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Main Forums => Screen Shots & Obituaries => Topic started by: Runic on July 20, 2024, 04:09:24 AM

Title: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Runic on July 20, 2024, 04:09:24 AM
Where to start with Zain al-Saiba ...


Probably at the beginning.


Within two days, he was joining the Tower. How taboo, for an Ashfolk.


Then he wasn't as stylish as before.


To prove his worth. He swept.


And swept some more.


And then some more.


There was a lot of sweeping.


And still more digging on top ...


It took over a thousand bags of ash ...


But eventually the work was done.


And through his labours he built friendships ...


And rivalries ...


And earned the respect of his peers ...


Which afforded him many chances to see tomfoolery ...


And then he was killed ... and brought back to life, and that afforded him a new outlook on life ...


One that wasn't as dark and gloomy as before. One where he could feel ...


Where his passions flourished ...


A life full of community ...


And then ... That life was excised ...


Beneath astral waves, was he shorn ... Half of what he was, with no lustre left ...


At that point, he was only Logistics.


Mathematics and Equations. No more feelings or emotions.


And so, on the eve of battle ... works were done.


As they ever were.


And even in the face of these dangers, he would not back down.


Because he was not afraid of death. For he had walked those shores, for a long time already.


His Loot? A simple pair of slippers that Roxy gave him for christmas, thanks Roxy <3


His Build? Entirely skill focuses ... He almost got to 9, where he'd have taken SF:Building.


And the answer to the question you all really want ...

How many recipes did he know? (These include duplicates and recipes that produced nothing)

62 Tool Schematic Recipes
68 Throwable Schematic Recipes
94 Advanced Grenade Prototype Recipes
131 Missile Schematic Recipes
99 Siege Schematic Recipes
42 Uncommon Material Recipes
41 Hazardous Material Recipes
13 Primitive Material Recipes
11 Extremely Dangerous Material Recipes
1 Electromechanical Materials Recipe
1 Clockwork Materials Recipe
5 Organic Materials Recipes
and 152 baseline recipes with no schematics or materials.

Fully buffed, Zain could hit +40 engineering without factoring in the +20 from the tables.


In the words of Zain al-Saiba ... "That is all."
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Sem on July 20, 2024, 04:57:35 AM
We'll miss him.
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Anthee on July 20, 2024, 06:35:37 AM
Zain was someone that already felt like a permanent fixture in Ephia's Well. I interacted with him with all three of my v6 PCs... and enjoyed especially the moral quandary he forced Sofia in when religious feelings were heated. I think his suicide threat was about the only thing that could (and did) drive her out of the Plaza!

Admirable dedication!
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Scitus on July 20, 2024, 07:46:59 AM
*Sniffles* Ashley would have stuck him full of tubes and forced him to live as her ash Frankenstein's monster if she could. She wouldn't have let him go again.
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Don Nadie on July 20, 2024, 12:06:12 PM
A really fun PC to interact with, both in cooperation and rivalry :) Good work!
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: cmenden on July 20, 2024, 12:40:38 PM
The most beautiful boy and apprentice, Zain will be missed
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: tspawn35 on July 20, 2024, 02:47:02 PM
Zain will indeed be missed. Had great fun rping with him when possible.
Title: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Random_White_Guy on July 20, 2024, 02:51:24 PM
Was fun to see his arc develop from curious baz'eelan, to falling in with the Astros, and a treat to be with him at the end of it all.

There was a very bittersweet, almost comically tragic move of him from the cold logistic standpoint declaring Bashir was the only one he trusted to carry out the deed as they were the two best tailors in town.
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Fabulous Secret Powers on July 20, 2024, 11:08:25 PM
Zain was easily one of my favorite PCs. A character that managed to be simultaneously heart-wrenching and humorous, in such a fine balance that it's genuinely impressive! It was also very interesting to see a neurodivergent character played with such dedication. I also loved pretty much everything involving Magnifica!

The banner craft was genuinely one of the hardest hitting moments I've ever had in RP. I don't think I'll ever forget it.

I can't wait to see what you do next!

Zain screenies









Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: zerotje on July 21, 2024, 10:43:43 AM
Being able to RP someone who's literally been dead sounds like a dramatic and fun opportunity. Zain was cool to observe.
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Pandip on July 24, 2024, 03:24:08 PM
Our paths didn't cross often, but it was always neat seeing him from afar!

Good luck on the next!
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Kiaring on July 25, 2024, 04:20:22 AM
Never had the chance to meet or interact with Zain (perhaps ONCE very briefly?), and yet he was constantly referenced in conversations and interactions I had. And, bear in mind, I play this reclusive introvert who barely has time to do anything that isn't [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], so great job. Wish I could have RP'd with you, but hope to see you around on your next, the Obit looks awesome.
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Dillusionist on July 29, 2024, 01:53:35 AM
Zain was great. Phenomenal job putting a lot of detail and nuance into a character who was defined by being coldly logical and unemotional.

Fixture in astronomers and its sad to see him gone. Hope you enjoyed him.
Title: Re: Zain al-Saiba
Post by: Moonlighter on July 29, 2024, 11:36:56 PM
an institution