:12 PM
A deal was struck and a vote of rulership was cast for a knife eared creature. However such a choice is necessary when a person acts with true honor in benefit to who he is loyal to. I serve the Capitana and backing the loser Edmund  would not be serving her properly. It is the true meaning of true honor that Edmund learned nothing of from his Reeve. This idiot did not campaign properly this idiot did not even try arranging for this wood monkey to die or using the creep idiots or even the wyrmists. I gave this fool a chance to face this elven in a fight all he needed was to beat her and find someone willing to toss a fireball or stab her pon his victory while she bled on the floor. Even though I instigated this fight he did not seize pon such an opportunity. If Edmund was a man of true honor the knife eared creature would be dead and he would be legate or he would have been able to defeat her in a campaign.  Perhaps I should remind him and the public of how his lord Desmond was a changeling and his own wife had to save his name by having him killed. How he was happy to betray his king and rightful sovereign of his lands for some bloodsucking undead usurper. Oriana is perhaps only reason the Sunpurse name even has any honor after the disgrace of Desmond and his heir Phelan. I feel for her to suffer the dishonor of your love and your own son to be changeling bastards.

Yet there are questions of my old home that remains unanswered. What has became of Phelan? What has became of the heir of house Moonspear? How does one gain entrance to the King's Lands? Where is lord Kristoff and Gisuperre? Is the patriarch Albert Donisthrope not my father and just another fool cuckolded by that fat fool Norbert? What was that usurper count's connection to the peerage? Why did the Reeve support this grandmaster only to end up as some barkeep serving drinks to subhumans? It was him who unified the houses against the Count.