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In-character Forums => Notices and Bulletins => Topic started by: NeedForGreed on January 03, 2025, 08:25:08 PM

Title: Assembly Records - Public Minutes
Post by: NeedForGreed on January 03, 2025, 08:25:08 PM
QuoteNisah 3rd, IY 7789
Achaeus Komemnos, Purple
Dante Moretti, Gold

On the matter of lifting the exile of Durgin Doomed-Oath

Prior to the Assembly, one Marcellus requested the lifting of Durgin's exile. The Legates stated their stances then, and later during the Assembly the matter was brought up formally. Grenth Flamebringer petitions for the lifting of the exile of Durgin Doomed-Oath, and asks those who stand in support to stand beside him. Fourteen stood beside him. Vizier Lestrange presented a tarot card and restated the position of the Purple that Durgin must lift the curse that plagues the soldiers of Kardeslar, after which his exile can be lifted. Grenth and other supporters stated that Durgin is dying and "withering", and that to do so at this time would be difficult for him.

Legate Moretti votes yes, Komemnos votes no with the clarification: "Until he lifts the malady, he will remain in exile". Legate Komemnos: "Durgin Doomed-Oath is a criminal who operated independent of military command and wrought upon us a disastrous pox. The only effort I shall accept is the cure to this malady." Moretti: "I exiled him as an explicit favor, requested by him, and he hasn't done anything but stoke the unrest about it. I am in favor of lifting his exile."

Aurelio d'Lyon requests permission to build a statue of Manta Wholt in the Souk, which he would have built at his own expense.

"He was a prosperous man who added value to our society, his passing should be marked with something to honor him, where he dwelt most". Legate Moretti voted yes, and proposed a donation from the government of 10,000 dinars to the temple of B'aara in his name. Komemnos does not wish a monument to every fallen man, and wants the statue on private property. Rhuk Nor and others also express concerns about statues in the streets. Aurelio d'Lyon proposes a place at the rear of the restaurant. Legate Komemnos states the Maqbara is a sufficient locale for a memorial to the dead, and voted no.

Nasreen Shabani requests an update to Arslan, and how it shall be divided, or ruled, and whether any decision has been made or plans advanced.

Legate Komemnos states that the League of Purple stands for the rightful heirs and appointments of the Caliphs of the dynasty of Al-Maribid. Legate Moretti states that he and his co-Legate have taken proactive steps to bring Arslan into our sphere. He states that the peculiars must remain secret for good reason. Legate Komemnos states that what is to come is uncertain, and that when the war is ended, the terms will be negotiated.

Ramez Hour Sobhy requests a clarification and expedition of the quarry audit.

Legate Komemnos states it has been forestalled due only to the slow turn of bureaucracy. He goes on to state that his Vizier Lestrange is to take an assortment of Scribes and Janissaries there posthaste and take from the quarry their ledgers for an assessment at her earliest convenience. Legate Moretti states it has been ordered, is in the hands of the bureaucracy. He states his cabinet will be avid participants of the process and apply their financial expertise to the audit. DCS Bashir states he has assigned his best on the matter. Sobhy asks if the quarry can show more cooperation, and Legate Moretti replies that there has been no obstruction to his knowledge, only that it is a slow process. Legate Komemnos states that he is concerned about the quarry. Legate Moretti states that the quarry is a registered security on the Baz'eel Stock Exchange which employs citizens of Ephia's well.

Toga Law

There was a commotion, in which Sergeant Rhuk Nor stated that Recluta uniforms were not acceptable for the Assembly. Recluta Linlett Longhands stated she was allowed to wear her uniform. DCS Bashir stated that Recluta uniforms are acceptable for the Assembly. The dispute was over whether conscript-rank uniforms were acceptable.

Balladeer Aeronwy Caddick proposes entitlements and prizes for those who work hard to build community

(For people like Manta Wholt) Legate Moretti states that he has attempted to include art and cooking in prizes of 20,000, and that the contests are intended in a similar vein to Caddick's suggestion. Legate Komemnos states his concerns of embezzlement. Balladeer Caddick suggests a title to foster pride, and a stipend to ensure gross overspending is avoided. Legate Moretti states he is in favor of creating a Minister of Culture title.

Other topics

Citizen Luther Donisthrope speaks at the podium, asking about the "toga rule" and that he does not see it in the penal code and believes it is pointless. The Legates agree to leave matters of palatial decorum to the DCS Bashir.

It was agreed by the Legates to hold the Allotment tomorrow.

The topic of Hakem was raised informally. Some favor dissolving the title, some do not. Legate Moretti states that if the Synod votes to abolish itself, the title of Hakem will be removed with it, and to leave the matter to the Synod itself. Legate Komemnos stated that he sees no reason to rush the topic.


I. Public Request For Lifting of Durgin's Exile
Komemnos: No (Not until he lifts the curse)
Moretti: Yes

II. d'Lyon's Request for Permission to Build A Wholt Statue In The Souk (At His Expense)
Komemnos: No
Moretti: Yes

III. Caddick's Request For Entitlements And Prizes For Public Contributors
Komemnos: Maybe
Moretti: Yes
Title: Re: Assembly Records - Public Minutes
Post by: NeedForGreed on January 05, 2025, 04:06:08 AM
QuoteNisah 5th, IY 7789
Dante Moretti, Gold
Prelate Serapion, Purple
Achaeus Komemnos, Purple

Scribe Funding

Legate Moretti proposes issuing 10,000 to the Scribes, Prelate Serapion agrees. 10,000 was then issued as portion of the state allotment.

Allotment - General

Legate Moretti called upon one representative of all three major departments to take the podium together. Representatives were asked to state recent accomplishments and their budget request for the upcoming quarter. The previous Allotment was 15,000 to the Legion, 11,000 to the Astronomers, and 11,000 to the Cinquefoil Rose.

Allotment - Cinquefoil Rose

First to speak was Aeronwy Caddick, representing the Cinquefoil Rose. She stated that 'the Rose's banner flies over the Krak des Roses, that the Rose guards the southland, feeds refugees by the thousands, and offers refugees shelter in storm guarded by the Banda Rossa'. She states that their 'Warmaster remains prepared, that they complete their projects'.

Serapion stated that the Cinquefoil Rose would receive not a single dinar from the Ephian Treasury this allotment, for the Banda Rossa's "ill-formed attempt at the coercion of the Legate of the Second Seat through violent intimidation and threats against his wife. The League of Purple shall not bow its head to  this attempted subversion of the system laid into place by his Sublimity, Sultan Osman the Sixth, and shall not reward the Grandmaster for this mercenary endeavor. We shall not allow for this precedent to establish itself wherein the Legates might be subjected to violence by the Accord as to serve their needs."

Balladeer Caddick stated, "the Cinquefoil Rose is to receive its due as in previous allotments, with an extra 10,000 dinari for her beloved Red Band" (Banda Rossa). She further said: "For this extrajudicial civil asset forfeiture conducted in the Krak des Roses a day prior, after the allotment an extra 5,000 dinari will be delivered to the treasury of the Rose". It was clarified that she was referring to the closing of properties of deceased individuals by Legate Moretti the day prior, which included the Krak des Roses rental of one Sister Zoe.

Prelate Serapion stated he is willing to concede 5,000 for the confiscation of the property. Prelate Serapion and Legate Moretti discussed the matter. Acolyte Narwen clarified that the Rose had paid 4,770 dinar to retake Sister Zoe's property, and that their request was for reimbursement and rounded up. Legate Moretti stated that the cost of re-acquiring the property went back into the Rose's coffers, since they paid themselves. "All rentals within the Krak des Roses are, by longstanding agreement, rerouted back into the Cinquefoil treasury and split three ways. You are asking the state to reimburse you for the money you paid yourself to buy a deceased citizen's apartment".

Caddick stated that Moretti did not have a right to close the property, while Nadiri Inanna clarified that per the Accord he has this right. "While the rooms belong to the Grandmaster, she has leashed the governing of those rooms to the legates. They maintain them for her". Scribe's note: The Nadiri is correct, Legates have the authority to govern these rooms and the amount paid was paid directly back into the Cinquefoil Rose's Treasury.

After some discussion, Caddick ceded the matter and amended the Cinquefoil Rose's request to: "11,000 dinari to match the allotment prior, and 10,000 reward for la Banda Rossa's guardianship, to a total ask of 21,000". Prelate Serapion restated Legate Achaeus' orders of 'not a single dinari to the Cinquefoil Rose for their attack on a Legate's wife'.

Allotment - Fourth Legion

Janissary Lesthrae Ilphudel took the podium, and stated: "The Fourth Legion faces down the brunt of the orcish fury at the Scald as much as any. Our supplies do not replenish themselves. Our men require rations and arms to maintain their strength in the face of constant skirmishes and patrols". She went on to state that patrols and pressing investigations in the city require dinari as well. On the Fourth's accomplishments, she stated: "My comrades are regular fixtures at the Scald. We fight often - and we're winning. Sergeant Rhuk Nor remains the most accomplished orc slayer by a considerable margin", and that their numbers are rising. She went on to request an allotment of 30,000 dinari for the Fourth Legion.

Allotment - Astronomers of Q'Tolip

Nadiri Inanna spoke next. She requested 20,000 dinari for the allotment to the Tower of Q'tolip, and stated their accomplishments: "Ranging from Apothar Stern designing new methods of destruction and thoroughly inspecting every infraction of brookery, to our every tired Apothar Zol Nur, busy on the war front to protect our troops against the terrible heat with our mobile shade pylon...The war council recently approved the secret project of the Zenithars for the War Effort, to study and safeguard us against titans." She went on to state that Nadiri are busy with license interviews, archaeology, overseeing laboratory access, and assisting with the production of Snow Globes for the War Effort.

Allotment - Continued
Accord requests: Rose requests 21k, Fourth 30k, Tower 20k.

Legate Moretti stated he was broadly in support of giving each Accord what they requested.

Caddick stated that the Red Band should receive more allotment because "We did a little thing ne'er done in an age. We slayed that Djinn". This referred to the recent expedition to slay the djinn Mojem, of Vae Mojem, by a group including the Rose, dwarves, Nadiri and others.

Janissary Ilphudel stated that others were involved in the slaying, including Nadiri Inanna and many others. Prelate Serapion asked for proof that the djinn had been slain: "It cannot be known if the Balladeer Aurelio cannot place trust into the hands of the other partners of the Accord. Nevertheless, I am willing to make a minor concession".

Prelate Serapion offered 1/100th of the Fourth's requested allotment to the Cinquefoil Rose, "as recompense for their bravery in sending many good men to their deaths in that dread tower. Three hundred dinari". He restated that Legate Komemnos ordered not a single dinar for the Cinquefoil Rose for their attack on the Legate's wife. Legate Moretti stated he was willing to lower to 11,000 for the Cinquefoil Rose. Prelate Serapion countered 3,000. Legate Moretti proposed 10,000, for the Cinquefoil Rose. Prelate Seraphion stated that the Tower and Legion "are well deserving of what they are owed", but would not agree to more funds for the Banda Rossa per Legate Komemnos' statements.

Clarification was asked on why the Rose was being denied, Prelate Serapion restated it was due to threats and violence against a sitting Legate (Dante Moretti's wife "and how her life was leveraged over him to preclude him from taking any actions that might not suit the good mercenaries who serve their Capitana"). "The Banda Rossa, who kidnapped and assaulted Fiordelise Foscari, and who leveraged this over Legate Moretti to bid him do works that favor them. The First Seat will not budge from this."

Legate Moretti stated that it was the decision of the League of Gold, that "we will not approve an allotment that cuts the Cinquefoil Rose out entirely. While we are willing to heavily favor the Janissaries and Astronomers, and disfavor the Rose, we are not willing to go so far as to give the Grandmaster nothing". Prelate Seraphion stated, "Let it be heard then, there shall be no allotment". Legate Moretti handed over 3,000 dinari to each of the Accord representatives. Prelate Serapion stated that Legate Moretti was making a show of it.

Balladeer Caddick protested that "I and my student personally saved Legate Achaeus from assassination at the hands of Argent Argyris and his assassin." Janissary al-Basri stated that this was not how things went down, and Prelate Serapion said it was a false representation of events.

Petition - Funds for the Refugees

After the Allotment concluded, Acolyte Seriyah raised her petition. She stated that the war has displaced "many thousands of refugees" and requested the Legates to consider a divestment of dinars towards refugee charity. She stated that since the previous Assembly in Adar or Subat, more refugees have arrived and there is broad support for her petition. She requested funds to enlarge what shelter has been provided to house more of them. She requested broadly 50,000 to be placed in the Legates' and Scribes' hands for this purpose. Prelate Serapion asked for clarification, whether she wanted to expand the Drifter's Stockade. Prelate Serapion stated that he was willing to approve the sum towards the enlargement of dwellings for the benefit of the poor outside the Walls. Legate Moretti agreed. 50,000 dinari were transferred to the Great Temple of B'aara for this purpose.

Petition - Rewrite of Arms Bearing Laws

Sergeant Rhuk Nor spoke next, requesting a law rewritten, that of Law XI, Arms Bearing. He described it as a majorly trying thing in the past. He requests a change that if a Janissary requests for someone to stow their weapon, they must do so. He stated that he is "tired of arguing with over-eager Recluta in the street". Recluta Linlett protested, saying that it was already written in the license. Legate Moretti and Sergeant Rhuk Nor responded that it was not standardized, that it differed between licenses written by Legates. Rhuk Nor stated that Recluta with the license refuse to comply with his orders to stow weapons, because they have a license from a legate. Prelate Serapion stated he would be more willing to accept the law (Legate Komemnos has previously refused to alter the legal code with Moretti, according to Moretti), if Moretti agreed to give Komemnos the position he requested be etched upon the Stele. Legate Moretti stated he was in favor of Rhuk Nor's request, but would need to "approve the establishment of the Praetorian Guard within the Pyramid". Prelate Serapion states that "Legate Achaeus desires the establishment of an honor guard to be headed by Aldric Darkstone, which Legate Moretti has refused". Darkstone is a former Balladeer. Legate Moretti: "I am not approving the Praetorians unless the Janissaries specifically tell me that they're on board with it", adding that "Skarn will eat my face". The Legate and Prelate did not reach an agreement, the position was not added to the Stele and the law was not rewritten.

On the Matter of the Cinquefoil Rose and an Attack on a Legate's Wife

During this time, Balladeer Caddick complained on the bellows about the allotment. Legate Komemnos answered that his position was unchanged. He announced the lifting of the exile of Bras Voldebur, stating that the exile lifting was requested of him. He described the man as "a man who stood for moral convictions and zealously guarded Ephia's Well from the venom of a serpent most foul". He then joined the Assembly, taking his seat.

After Legate Komemnos retook his seat, and was brought up to speed. He reiterated that no gold shall flow from the treasury for the Cinquefoil Rose, "until the day that the Banda Rossa are disciplined by the petals of the Rose".

Komemnos called Lieutenant Colmes to the dais, who he asked what a fitting punishment for the Banda Rossa is, "for the grotesque miscarriage perpetrated by our Warmaster". Colmes asked if he was referring to "the sequence of events regarding Durgin Doomed-Oath, her 'strongest soldier', in which she declared to me that she would play no part in his punishment, then elected to defend him, release him from the lesser punishment he was granted".

Komemnos stated no, "We are referring to the kidnapping and ransom of Legate Moretti's wife to strongarm his signature". Colmes replied: "Anyone else would have been executed or exiled if they could not be brought to court". Komemnos clarified that the question was not hypothetical and that he is demanding penance in exchange for a single dinar from the state treasury.

Colmes replied that there were issues after the last time a Banda Rossan was on trial, and was "the sort of thing that would light fires all over the Well". Prelate Serapion asked if that should be a precedent, "That the Banda Rossa shall always be above the law". Colmes suggested a were-gild for the crime directly into the treasury. Komemnos stated his position was 50,000 dinar to the state treasury "as means of a fine for suborning acts that border on treason from the Cinquefoil Rose".

Allotment - Finalization

Legate Komemnos stated: "I apologize that the rest of the Accord shall not receive the pay it is due". The representatives of the Fourth and the Tower proposed that the Rose's allotment be delayed until a negotiation could be reached, and that their organizations still needed funding. Legate Komemnos stated that if there is no emergency, the compromise is for the Banda Rossa "paying the blood-gold they are due".

Legate Moretti stated he would provide an indefinite writ to the 30/20/10 divide, in which a lion's share of dinars go to the Janissaries and Astronomers, and could be approved without his presence. A discussion was had on the precedent this might set, and that traditionally decisions are made all at once.

Accord requests: Rose requests 21k, Fourth 30k, Tower 20k.

Both agreed to fund the Scribes 10,000 dinari.

Legate Komemnos stated no dinar from the state treasury for the Cinquefoil Rose until the Banda Rossa's actions were resolved.
Legate Moretti stated he would not agree to an allotment where the Cinquefoil Rose received nothing.
The Legates otherwise agreed that the Astronomers and Fourth Legion were owed their requested amount, but did not agree on the Rose. Legate Komemnos' stated position was that the Banda Rossa must pay a 50,000 dinari fine for 'borderline treason'.

Both Legates agreed to pay the Church of B'aara 50,000 dinari to help refugees.

The Legates did not agree to change arm bearing laws.