Spell level: bard 3; cleric 3; druid 3; ranger 3; sorcerer/wizard 3
Innate level: 3
School: conjuration
Components: verbal, somatic
Range: short (8 meters)
Area of effect: point
Duration: EFU Summoning Duration
Save: none
Spell resistance: no
Description: The caster summons a 4th tier creature from a random summoning theme, ignoring the effects of their base theme or any conjuration foci (including increased summoning strength modifiers) except from conjuration circles.
So the idea is, its a level 3 only spell (There does not need to be lower, or higher level variants) It gives you +1, but the downside is random theme
The probability of getting a particular theme does not need to be equal either and could lean towards say, evil themes (Given evil *wants* to be summoned) or Slaadi (given its chaos theme) but that could be at dm discretion.
There is already a "Random" summon theme that you can apply for, or earn in game.