Longest-lived PC of mine, so far. Over six months, now.
Sammy started as a silly PC, just another goon for Conrad Fellstar. But roleplaying him, I found his voice, and I ended up engaging with the entirety of the server in one way or another. There is never a dull day for a janissary of the Sultan. I made some right calls, some right moves, and became a Sergeant. Best feeling in EFU so far. I love and will always appreciate all those PC and DMs who hung around and constantly made things real fun and engaging.
I'm glad Sammy died on the battlefield. I love the janissaries.
I leave you with some screenshots.
Some drawings! Made by SQT and me.
First day on the job!
Fat RP
Drill-Sergeant days
With the boys
Sadness accrues
Camel Drama
Collection of Silly Moments
Samton, my beloved... my beautiful, beautiful boy...
I still owe you, like, twelve muffins.
One of my very favorites. Good job.
Bribing him with pastries on Gausim was a truly special moment.
Kickass job and a great character arc from bumbling to badass.
large and in charge
Samton, I think, might have been deceptive to people who just saw "fat cop" and didn't look any deeper than that. He was a steadfast, reliable strong-willed character who consistently kept my PC honest even when he was challenging him. I remember you wondering about his role when comparing yourself to lizard hunters and detectives and etc. and I named Samton as the heart of the Legion. It's as true now as it was then- he will be missed.
Jordan loved him, Kellyn loved him. I think, man, maybe I loved him.
Samton was the man. He had become one of Akna's best friends over their time and I loved their arc together, with all of its ups and downs. I can remember like it was yesterday the moment Akna realized "Wait a minute; Paul Blart over here is kind of a badass." They had a blast, and so did I.
Hate to see him go, but I'm glad he went down stomping orcs in war, as it was meant to be.
A great character, the only Janissary I ever trusted, I think he lived through me playing three different characters. Awesome job!
great jannie, great showing
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Oswald Mumpkins throws grenade-like weapon.
Atreya Lightdew: Stop
Samton Ashworth: Oi!
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Oswald Mumpkins throws grenade-like weapon.
Oswald Mumpkins: Duel me.
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Oswald Mumpkins throws grenade-like weapon.
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Splat!]
Oswald Mumpkins throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Kaplat!]
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Clover Harecrest: [She steps clear of the splash zone.]
Rotten Fruit: [Squilch!]
Oswald Mumpkins throws grenade-like weapon.
Bashir Khatara: "Ew! There's a poo fight!"
Daoud al-Maaz: "The Sergeant may need your assistance."
Rotten Fruit: [Vwap!]
Samton Ashworth: Ye basterd!
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Kapow!]
Oswald Mumpkins: Turd is right.
Nonon Minakami: Legate! Make them stop!
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Squilch!]
Oswald Mumpkins throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Bonk!]
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Frapt!]
Oswald Mumpkins throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Thwack!]
Samton Ashworth: That's assault, ye basterd-
Bashir Khatara: "Um, I'll hide here..."
saac Naught: Who armed him?
Samton Ashworth throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Splash!]
Oswald Mumpkins throws grenade-like weapon.
Rotten Fruit: [Gloop!]
Atreya's best buddy :(
RIP Samton. He will be missed
Rip my beloved
Samton was easily one of the most human and believable characters I've had the pleasure to roleplay with. The Janissaries won't be the same without him. I'll miss Samton, but I look forward to whatever you play next, Karp. You're a legend. :)
Samton was hands down my favorite Janni, one who earned respect not only IG but OOC as well. From the first interaction of standing against the full might of the Rose together in a stand off, to Catapult Training, I loved every moment of time with Samton and I'll always regret not getting that heal off in time.
You're one of the best Krapie!
Excellent work! I loved our interactions.
It amused me to no end that Samton went from sucking in his gut around the Sisters to eyeing them with grave suspicion. Not that such a shift was warranted in the slightest.
Objectively one of the most seen janissaries.
One last time, Samton... Objection!
Really enjoyed our limited interactions on opposite sides of the Accord. <3
A really iconic Sergeant of the Fourth, excellent job! But now we know you can play longer lived PCs!
Thank you for executing multiple of my PC's ❤️. Samton was great.
Samton was a god among men...
Goodness, poor Samton. Gone, but not forgotten, I'm sure :)
I will miss Samton. He was fun to RP with.