EFUPW Forums

Main Forums => Suggestions => Topic started by: americanbernard on December 17, 2021, 05:44:03 AM

Title: Level 7 Quests vs Level 8 Quests: A Disparity for early levels
Post by: americanbernard on December 17, 2021, 05:44:03 AM
I have noticed over the past few days that playing a low level in certain quests can be sometimes lucrative, sometimes pointless. During my testing at lvl 5, I noticed a few strange things. For example...
Mourning Flevas Retainer quest (7):  800 EXP at lvl 5.
Cobbledogs Hideout quest (7): 800 EXP at 5.


Trashgulls quest (lvl 8 ): 200 EXP at 5 (and apparently 40 EXP at 8!!!)
Darkskull quest (lvl 8 ): 600 EXP at 5.

I really feel like the server could stand to gain from a standardization of quest EXP rewards. I know lvl 7 quests just got shifted around, but surely there's something that can be done to reduce the disparity here.