Well I promised I'd start with this
My Defense is that she was a new Scribe and her boss told her to. That's my story and i'm sticking to it.
After a year and 3 months, the time has finally come to Set Aaisha aside.
That is a crazy amount of time to me, I have never dedicated so long to a character before, and I can honestly say I enjoyed damn near every minute of it. But, real life distractions and In Game time rarely lining up with the people that fueled her plots most finally took it's toll and there were people more Deserving to be called Deputy Chief Scribe.
Big thanks to the DM team for allowing me to experience so many of the awesome political intrigues of the Server through her, and especially big thanks to Abala for constantly tolerating my requests and fixing many of the things I managed to accidentally screw up.
On the Player Side, it's a long list of people who made her a great character to Play.
Legates! Sol Auk, Qari, Guivarch, Nasreen, Casella, Argent, Balstan, Zaniah, Guasim, Akna... and I guess that Marcellus Saenus guy as well :P
Whether it was as a close adviser, a bitter rival, or a deeply exhasperated debating partner every single one of you helped shape Aaisha's story and gave it so many unexpected twists and turns! Thank you for putting up with a very uppity Ashfolk who constantly berated you despite you technically being her Boss.
My Scribes! So many have come and gone, damn near impossible to thank them all, but one has to Stand above all others. Bashir, my successor. The Best faction buddy I could possibly have asked for. Never a dull moment, never a single conversation that didn't leave me eagerly awaiting the next one. Enjoy the title, I wheeled and dealed to create it but you more than earned it.
The Accord! So many faces coming and going, Colmes, Mirielle, Vico, Cosine, Azimi, Mae, Horton, Arnock, Bootpolisher, just to name the first few that come to mind. I'm pretty sure I advocated for almost all of you to be defunded or tried for treason at one point or another, and I wouldn't change a thing. Amazing characters one and all.
My Fellow Ashfolk, members of my Traditional Ashfolk muttering Triangles. Qari and Nasreen especially often the little Angel and Devil on my shoulders, but Daoud, Zain, Hamdan, Guasim and the many who did not last so long too. Only we understand the strength it takes to go without clicking red for so long.
I wish I could thank everyone who made her so fun to play, but that would be pretty much every single person I interacted with in over a year.
I am Legitimately the Worst at remembering to take Screenshots, but I'll post what I have!
Important Scribal Duties started Early
The First Candidate Debate
Gripping Pillars and Rings Gameplay
The First Office!
Office Furnishing Issues began early
The First Kardesler
Meetings with the Biggest Figures in Merchanting
So. Much. Eavesdropping
Going to War
What goes on behind closed doors
What Could have Been
A Much Nicer Office, and So Many Meetings
The First Triple Wage Tick
Foreign Diplomacy
Amazing new Uniform
The Racist Shelf
War, Again
I've probably got more Knocking around somewhere, will add them if I find them.
Thank you all for making this such an awesome character to play, hope the next one can be even half as fun!
"Each scribe gets a job, a small con to run to prove themselves. What do you want?"
"The office is yours."
The rest, as they say, is history. Was fun to encounter her on multiple PCs and see her growth overtime.
Gale, this license isn't yours. Let's fix that.
My favorite paper pusher. Sad to see her go, happy to see what you do next.
Aaisha was a staple. Such a good PC, and we'll miss her dearly <3
Totally stellar and a longtime staple. She will be missed.
Best boss I ever had. Simple as that! I'll miss her a lot! I often logged in, thinking "oh I hope Aaisha's around", just because every interaction was so great.
A ton of screenshots, which kind of show the history of the Scribes, really, as Aaisha was pretty much the backbone of the faction. A ton of political history, too, of course!
Aaisha, another terrible influence and wonderful PC. Thank you for all the drugs :)