THANK YOU! Everybody who humoured my terrible, boring man. Especially thanks to Abala for all the fish.
QuoteThe name is a reference to Blendin Blandin, from Gravity Falls.
The joke is that he's a brown-haired LN Human Fighter who had a hard life before he came here. It's subtle, I know.
His most important feat is Bullheaded.
Brandon's life started several years after he was born; he and his parents, who he never saw again, were taken into slavery. His only responsibility was to learn how to fight, which he did, and to impress the crowd, which he did with gusto. Being an unremarkable and average fighter, he learned quickly to rely on intelligence to win fights rather than brute force. He learned of the world from those in the pits who came from other places. They appreciated his attention and easy-going nature, and he appreciated that edgeucation that kept him alive. Through these encounters, he also came to know quite a bit about cooking practices, and so he took over as the cook for his fellow gladiator slaves.
His strongest memory is serving out stew from his cooking pot to ratty, scarred men.
His patron is the suit of Swords from the Tarot, representing the Rational world and the force of the mind. It is the power to cut through bullshit and all things. It makes him skeptical, mocking (SF: Taunt), and flippant. Otherwise, he values civility and kindness.
Upon arrival, Brandon believed he was dead, and that the Rings were an afterlife for middling people like him. Overtime, however, his addiction to coffee and comfort lead to massive diarrhea, forcing him to confront the reality that he's in. Now knowing he is alive, he is completely out of his depth to explain the world around him.
Brandon's only goal is to return to that strong memory, to fill in the gaps through the experience of serving food.
But my goal is to illustrate over time the fall of a man into the chaos of an untamed world of conflict; how even the best intentions and strongest determination cannot spare you when War comes calling. Brandon has seen too much bloodshed, and been party to it, so it is impossible for him to find true peace forever. Someday, a fight will come that he cannot ignore, and then we'll see if there's anything of substance in his soul.
Okay. Let's do this.