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Main Forums => Suggestions => Topic started by: Poolson on December 22, 2021, 09:03:37 AM

Title: Spring Attack & Whirlwind Attack changes
Post by: Poolson on December 22, 2021, 09:03:37 AM
Having actually sat down to play a character that takes these feats, I noticed a flaw inherit to both the feat Whirlwind Attack and the prerequisites leading up to it.

Simply put; Whirlwind Attack, while better than where it was in pre-EE, where it inflicted an attack penalty, on top of its 1/APR penalty, is still feat heavy for a combat maneuver that is sometimes situationally useful but otherwise medicore.

I'm suggesting Expertise is removed from the feat prerequisite. It makes the feat one less dependent and, if you ask my opinion, it makes sense. Mobility, Dodge and Spring Attack are all dextrous feats, but, Expertise is seated in an INT prerequisite that feels kind of weird for something that's all reflex and hand-eye coordination.

In addition, I'd like to suggest Spring Attack gets some love. The feat is effectively dead weight. It works at random intervals, NWN is finnicky in deciding what movement was made in combat, and, you can get the same effect of taking tumble ranks, no feat required. At least Mobility gives you a +4 AC bonus to all AOOs and Dodge works a little bit more often than Spring Attack.

While I'm okay with the feat staying as a prerequisite to Whirlwind Attack, I feel it should come with some goodies.

To that end, I suggest Spring Attack receive an additional +1 (or, +2, even!) reflex save bonus. The feat still requires two feats to actually take, so, if you're building a high save character, you can't swerve off to acquire both feats, take Spring Attack, then hope to fill the rest of your feat tax without making serious sacrifices.