After call for speech in the wake of the Trial of the Brooking "Gutter Mother", a number who left the trial assemble before the Pilgrim's Plaza. The Stonefolk Voiced gives the following speech, taking questions after.QuoteGold League's Luster
By Sol Auk
The Refugees have been painted picture of the Gold League. A picture that offers a great deal of chance. Chance to rise, to build, to thrive. And while this is a true picture, Sol Auk believes it is one that loses the spirit of what the Gold League holds. It is not about chance, but surety. The White League bends to the moment, the Purple League to the Sultan, but the Gold League bends to time. Time spent among the people watching, learning, what is needed. One day perhaps more is needed of furniture, so price lessened. One day more is needed of medicine, so Clergy of Warad brought to tend.
Trade. While bountiful, is not so bountiful to us as time. How many of the Voiced have made so by merchant? Only to turn and continue to deal the same merchandise? Sol Auk disagrees with some of his peers in such a choice. What business has a man of wealth, in peddling of Aspect, preventing the newcomer from rising? This is the question he raise. As so many of the Purple and White begin to preach of their candidates for Legate.
What new ideas, bring the White? What hope, bring the Purple? The Refugees need not lower voiced as the White would have it. They need improvement. They need not Archaeological digs, they need meals. They need opportunity.
And so Sol Auk says that the Gold League must open its purses. Spend, not horde. Traffic not in the same, but in new. New merchandise, new ideas, and with the luxury of Time - The Gold League will do as it ever does. Adapt and thrive.
Just as the Astronomer cannot build its own mercenary force thinking to out-pace the Krak's. The Gold League cannot offer the same as it did yesterday. But we can offer more.
Sol Auk seeks often to do new business, and encourages his fellows the same. This is the luster of Gold.
Thank you.
Of witnessing, the following recorded.
At the start of the speech, a robust relief in tax declared by the Stonefolk Tablet of the Well.
QuoteStonefolk Watcher
We honor the speech of Sol Auk. We lower the price of the fruits of our labor. Many times.
Voiced Ophelia: You were raised by the coin of others to your voice, do you think that is what has allowed your business to flourish since?
Sol Auk: Sol Auk does not. Those others were past customer, past friend, those taken time to build relation ship with. Those allow business to flourish, even without the ask of Diplomatic challenge.
Voiced Ophelia: A fair answer.
Paris Operaius Forros: Do you have any particular concrete plans for the future regarding what you've spoken of?
Sol Auk: It is so. New business Sol Auk engages in daily. For just today during the trial, the Torchbearer's Maji hired on retainer to assist in negotiations to bring in new Arcane wares from Ka'esh. Taking what is there, and molded to more. This brings life to market.
Matelo Okama: Do you think you would be able to convince others of Gold to share a similar view?
Sol Auk: In one hand? Sol Auk hopes he fails. As counter as that sounds - if they do not change, Sol Auk may continue to make so much wealth. However if the Gold League can be swayed to do more? Yes. Then while the White League and others peddle what is found on Caravanserai or Krak jobs? We may bring the best and rarest.
Matelo Okama: Thank you for the answer.
Voiced Argus: You ask for merchants to stop doing what gained them their voice, to find a new market. Should we not instead focus upon the skills and wares we know? Even if it doesn't leave a place for the new comers, should they not find another niche? Should Whitemore brew no more potions, that a voiceless may brew them instead? Are you asking merchants to give their very business as charity to others?
Sol Auk: Sol Auk would say one of Voiced Ophelia's prominence? Sol Auk would say should consider a step. If not back from the market, adjacent. Perhaps to hire a Priest of Warad she could work with to expand to allow divine brews the same? A chance for that newcomer. Under her name and sign, Mutual growth.
Voiced Ophelia: Hm. Wisdom.
Voiced Isabella: A fine vision, Mr. Sol. I do, in fact, think I will attempt to make the practice myself."
Gianluca: How utterly useless.
Sol Auk: Some do find such tedius, but politics of the Souk, no different than the Palacial Pyramid, or beyond.
In the wake of the Refugee Relief Usury Program ('s announcement, come nightfall a furious White League Voiced Isabella stamps sputtering into the Souk, howling in fury, before stomping off to the Krak to make announcement.
Debate: Refugee Relief Usury Program
The Gamesmaster, Zaniah, on hand to serve as moderator among a slowly growing crowd of Voiced Mari Black, Senior Magistrate Argus, Voiced-Balladeer Velan Volandis, Voiced-Apothar Azimi, and others of merit.
[hide=Isabella Opening]Isabelle Fitzgerald: Usury. A practice in which debt becomes a trade. Predatory... and wholly aberrant to the idea of aiding those in need. I know it, for I've seen it many times before in the Old City. And I've seen what happens to those...
Isabelle Fitzgerald: ... be they of poor fingers when it comes to money-handling, unfortunate, or simply without means to pay back their creditors...
Isabelle Fitzgerald: Indeed, by the very print of this usury program, you have 'offered' in Ophelia's name Sol Auk... one could be theoretically banished or killed if they were, for whatever reason, unable to pay you.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: ... but the legalities are not what I contest tonight. Simply the right and wrong of it.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: And I think it is wrong... disgusting, even, to seize upon the desperation of people unfamiliar with the economical clime. People who are desperate to simply have the right of roof over their heads. Be they awoken, or otherwise.
Zaniah Almirah: Opening argument is made- Rebuttal?
Isabelle Fitzgerald: What you are doing may be legal... but perhaps that right there is the problem. And that, Sol Auk, is why I believe moneyhandling should go to the Coinexchangers...
Isabelle Fitzgerald: ... not you.
[Isabelle Fitzgerald's Persuasive Ability is Heroic.]
Isabelle Fitzgerald: [Isabelle Fitzgerald's Persuasive Ability is Heroic.]
Isabelle Fitzgerald: *A notion with her palm.*
Sol Auk: [It takes a simple sip from its cup]
Isabelle Fitzgerald: *Her look stern, offering the exchange of speaker.*[/hide]
[hide=Sol Auk Opening]
Sol Auk: Thirty days Sol Auk has walked this city, thereabouts. Thirty days the White League howling. Charity for Refugee. Help for Refugee. Improvement for Refugee.
Sol Auk: Diakos calls for reduction in "Cost of Voice, too unfair".
Sol Auk: Aubrey calls for "Reduction in cost of voice, too unfair".
Sol Auk: Words. Words, words. Sol Auk offers reduction in Cost of Voice. Shrieking, howling, clawing at night air.
Sol Auk: You speak of right, of wrong?
Sol Auk: Sol Auk speaks of solution. Of opportunity. Any man, woman, child may raise their voice without woe. Using the power of the Voice to generate weatlh generationally.
Sol Auk: You all shriek this should be given freely, or at reduction, and when such offered you cry of "Once long ago", "Oh the Woe".
Sol Auk: You call it borderline attempted murder, in the Souk.
Sol Auk: Sol Auk sits with a bag of Dinar, freely prepared to give it to any who may need, with easy means to recover likewise as so many Voiced generate wealth in this City.
Sol Auk: And you speak of money handling? What money handling known by the White League but buying their own Voices while men and women starve?
Isabelle Fitzgerald: *A sip at that.*
Sol Auk: This is not matter of morality. This is not-
Munster Trescothick: Ooh...
Sol Auk: [It glances down, letting out not a laugh but a gutteral chirp]
Sol Auk: So swift to break the Sultan's laws because your precious Asterbaladian theories do not hold water?
Sol Auk: No. The White league does as it ever does. As Arterian speaks, as Kyrpos speaks, as so many speaks - Speaks. Talks. Talks. Where is your action? Where is your nerve?
Zaniah Almirah: Let's not get too ahead of ourselves, good Sol. Your opening argument is made. Isabella to rebut. [/hide]
[hide=Isabella Rebut of Opening] Sol Auk: [It simply looks on stoically, the white orbs no different than the plaza surrounding them as it takes a sip from the water]
Isabelle Fitzgerald: *Another sip, before her expression softened.* My actions... my deeds... and my purse... are not a public showcase. I find such displays distasteful. Even vulgar. Deeds will speak for themselves, in time.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: But what you said always goes back to the fine print, Sol Auk.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: You do not offer relief... or a means to generate wealth. You offer a collar.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: Gilded, to be tugged at your leisure.
sabelle Fitzgerald: Anyone with eyes can see what kind of game you're playing...*A look into her cup.*
Isabelle Fitzgerald: You must forgive me if I have little rebuttal. For I see no argument for what is presented. Only more besmirching of my colleagues in the White League... and the insistence that what you do, you do for the Voiceless.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: I could perhaps, be assuaged otherwise...
Isabelle Fitzgerald: ... if you were not offering a capital crime on parchment.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: But you wrote the flyer, Sol Auk. You have only yourself to blame if I see nothing but a vulture preying on people.
Zaniah Almirah: Sol Auk to defend.[/hide]
[hide=Sol Auk defense]
Sol Auk: And therein the dilemma, at its core, no? Who are you to be assuaged? Where is the sweeping changes the White League would move at assembly, beyond the crooning of Reduced Voice cost?
Sol Auk: You wish to throw attacks of vulture, but better to be a Vulture and feed the nest, than a Sand Skink but scuttering, mewling.
Sol Auk: You say your matters are private? Because they hide the hypocrisy of sitting on cushion and sipping so pleasantly while crying for those who sore, who suffer.
Sol Auk: And yet, the only game Sol Auk offers is what your Entire Guild has been unable to achieve despite so many Voiced all crowing for the same.
Sol Auk: Right now Sol Auk could see Voiced to fair Zaniah, and she would in a matter of days see the sum repayed for she is shrewd and clever and hosts -many- games of fortune and fate. With an Arena to call her own, a property for hosting, and more the wealth endless.
Sol Auk: Merchants saving 2500 dinar to keep their stock flowing instead of buying Toga only to putter about impoverished, unable to continue stock for days.
Sol Auk: You say this is a matter of right, of wrong? No. This is a matter of relevance. For the White League has lost its and in each passing day it grows further. Purple Leiah raises thousands for the Krak's refugee program.
Sol Auk: She does the Sultan and this city Proud even as she now aligns opposed among the Rebel Cinquefoil.
Zaniah Almirah: Mh, twenty-thousand, to be precise.
Sol Auk: Twenty Thousand dinar. Or as Voiced Isabella and Voiced Cyrille and Voiced Aurbey would call it-
Sol Auk: Three more White Voices and a fourth.... such good done for the woeful, the meek, the starving.
Zaniah Almirah: The defense is made. Isabella, a final argument? [/hide]
[hide=Isabella, Closing]Isabelle Fitzgerald: *A small shakeof her head, a bemused look creeping.* I'll say it again, my purse and my business is not a public showcase. I will not indignate myself by crowing about my wealth... or what I do with it. I will ask you this though, Sol Auk... if you are indeed so inclined to... give aid to those without a voice...
Isabelle Fitzgerald: ... why even ask for payback? Why not side with the White League on the topic and simply lower the ceiling? Why put any risk of finances involved to begin with? Why resort to usury? Why not let that 2,500 dinars go to growingt he economy instead of your pockets?
Isabelle Fitzgerald: Why, Sol, oh Mother -why- does the answer have to be... you?
Zaniah Almirah: Isabella has made her final argument. Closing defense for Sol Auk. [/hide]
[hide=Sol Auk, Closing]
Sol Auk: Why?
Sol Auk: Why does the answer have to be Sol Auk?
Sol Auk: Because what alternative is raised of the question? Who holds more Proposals passed at assembly, who has raised more to the Voiced? Who has sat over more trials? Who has raised more funds for the Businesses of others? Who has aided the Janissary more?
Sol Auk: Sol Auk does not traffic in shame. Nor the opposite in ego. These are fact. These are labors.
Sol Auk: The answer appears to be Sol Auk because none other step forward to raise their voice of any substance or merit. And it is by merit this City built. And by Merit one can earn 5,000 Dinar in a week as a Vocied given the proper tools of the Sultan.
Sol Auk: Save for Hero Velan Volandis, few Voiced have labored harder. And now that Sol Auk at last-
Sol Auk: Labors to solve the White League's infinite woe of the same matter raised for thirty days the answer is not a counter, nor new idea.
Sol Auk: Merely "You are wrong" "You are immoral. "Your way may be legal, but-"...
Sol Auk: You wish the White League to be the answer? Do the labor.[/hide]
Zaniah Almirah: Well, my time is up!
Zaniah Almirah: [Brushed herself off as she stood.] To me, there is a clear victor. Madam Isabella showed to, and I do apologise, madam- But you showed here not to pose arguments, but to level accusations. Sol Auk has defended his position.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: *A sip; her eyes on Sol Auk with a droopy-eyed smile.*
Zaniah Almirah: As an impartial moderator, my point goes to Sol Auk- Regardless of personal opinions and friendships- I hope you understand!
Isabelle Fitzgerald: ... of course dear.
Sol Auk: Gratitude, Zaniah, for your impartiality.
Zaniah Almirah: And so- Sol Auk has defended his position as being more than a single time donation of a drop in a bucket, but a drop that replenishes itself, until the bucket spills over.
Amidst congratulations, there was light sparring and accusation by the White League Voiced of "Magistrates unable to dictate additional charges of law", but the matter mostly overlooked amidst discussion of the victory at hand for the Gold League Senior Magistrate