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Main Forums => Screen Shots & Obituaries => Topic started by: Ziya on November 07, 2024, 07:39:24 AM

Title: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: Ziya on November 07, 2024, 07:39:24 AM
This took me a while to compile, and I apologize if I missed any big moments or interactions. I had a lot of great RP moments and great RPs, and if your character isn't caught in one of the screenshots I displayed here it's 100% because I simply had to pick really carefully from around 1,289 screenshots taken over his lifetime. My utmost gratitude to the DM team and all the players who made roleplaying Balstan an absolutely incredible and unforgettable experience. I can't really give a special shout out because the list would be almost comically long - there was just so very, very many of you, and trying to list it out all became quickly unwieldy!


When Balstan was first created, my goals were to: (a) write a Compendium for v6; and (b) try to get the Fellow's Ring from the Sandstone College. Balstan entering into politics and somehow winning an election to become a Legate was very much an accident of fate, where he spotted an opportunity and decided to roll the die on it, and it somehow came up successful. Originally, he was just a simple Sandstone scholar that was trying to make a living writing books.


On his VERY first day, a Djinn pipe appeared before Balstan and he picked it up. He was almost killed there and then as a Brooker, and history could well have been very different!


He spoke to many people to sponsor his work on the Compendium, and this was also what led him down the League of Gold. As far as he was concerned, if you are going to spend hours of your life on something, you better be well paid for it! From Cosine to Marcellus to Rennik, he had many illustrious sponsors in his early days...




Har'pas was a terrifying moment for him, and perhaps when his political interests first became stoked.


Eventually, an election was called, and a dwarf named Balstan Gloamingdaith and a man named Argent Argyris met and spoke for the first time around a rickety table in the Krak des Roses. A promise was made. A political alliance was entered into.


Many, many other meetings, debates, and rallies followed...







And then, somehow, very much to an incredulous Balstan, he won.


Sadly, the easy part is over, and the difficult part has begun.








There were good days...


... and there were bad days.


And there were very bad days.



The Second Kardesler was a wonderful, magical experience.




Subsequently, we turn to the beginnings of the GOLD MONOCHROMACY and the plot to turn Ephia's Well into a metropolis of trade and industry.




The first election of Argent Argyris was a troubled and turbulent one. The elections that followed, or so I understand, were not much less troubled - but this was the first!





But we did it in the end.



The Gold Monochromacy did much, from welcoming Got Valdhazr, to holding very peaceful and calm Assemblies, to finally getting 'metals' for the war (because Martin Ashbury, thanks!) to trying to reform the entire Penal Code...





And of course, there was the War against the Thousand Clans...













Eventually, he had to come up for reelection. Which, uh, went badly.



Anyway, he lost. Which began another chapter in the Life of Balstan - his post-Legate time, as a Fellow of the Sandstone College and consummate adventurer!










But there have always been warnings in his life, and more than once he escaped death only by an inch. Until, eventually, he doesn't.


Bonus round!













There's quite a bit that I can't and didn't include because they are spoilery and/or still possibly plot-relevant. There's also loot which will come... eventually.
Title: Re: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: Whyleth on November 07, 2024, 07:52:07 AM
It was a fun journey returning to EFU as Niranye and Balstan.
Good friends to forced enemies.

It was a joy to see you return, reaching the highs of Legate and the second compendium you have wrote.
Title: Re: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: NeedForGreed on November 07, 2024, 08:22:55 AM
Rest in peace prince. May you eat lots of salad in heaven...

I always enjoyed my interactions with Balstan. Thank you for them!
Title: Re: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: Les Abysses on November 07, 2024, 02:16:42 PM
A brilliant PC. I had a great deal of fun with the Sandstone Exam and loved the Compendium. Alas, his political aspirations took him ever skyward, where only the uncaring sun awaited.
Title: Re: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: big metal rod on November 07, 2024, 09:22:33 PM
Let me tell you that I loved him and that I think about him all the time.  RIP.
Title: Re: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: Pandip on November 08, 2024, 12:16:58 AM
cool cat, good luck on the next.
Title: Re: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: Moonlighter on November 08, 2024, 12:59:37 AM
rip gloomdwarf
Title: Re: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: -UnholyWon- on November 10, 2024, 08:21:16 PM
A wonderful and well played politician and dwarf! Well done!
Title: Re: Balstan Gloamingdaith, Legate & Fellow of the Sandstone College
Post by: Anthee on December 06, 2024, 09:41:39 AM
I enjoyed all the interactions I had with Balstan, fewer though they were than I would've liked... and I still remember how he sponsored Zina's trading license when she was just beginning her mercantile career. I loved in particular his scarce but shrewd political commentary over the bellows. (And that says a lot because generally I hate politics over the bellows!)