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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Anthee on December 27, 2024, 01:20:24 PM

Title: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: Anthee on December 27, 2024, 01:20:24 PM
We have had polls like this on Discord, but I always felt it was sad how quickly they were buried under other messages. So I just want to take the time to say a few grateful words to a number of players who in my opinion deserve special recognition this year and/or contributed significantly to my fun here!

In no particular order:

NeedForGreed / Fiordelise Foscari

You poured an immense amount of effort into this character who did exactly what a good and kind priestess should be doing. I know it was rough at times for a number of reasons, and the dearth of tangible results may have felt depressing to you. But I want you to know that at least to me, the world felt more real and alive thanks to your consistently terrific RP – made all the more impressive by your being new to the server. I have a feeling that Manijeh will be at least as interesting!

Dan Orcshein / Haldar Steelheart

Another thing that makes the game world feel more real to me is when characters have goals and dreams that do not involve just ambition in its various forms but are about friends, family, love, all those small everyday things which mean so much in real life too. Besides that, I think bards are really the most important characters of all because they tell the stories of others and of the world at large. And Haldar does just that.

big metal rod (Dragon's Dogma) / Argent Argyris

Probably the most talked-about PC of the latter half of the year, and for good reason. Just an all-around great PC, incredibly magnetic. The stuff you pulled off with him kept amazing me and was a delight to watch, at first from the sidelines, then a little closer. I wonder if Argent still has something more in store for Ephia's Well...

Stranger / Dante Moretti

My favourite schemer and slick politician. I would have missed out on so much fun without you/him. I hope he keeps being the Well's #1 mafio— People's Man even with Fiordelise taking a break. The League of Gold would be much less interesting without him.

Rhipose / Manta Wholt

Every boss needs loyal henchmen. Manta always filled that role admirably – I just wish you would come back soon! Besides that, the amount of thought you put into characterisation is staggering... and you always remember weaknesses, too. Manta is terrific <3

Ziya / Balstan Gloamingdaith & Seriyah al-Setareh

All the scholarly creative writing you have done on both of these characters improves the depth and richness of the game world in a way that is normally the domain of talented DMs. And on top of that is the primer you wrote and illustrated for new players. I have no idea how often you hear thanks for these things, but in all likelihood, not often enough. So: thank you. The characters themselves were/are memorable too and always fun to interact with!


I love the long and candid conversations Zina occasionally has with Elara. Elara is one of those characters who tend to fade into the background (often very literally!) but without whom much would be lost. I appreciate the effort you have put into Elara's personality and characterisation. She is always a joy to be around :)

Solipso / Cogsworth Clockhand

Every town needs a mad scientist. I love your creativity and consistent RP – you also clearly put a lot of effort into your quirky concepts. And sometimes, when the gods smile on your ideas in game, we get new and wonderful toys to play with. I am glad Cogs has a workshop again!

* * *

The problem with these lists is that they can never be exhaustive. If I did not mention your PC here but you expected me to, please forgive me! I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to interact with my PCs, no matter when and for how long!

OK, I wrote more entries than I thought I would, and now I hope you will do the same!
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: Pandip on December 27, 2024, 03:54:36 PM
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: Fabulous Secret Powers on December 27, 2024, 04:36:01 PM
Selwyn, because they hit a certain tragicomic note present in the queer experience, and in general, it feels like I'm talking to one of my drama-laden friends.

Richo, because he always manages to make me laugh with their nonsense, then surprise attacks me with the Deepest Lore.

Argent, for being easily one of the more interesting bosses Bashir has had in his time as a Scribe.

Marcellus, for the same reason, and simply for being the Chaos Grandpa that nobody else can emulate.

Zol Nur and Cogsworth, for perfectly executing the vibes that their characters are all about.

Karpie, for playing a bunch of PCs that are both funny af and extremely endearing, each in their own, unique way.

The DM team as a whole, because I get a very humbling amount of attention from most of them. Special mentions to Abala, Dan and Halfbrood for always managing to make me cackle, and to Bearic for both enabling niche RP, and for having the patience of a saint while I'm presenting dumb ideas for the month's fashion line.

Edit: Oh, and Narwen, for seemingly always having a cool project of some kind going on, and for painting a really awesome portrait of Bashir. SqT, for helping with the war council stuff with cool illustrations, and for making a cool drawing of Bashir!
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: NeedForGreed on December 28, 2024, 08:14:20 AM
Stranger / Dante Moretti, for being an incredible RP partner, for completely changing the course of my character's arc and life. Dante is a character with incredible depth, consistency, and guile. Dante will never NOT be one of my most favorite characters.

Manos Cosmatos for being a very quiet character who nevertheless pulls some serious weight in RP, and has consistently revitalized my excitement.

Zina, Elara, Milo, Selsi for each being uniquely story-driving and fun.
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: cmenden on December 29, 2024, 04:28:12 PM
fitz <333
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: zerotje on December 30, 2024, 10:23:44 PM
wiggy for all the villaineous acts
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: Dillusionist on December 31, 2024, 08:13:15 PM
Boni Bep'bep for his blue league antics and setups.
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: Providence on January 01, 2025, 02:58:35 PM
It's gotta be Plati Plix
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: putrid_plum on January 01, 2025, 10:05:05 PM
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: Walrus Warwagon on January 03, 2025, 09:39:10 AM
I wrote a long list, then deleted it. Sorry, but I realized that my memory is not good enough to just remember all characters whom I would love to mention. And then I would remember them later and would have this urge to add more and more.
You all were beautiful people building an amazing stories. We might have our differences, but we share one passion and this is what makes us a community. Thank you, DM team, for making this community possible.
Good luck in the new year!
Title: Re: In 2024, I appreciated…
Post by: Haldar on January 07, 2025, 02:51:33 AM
There are so many names that I want to include in this list, but alas if I do, the only one-person left on the server that I forgot will feel left out, so I'll keep it to those whom I had the most RP with so far. So if we do have nice scenes, but you're not on here, it's not because I didn't appreciate them, to the contrary, there are amazing role players that I wish I'd spend more time with, but simply haven't had the chance yet.

There are a few people I also talk to OOC on discord and such that I really appreciate... To me, the server isn't simply a bunch of characters who create stories, but it's a community with whom I can have a good time.

+Boltha Hammersong.+

Without you, I wouldn't even be playing on EFU. I would also never have tried NWN1, as I used to be a nwn2 player. You made me discover a good batch of players, so if you ever read this here, thank you. A great person to role-play the adventure with, who stick to the character to the core.

-[My dudes from the Duunthall.]-

In the order that I met you guys, Grenth, Durgin, Ulfgrim, Druggnudr, Kraqq, Baelerie (we'll call you one of the dudes anyway!)

I've never had regrets of joining the crew. We've had adventures, and I'm sure there'll be many more to come, as well as many more Durgin speeches at the moon-shaped table (I love theses). I felt welcomed, both ooc and IC, made my character feel like he was part of something bigger. Love you guys.


I always liked to hang around the emporium on the various characters I've played, even just to witness the amazing RP a shop can offer. After the 'Krak', the emporium is the next hub of the server and with reasons. On this character I got to see a whole new side of Zina as well, and she's had a big impact on his decisions -- it's always amazing how OOC one can plan something out, and it gets modified heavily by role-play of real quality from another character. I lift my hat to your emotes and how you can portray emotions with a few words.

I have to mention a few names as well.. You all have made my time be fun on this server in 2024, hopefully it'll follow in 2025!

The board crew – Solina, Cort, ALFRED (miss you, and yes it's Alfred, not Aldred like you keep sayin).

Zina's friends – Manijeh, Ritz, Tansim

The crazy blue robes (I'm colorblind, I think its blue?) - Cogsworth, Selwyn

And yeah, even you, Templar. Won't name your characters here you have too many, the forum won't let me post that much I'd have to attach a document to it.

Could name a certain paladin too but he's got too much fame already.

Goodbye to an awesome 2024, and « Oi there! »' to a greater 2025.:)