Patron of Stele
In briefing after swearing in, the top priority of woe has been identified to be settled.
The Chief Scribe has told Honorable Legate Sol Auk hat the Patron of Ephia's Well is a decision to be made singularly by Legate.
To this end the Clergy of the Wheel are called to Summons.
Over the next many days are numerous meetings,
However the Sworn Clergy of the Faiths are given leave to circumvent any meeting they so choose,
To discuss with Honorable Legate Sol Auk at length this deeply personal matter.
If you do not believe you can arrange a meeting you are requested to submit Holy Works, including but not limited to:
- Excerpts from Personal Sermons held
- Sacred Texts uncovered by your holy works
- Artistry of Faith be it painting, poem, or beyond[ commissioned on behalf of your Faith
- Testimonials and Tales of Divine Champion
- Historical glories of your Faith's past deeds
These may be delivered to the Palatial Pyramid.
Holy Texts and similar shall be read allowed to Honorable Legate Sol Auk by the Scribes of the Sublime Garden.
((IG Meetings or Forum Submissions must be submitted by Thursday, 8 PM, CST GMT-5))