Chapter 2 - Escaped from the Underdark: Archipelago (
Chapter 3 - Escape from Undeath: Mistlocke begins:
The Mists have begun to clear, and dozens of sleeping adventurers have begun to waken in the Cave of the Dreamers. Many have been making their way through the Pass of Rabbanatha through to the far eastern parts of Ymph, there to find safety in the crumbled walls of Mistlocke......
Rumor speaks of an elf claiming to have been present when the Transcendent Conclave attacked H'bala's tower, three years ago. He recounted the tale with great zest, and verbosity before a growing crowd. As he neared the end of his tale the former Ruby general turned Consort of the Conclave, Drexia, stepped from the shadows.
He demanded the Elf return to the Floating Enclave, now above the desert, to confer with the Oracle after his prolonged absence. The Elf eagerly obeyed but as the pair exited the town square, one man jeered the Consort, insulting the Oracle and laying the fall of Nebedzznos at their feet.
A short duel is said to have followed, at the end of which the Consort snapped the neck of the man, stating that the Conclave would brook no insult to it's Oracle. He and the elf departed, to a stunned and angry crowd.
Many residents stir with excitement for the upcoming weekend of sports and festivities hosted by Clan Caermyn ( There is also some related favorable talk of the host, Carden Caermyn, who is a popular hunter and defender of Mistlocke.
10th of Ches, 1781 DR
As dusk befell Mistlocke the mist began to slowly drift forward from the surrounding forest, embracing the village in full at night. Soon after, Lord-Mayor Ordia Quilby made this sending to all the villagers:
"Greetings Mistlocke, this is mayor Ordio Quilby speaking. It appears that the mist is particularly thick tonight and I just realized a lot of you don't know what this means. Let me explain for our newest villagers. The rest of you know the drill."
"You are absolutely safe here in Mistlocke. There is nothing to worry about. This is a quite usual, if uncommon, phenomena here in Mistlocke. Beyond a bit more obscurity, it should not trouble your life the times this happens."
"A warning must be given you. While it is safe here, the same cannot be said for the surrounding forest. It is deep, ancient and home to many strange creatures. If it can be avoided, refrain from travelling far outside and never alone. Some that has done so never returned back to us."
"Let me say that again. Avoid the forest unless travel is absolutely necessary. And worry not for your safety here. Soon, it will all be over. Captain Volaunt, see me at the square."
Upon meeting the Captain of the Muster, it is said that Quilby lost his temper at the reference of signs being evident. The two got into a heated quiet discussion marked by an increasingly more fearful expression from the mayor, before the two went back to the Last Keep to arrange double guards at the walls.
All the while assuring everyone they were safe.
Ches 12, 1381 DR:
Rumors spread through Mistlocke of a brawl between men of the houses Aberdenn and Caermyn following a performance of the play Secrets of Mistlocke, reputedly a tale of the village's founding but held by surly Caermyn retainers to have been nothing more than a pack of lies paid for with Aberdenn gold. Aberdenn men, meanwhile, applaud playwright Abigail Nightal for what one victory-sotted bravo calls "brave words showing brave men triumphing over the vipers that nip at their heels".
Clan Caermyn's weekend festivities have come to a conclusion. The winners were announced ( and have been given much honor and praise among many of Mistlocke's residents.
It is rumored that at The Boar Hunt, Drystan Caermyn attempted to submit a magically enhanced boar to beat his brother and rival, Carden Caermyn. It is also thought that later, Drystan Caermyn hired a warrior to fight in The Warrior's Arena on his behalf. Carden challenged Drystan's honor and beat him soundly. Many of Mistlocke's residents have shown less respect for Drystan Caermyn, as evidenced by his now struggling potions business.
Fearful whispers are abound about Mistlocke-proper, and its peoples. Murder, in the dead of night.
A body was found, near to the Argenti Camp, having been thrown from the Old Stones battlements. The body headless, and heavily mutilated, the scene was a gory one. Nearby upon a spike, a head; grinning, foolishly.
The people of the Old Stones remain sullenly guarded regarding the matter, most seeming apathetic to yet another corpse, and simply attributing it to the "Founder's Curse". For others, the threat is real. There is energetic talk of strange writings, ancient rituals and dark cults abroad. Whatever the truth, the atmosphere at night is certainly tense.
[tface=callig]Hammer 17th, 1381[/tface]Blood and fire besmirches the Crystal Shrine on the outskirts of Mistlocke, originally dedicated to Sharess, a soirée held in her name quickly turned sour as two beggars who all night had been dressed in the finest clothes and plied with liqour and food were coerced into standing by the shrine altar and imbibing a bottle of something.
Upon drinking, they both died instantly and a foul air filled the shrine. Laughing gas incapacitated most of those there and the man who had organised the whole degenerated affair was long gone.
He was later caught sneaking back into the shrine and was briefly thought trapped, when a rumbling came from within the shrine, dark fires sprung up all around and demons of every unholy form and horrible magics sprang forth causing pandemonium. Those present were driven back and waited outside. Once the sounds from the shrine were quiet, the group returned to the shrine to find it empty, still aflame, still foul of air. The sign that had originally declared it a place of Sharess now defaced and rewritten. [tface=fraktur]Shrine Of Graz'zt[/tface]
19th of Hammer, 1782 DR
A small band of rangers arrive to Mistlocke guided by one Marcus Cayrn. They make their way to the Argenti camp and meet with Chief Hamilcar, who is not too happy to see them yet offer hospitality. The band keeps away from Mistlocke affairs but there seems to be a growing tension within the gypsy camp.
There was screaming at the gate. "Drystan! Drystan I am going to kill you!" A heavily maimed Carden Caermyn limped across the bridge to Mistlocke with the assistance of his cousin, Lochan. All the way to the Caermyn Estate, he let out screams declaring Drystan a coward and traitor.
A public trial was held that day, overseen by Lord-Mayor Quilby. There, Drystan Caermyn confessed to attacking his older brother and rival, Carden Caermyn in the wild as part of a sibling rivalry. The attack was thought to have killed Carden, but instead maimed him immensely. Menaster Caermyn disowned Drystan from Clan Caermyn and the trial saw Drystan exiled from Mistlocke forever on pain of death. Drystan left Mistlocke without words.
Another visitor to Mistlocke and Chief Hamilcar cause a ruckus to break out in the Argenti camp, Hamilcar himself being heard shouting and throwing miscellaneous interior around inside his tent. What sparked it is said to be a meeting between him and a skald coming out of the forest, speaking of a legacy and moot to be held tomorrow.
At the end of the same day, several villagers swear that their purse feels too light.
25th of Hammer, 1381 DR
A moot was held near a shrine by the Freshwater Springs, calling upon old traditions and blood. In attendance was the charismatic Varad Zápolya II, leading the moot and proposing the reformation of the Wyrm Watchers. Hotly contested by Chief Hamilcar of the Argenti, Varad nevertheless had the backing of a few reputed individuals. Marius Argenti, said to be the father of Hamilcar and an exile from the tribe, spoke his support of the reformation as did Marcus Cayrn, a veteran ranger whose family was deeply tied with the old organisation. With the majority against him, Hamilcar is said to have cursed the enactment and left the moot in fury, promising that no Argenti would join them.
Varad Zápolya II, now Chieftain of the Wyrm Watchers, led his men and allies to the Auld Wyrms Hearth in the Forgotten Forest, there to make an outpost for the re-emerged faction of old.
Earlier today, several of the candidates running in the upcoming mayoral elections attended a public debate at the Mist End's inn. Answering the invitation of Ironguard Aorli Hagnar Brakenshield were candidates James Farrovar, Glaran Irongut, Abigail Nightal and Rufus Taxe Ricimer Descreza.
All candidates took time to explain their views concerning what is to be the future of Mistlocke should they be elected the Lord Mayor. Though initially the crowd wasn't very large, it grew considerably as time passed, as did the amount of hecklers, by now requiring several brief interruptions to calm everyone down.
Well into the second half of the debate, however, half the crowd departed to watch two of the hecklers engage in a brawl downstairs, and the other half stayed behind to pose questions to the candidates in an increasingly unordered and impertinent manner. As a result, the debate fizzled to something of a hurried and disorderly end, leaving no participant a clear winner.
Frightened screams came from the gates of Mistlocke as a large swarm of vile spiders attacked the gates. Many fell defending agains the onslaught and a few remember a large, behemoth-esque spider lurking on the edge of the cliff observing the battlefield..
The spiders were driven back from where they came and any remains of their webs and coccoons were quickly burnt by overzealous adventurers. Nevertheless, the damage had been done. During the assault, The Last Keep was infiltrated and several of the Muster's men were slaughtered as well as the whole barracks pillaged... Most commoners are not sure of the details of the attack upon the barracks beyond that but they are scared and frightened at the prospect of the town's militia being slaughtered in their sleep...
Words spreads swiftly of several recent occurrences of dear little Mistlocke...
Firstly, it is said that in the early hours of the morning a somewhat threadbare, and nervous man named Mortimer Trundle, alongside his assistant Overseer Bunt arrived on the edge of town, where they auctioned off a strange, Netherese device. It was sold for a fair sum to a man from the Old Stones, and afterward Trundle was seen to flee the scene rather swiftly.
Moments later, some manner of huge, iron-golem appeared at the edge of Mistlocke, reportedly on some manner of 'recovery mission'. It was seen to rampage about the town, in pursuit of the man who bought the item. The Muster were fearful to engage, and many of the adventurers and refugees were reported to stand idly by as it crashed through the Market Hall.
Finally, however, the golem was defeated by the renown Waukeenite and Lord-Mayor candidate Giuseppe Mastro. Though not before it near enough tore him in half. The golem disappeared shortly after, in an eruption of magical energies.
There is talk of a brawl between the Muster, the Aberdenn and Caermyn in the Mistlocke square. Many confused reports recount the nights events, but what is certain is that at the end of the brawl all involved were dragged to the Last Keep for a night in the cells. There is worried talk of how the Clans feud will effect things in future, especially at such a crucial time for Mistlocke, with the Lord-Mayor's office open to new candidates.
First of Alturiak, 1381 DR
Villagers gather in secluded groups more and more around Mistlocke, hiding away from the newcomers. What few words eventually are imparted speaks of increasing worry, the chief concern being an ever-present thickening mist out of the forest.
Second of Alturiak, 1381 DR
At dawn the sun barely pierced the shroud of mist that covered Mistlocke. In fear of this sign, the mayor was roused from his slumber at Last Keep and to appease the nervous guardsmen and villagers, a lottery was held within the Keep. No explanation for this event was parted to inquisitive villagers, they could only watch in horror as the winner collapsed to her knees and was gently guided to the mayor's office. At nightfall, she had still not been seen again.
7th of Alturiak, 1381 DR
The election finally started in full in Mistlocke. The candidates for office were Ordio Althaus Quilby running again, along with Abigail Nightal the controversal minstrel of Mist's End and Aberdenn association and Giuseppe Mastro, a rising notable merchant and visionary.
Villagers hurried to vote at the voting stone near the mayor's office soon after the announcement.
Last eve, the Order came in force to the Gates of Mistlocke. Before their arrival, scouts from the Watchers were seen making their way into town to bring word. The Muster was mobilised, and the Clans and their Bannermen sharpened their weapons and prepared for the worst.
A great blanket of Mist would Herald their coming, moving slowly from the Lake of Mist, across the Pass of Rabbanatha enshrouding the entire forest. The entire village held its breath, in anticipation. And then, a mournful warhorn was heard from the forests beyond as the people gathered. From the darkness, flanked by torches, and black-clad Knights of the Order Numinous, a great banner could be seen. Upon it, a Grey Questing Dragon, upon a black background shrouded in Stars and Mist. The personal banner of the Order's seldom seen leader.
The Master had come to Mistlocke.
Approaching with a small retinue from the woods, wherein the rest of the Order waited, came Jacques de Villiers, the infamous war-hero and Champion of the Order's Knighthood. He spoke to the Lord-Mayor upon the bridge, revealing that he heralded the Master's arrival. After a short conversation, the Lord-Mayor revealed that he would offer the Master an audience, and that he should come with three of his men to the Last Keep.
And so he did. Marching silently through the subdued village, many of its people awed by the mysterious figure, the Master made his way, alongside his Apostle, Nethzerim the Awakened, to the Last Keep.
Within, it is said, the Master spoke at length of the Apocalypse. He demanded that the people of Mistlocke submit to his leadership, and every last man, woman and child submit to the will of the Three. He demanded that stockpiles of food and weapons should be gathered, and that every effort should be made to prepare for the one, single End: WAR.
It is said that the Master was hardly surprised when the Lord-Mayor refused his requests, and instead asked two simple things of him; Nethzerim, the Master said, wishes to open the Priory for worship of the Three, and lead a congregation within the village, alongside a small detachment of Knights whom would be sworn to the village's protection. The Lord-Mayor accepted. And second, that the Grand Master himself be granted leave to inhabit the Tower closeby, which had seemingly already been prepared for this inevitable situation. Again, the Lord-Mayor agreed.
Afterward, the Grand Master departed silently, to take up residence in his new tower. Jacques de Villiers and his men broke camp, and disappeared into the forests, and back across the Pass, in search of the Agony which has not been seen for some time. Nethzerim spoke a few short words to the gathered, promising that he would speak at length to Mistlocke's people regarding the newly opened Priory.
Many of the people of Mistlocke speak worriedly, whilst many more whisper that it is a great boon. For no other of Ymph's peoples are more renown for their heroics in battle against the Dread Witch, H'bala. Whatever their thoughts, however, one this is certain.
The Order has come.
Alturiak 10th - 1381 DR
Whispers swirl and flutter from tongue to ear of a ring of wonderous power won by blood sport last evening in the very walls of Mistlocke. A blue glittering trail was left behind as a proud new owner staggered off from a motley gathering of sordid individuals.
Meanwhile ... travellers abroad mentioned a sickly sight about the roads leaving town. The assembled men of wealth responsible for the impromptu bloodsport purportedly checked out of Mistlocke in a hurry, wreatched in ceremonial gowns and chanting in a strange dialect.
14th of Alturiak, 1381 DR
The election period is swiftly drawing to an end, villagers eagerly rumouring about which of the three candidates are likely to win it. Many have voiced their support in old traditions, voting for Quilby instead of taking chances on any of the two newcomers to the village. The various patrons of the Mist's End has publically, roaring drunk, cheered for Abigail in the streets or within the inn, persuading through yelling persistence a few to go vote in her favor. A major favorite amongst the awakened, however, is rumoured to be the Coinlord Mastro.
While the two newcomers have vigorously made their stand known, only a few words in passing has been heard from Quilby. It's said he's preparing to hold his own speech sometimes soon, at last feeling his position as lord-mayor threatened.
Rumors that Quilby's support of the stargazer savages amongst the Muster has lost him many allies amongst the commonfolks volunteering as guardsmen in Mistlocke. Most can be seen handling their chains and deserting over a recent decision speaking that they may return to the Muster until a more patriotic mayor comes about.
16th of Alturiak, 1381 DR
As the Mist once more settled thicker around the village of Mistlocke shortly after the Lord-Mayor's speech, a call was made for a second lottery to be held at the Last Keep. Alongside nervous villagers, a few volunteers from the newest members of the community announced their intent to join the proceedings, something Quilby allowed them. To the newcomers he spoke of his mayoral duty to see a champion elected - the winner of the lottery - whenever the Mist called. A nervous villager was given the task to draw the number of the winner and with the watchful gaze of Captain Volaunt and another villager he drew the number one from the lottery hat.
To his great and immediate despair, Ordio Althaus Quilby was proclaimed the winner. Rumours say that a dozen guardsmen had to wrestle him down to the floor to hinder an escape, others say he accused each and every one of the gathered as a conspirator against him, some say that it was known he was not intended to be a part of the lottery group at all - regardless of what is the truth, the Lord-Mayor was last seen being escorted into his office by Captain Volaunt. Some time thereafter, a sending announced Quilby as the champion of Mistlocke and the Captain taking over his duties in the mayor's absence until the day after.
For as the villagers rose at dawn to the empty seat of their beloved mayor, a new concern had risen alongside them.
The last day of the election had finally come.
Alturiak 20th : Year 159 : 1381 DR
As dusk gave way to darkness, a man, wreathed in magical protective spells and cowled by a black hood casually sauntered into Mistlocke's Town Square.
Smelling of potent oils, strange incense, and spattered with bloodstains, the stranger posted a simple message plain for all to see. It read:
Gaze upon my words and know them to be true.
Fair citizens of the town called Mistlocke, two tendays past, a rogue or scoundrel broke into my treasure vaults and stole an object of tremendous value.
This chicanery must be repaid in kind.
Rumor has reached my estates of a blood match held within these city walls. The prize received was rumored to have been the very ring I lost.
Furthermore, I have reason to believe collusion was at play, and the 'winner' of this bloodsport was no more than a peccant collaborater of the thieves that plundered my estates.
I am placing a bounty. You will know my ring by its distinctive blue glow, and ability to ward off all magical dispelling.
It is not enough that the ring is simply returned to me, however. For any individual that is willing to take the necessary initiative of killing this foul villain and bringing me proof of his death, I shall reward this paragon of justice further, by ameliorating the ring with a new magical boon.
-- Vizier Caldun Cressius, of the Mounded Keep "
Alturiak 25th, 1381 DR
All of the village is abuzz at the news that a man named Herust Caspary, a self-proclaimed Admiral of Old Port, made a speech that the "Ruby Army" of Count Zarono Senuspur, after years spent battling the Grey Mist Raiders on the open seas, had come at last to join forces with the defenders of Mistlocke and see an end to the power of H'bala forever under the leadership of Viceroy Ignacio d'Arthido, scion of the famous (if one gives credence to the warm memories of House Caermyn) -- or infamous (if one rather believes Aberdenn mutterings) -- House d'Arthido.
Opinions on the speech vary wildly, but all expect the Lord-Mayor Giuseppe Mastro to make a statement on the circumstances soon. Until then, hopeful talk of winning back the West finds ample room among paranoid fears that the Count means to make a new dominion in the East. This day, every man and woman of Mistlocke is a political philosopher.
Alturiak 25th : 1381 DR
Amongst the denizens of Mistlocke, hushed rumors spread of the Agony of the Hunt returning once more. The news comes upon the lips of a Footman of the Numinous Order, " If you can hear this, the Agony is in the Foothill Paths heading northwest. All civilian personnell, avoid that area." Many discount them as mere rumors and hearsay. While others ,that had seen the creature those years ago, are filled with unease of the possibility of it's return.
Alturiak 28th, 1381 DR
Days of conjecture about the motivations of Viceroy d'Arthido and his army reached new heights after a dramatic speech by the fiery Gadyw Aberdenn, the blustering and heavy-drinking uncle of clan patriarch Arthur, in Mistlocke's square. Claiming to have survived a comital ambush in the Ymphian wilds, he proceeded to level accusations of treachery at Clan Caermyn and the Lord-Mayor over protests by the Caermyn men present. Thus Gadyw: QuoteIt is SIMPLE! Senuspur wishes his Crown, d'Arthido wishes his name and MENASTER CAERMYN wishes for ever-flowing coin!
The old warrior then stalked off into the wilds, but not before tossing the severed head of a comital soldier at the feet of a particularly squeamish Caermyn retainer as proof of the Viceroy's plans. While Arthur himself was not present to hear the speech, an Aberdenn bannerman set off after Gadyw shortly afterwards. Gadyw himself has not been seen since.
Alturiak 29th : Year 159 : 1381 DR
Arthur Aberdenn took to the dais in Mistlocke to announce that one of the retainers of House Aberdenn is to be married to a landed knight owner of a mercenary company called the lucky seven.
There has been no word as to the date that it has been set, nonetheless, the hushed whispers suggest that Abigail looked if not unhappy, then a little beleaguered by the whole business.
Ches 8th, 1381 DR
A daring company of Mistlocke's warriors returned home, battered and bloodied, as Selune reached her zenith this evening, the remnant of Lord-Mayor Giuseppe Mastro's daring raid on the camp of Viceroy d'Arthido. Many are thought to have died assaulting the Ruby Army's fortifications, including the Lord-Mayor himself -- at least, until a comital messenger delivered a treaty signed by Mastro that surrendered Mistlocke to the rule of the Count.
By order of the elder council, a swift electorate of the village was taken to decide whether Mistlocke would wage war or sue for peace. No more than an hour later, the treaty was rejected by a vote of fifty-three to four and the unfortunate Lord-Mayor Mastro relieved of his office by the fiat of the village's elder council as further evidence of the treaty's nullification. With the impending war on everyone's minds, it is no surprise that the council has also stated its intention to appoint a temporary commander from the ranks of the village's factions at a meeting in the upcoming days.
This alone would be more than enough for Mistlocke's rumor-mongers, but wagging tongues have been even further loosened by the miraculous reappearance of the ex-Mayor and his pledge to protest the council's decision. To say that Mistlocke's politics are currently fluid would be an understatement.
Ches 10th, 1381 DR
Considering the prevalent attitude of Mistlocke in the aftermath of Giuseppe Mastro's inauspicious attack on the Viceroy's camp, it came as little surprise to the population of Mistlocke that the elder council refused to reinstate him as Lord-Mayor. Much more shocking, in the moments after the conclusion of the council's meeting, was the revelation that Mastro was not a Waukeenar at all, but a hierophant of Mask that had taken the opportunity to steal more than thirty thousand ducats raised by the efforts of prominent Ilmateri Father Mororn Glaemril and his flock.
Fear of this deadly intriguer and what he might plan next runs rampant, and merchants especially are hiring on additional mercenaries and ever-more complex security measures to guard their valuables.
18th of Ches, 1381 DR
The residents of Mislocke grow anxious as reports of missing villagers increase in numbers, the loss feared to be villagers responding to the twisted calls of Malar. The tragedy that befell the village tendays ago is burnt into memory: the maimed adolescents returning to the village only to change shape into terrible beasts bringing death to everyone around them. The events of yesterday only reinforces the fear that someone inside the village carry the disease of lycantrophy - and it is spreading.
Ches 21st, 1381 DR
Gossip surrounding the selection of Order Footman Aidan O'Connell as Warlord of Mistlocke continues to fly around the village days after the conclusion of the War-Moot. While O'Connell was chosen by a clear majority of Mistlocke's factions, the vote was not without contention: Wyrm Watchers everywhere loudly accuse the Order of using Sergeant Blake of the Muster as a straw man to further their own candidate's chances, while disgruntled men of the Muster grouse about having preferred one of their own as a leader. The Footmen of the Order have taken this in stride; barmaids at the Mist's End have even confided in a surreptitious party held by the most boistrous of the Brethren Votarient.
Familiar tensions erupt between the retainers of the Clans, meanwhile, as the Aberdenn gloat over Clan Caermyn's failure to install Scarlet Goldwin, but in truth more citizens are concerned about the days to come. It is said that O'Connell was highly regarded at the Moot, but it remains to be seen what this man shall accomplish against the Viceroy's Host -- which, in addition to its fell reputation, is also rumored to have disappeared somewhere in the wilderness, lost to the sight of scouts and trackers.
Tarsakh 2nd, 1381 DR
Blood has been spilled all around Mistlocke. Words in the tavern claim that many of Mistlocke's recently most powerful figures have fallen. Among the names are Sergeant Randen Blake, the honorable Musterman who was kidnapped and slain by the criminals of Old Stones. His death has had a significant impact on the morale of the Muster and many of the villagers. He is missed by many.
Contrarily, there has been a brief celebration over the death of the universally hated Giuseppe Mastro. Neerix Valashar, a notorious murderer and self-proclaimed Augur of the Mist has claimed to have murdered Giuseppe Mastro as a sacrifice to the Mist.
Despite the loss of Giuseppe Mastro, the criminals of Old Stones remain strong. Clan Caermyn mourns over the recent loss of Scarlet Goldwin. She was kidnapped openly in the Market Hall by Clyde Bekowski, a well-known associate of Giuseppe Mastro. In response to the attacks, Volkmar Plowman has heightened the alertness of the Muster.
Yet perhaps most importantly among the losses is Aidan O'Connell. Rumors buzz about claiming that the Warlord of Mistlocke has disappeared, with many villagers having not seen the Warlord for many days. Others discount them as merely that - rumors.
Tarsakh 3rd, 1381 DR
Early in the morning on Tarsakh 3rd, Neerix Valashar was announced dead by Clyde Bekowski. The village nervously watches within itself and outward in response to the many recent high-profile deaths. Some of the drunken villagers in Mist's End have even started taking bets on which high-profile figure is bound to die next.
In other news, Clan Aberdenn has announced a small victory against the Comitals, having discovered a supply camp in the woods that was later shut down.
Tarsakh 5th, 1381 DR
Despite the recent news of an Aberdenn victory in the Webbed Wood, the populace of Mistlocke has remained nervous at the Comital host's continued disappearance over the past two days. Nervous claims that the army is lurking somewhere in the Mists, ready to strike at the woefully unprepared village battlements, are discussed alongside hopeful theories that the host has been destroyed, perhaps consumed by the Maiden's familiars.
More and more, however, far-ranging huntsmen and wildwalkers out of the Prophet's Peaks begin to claim that the host has continued its march east, up the mountains and towards the encampment of Gaeseric the Unyielding. These hard men and women claim that the mighty barbarian chieftain is far from worried -- after all, he has kept the dead at bay for years, why not a motley collection of lickspittle conscripts? -- but many villagers weigh these words dubiously. As the location of the Ruby army becomes harder to doubt, however, all eyes are upon the west, and a possible salvation from a comital occupation.
Tarsakh 7th, 1381 DR
Locked away in the shrouded boughs of the Veiled Forest, Mistlocke rings with the desperate energy of a community in the shadow of death. Volley after volley is launched from the roof of the Last Keep by the ragged crossbow militia recruited out of the refugees hunkering in the castle's bowels, led in drill by the Mayor's Muster. The Crown's smithy swelters with the roaring heat of its forge, but this is drowned out by the sounds of Aberdenn bannermen sparring around the runed plinth in Mistlocke's common and the lowing of a caravan of pack oxen being prepared for travel by Menaster Caermyn himself. Meanwhile, a trickle of bedraggled and hungover mercenaries across the square file out of the Mist's End, still flush from their raucous celebration the night before, as the morning chambermaids clean up the taproom these fighters left a mess.
On the outskirts of town, the Numinous Order's mist-shrouded priory resonates with the fervent chanting of its membership. The familiar meeting place of Muskroot's tower plays host to a knot of Wyrm Watchers who speak quietly among themselves as here and there a member of the Transcendent Conclave issues forth from the forest on one errand or another.
Asked of their thoughts on the violence of the coming day, the emotions of Mistlocke's heterogeneous defenders waver between roaring bravado, timid nervousness, and everything in between. The most confident, inevitably, are the adventurers -- but the joviality of these brave men and women masks a grim suspicion that many of them shall not live the day, for even in its assault against the camp of the Unyielding the Ruby army is said to be mighty by its sheer weight of numbers. As these soldiers, zealots, wanderers, fortune-seekers, wildlings, camp followers and other individuals of every description depart Mistlocke and disappear into the forest, those they leave behind wonder how they shall return. If, indeed, fate deems they should return at all.
Tarsakh 8th, 1381 DR
The Pass of the Unyielding is taken.
Survivors of the battle have trickled into Mistlocke through the night with tales of butchery on their lips. Stories abound of mighty Gaeseric single-handedly fighting off the first comital assault until succumbing to poison after killing a mighty Chultan chieftain with his bare hands, and the furious vengeance of his companion Gundahar, who silently hurled himself into the comital spear wall in pursuit of Gaeseric as he was dragged into the Ruby camp. Well-known, too, is the battlecry "We will not yield", roared by the pass' defenders as they fought the second comital assault to a standstill until, heralded by three blasts from the Ruby lines, a horde of withered desert raiders boiled up from the caves at the back of the canyon and outflanked the remaining fighters. A rally at the tents of Gaeseric's camp was first checked, and then repulsed by the frenzied marauders (who, it is said, fell upon the vanguard of the comital host as well as the ranks of the defenders), and what remained of Mistlocke's warband along with a scattering of savage defenders fought its way through the tunnels to escape.
Veterans lament the defeat, and mourn the fallen whose cries for mercy and quarter were answered with cruel spear-thrusts. The wildlings have fled the destruction, and the hunters of the Forgotten Forest report that they have taken refuge in a temporary camp north of the Stonehand Scars. To see the pass now is to find the Viceroy's army in complete possession of the camp, the soldiery enjoying the fruits of conquest that their labor has bought. But the stiffening corpses that still lie at the creek bridge give mute testimony to the cost of victory -- and the arms of Old Port must still pass through the desert ...
There are worried rumours spreading amongst the Argenti tribe who make their home on the outskirts of Mistlocke. They speak of their children disappearing into the forests dark corridors, supposedly swallowed by the Mist. Similarly, farmers, trappers and hunters speak of brothers and companions disappearing from the trail, never to be seen again. None know for certain what to make of these rumours, but many agree that something stirs. This, alongside the looming Comital host, threatens dark days for the village in the future.
Tarsakh 20th, 1381 DR
The days since the fall of Gaeseric's pass have been a time of frustration and grief for Mistlocke's population. The failure of Mistlocke's elder council to produce a viable Warlord and the ignominious engagement at Sis Liman that resulted in a clear Ruby victory have caused widespread disillusionment as the war effort has largely ground to a halt, with many villagers dreading the Viceroy's inevitable advance and preparing for the worst.
But now that has changed. A running skirmish under the boughs of the Forgotten Forest between the defenders of Mistlocke and the mercenary cadre of prominent Ruby Captain Boris Vednyev saw Mistlocke victorious, and new Warlord Morn Greycastle the Wyrm Watcher elected after the fray. Those present remark upon Arthur Aberdenn's execution of two Rubies captured in the fight, and his passionate plea for action -- and even more remarkably, Menaster Caermyn's decision to support Greycastle along with the Aberdenn. Villagers pray fervently for this Wyrm Watcher Warlord to deliver them from Ruby arms, but none know what the future may bring ...
... although those who travel through the desert may guess. Sis Liman's old tower is home to a firmly entrenched Ruby garrison, and three ships can be seen anchored in the harbor from the lip of the basin above the settlement. Wagons are being prepared there for the Ruby Army's eventual push into the Veil, but rumors of other camps elsewhere in the Dead Wastes persist. Whatever else the Rubies might plan, it is clear that the comital campaign will reach a climax in a matter of days.
23rd of Tarsakh, 1381 DR
A massive brawl breaks out in the Mistlocke square, pitting the men of both clans and other villagers together in strife. It ends with a few on all sides lying dead in the dust, the Muster marching in force to prevent further bloodshed and those responsible being brought to the Muster barracks. Soon later, a man is flogged publically for instigating the riot. But the core of the matter has its root deep in the clan feud.
Apparently, not so long before the warfare in the square began, Abigail is rumoured to have struck at master merchant Hasheir Pashan with her fists, a fight soon ended by Bloody Mary Bite Coin. As the Muster and Aberdenn supporters gather in the Market Hall to find an end to this breach of the law, the mercenary Morcant of clan Caermyn joined them. Distressed, Pashan is said to have put an accusing finger at Abigail who was quickly thereafter brought low by the mercenary's axe, Morcant himself struck down by those in attendance. Even the fine issued both clans could do little to stop the bloodshed to be, as one headstrong Aberdenn by the name of Jane Belleville insulted the mercenary and provoked a prolonged conflict that ended in a duel to the death -- where she was slain.
In outcry at her demise, the warrior Zalrathan Radivaar charged the mercenary and the ensuing battle brought all spectators into a heated struggle. When the dust settled and the bodies could be counted, only confusion and accusations remain to tell who struck the final blow on anyone, as Caermyn men-at-arms and Aberdenn bannersmen are joined in the truce-bringing embrace of death.
In the not so distant desert, the Comital Host is drawing ever nearer the forest border...
Tarsakh 28th, 1381 DR
A long procession of celebrations for new heroes and memorials given for fallen comrades has followed the days since the Watcher-Lord Morn Greycastle led Mistlocke's ramshackle militia to victory at the battle on the River Tear, where the dreaded comital advance over the bridge at Stonehand Scars was driven back in blood while a flanking force of mercenaries under the command of Captain Boris Vednyev was soundly defeated by a number of Mistlocke's most prominent adventurers.
But this triumph has not come without cost. For every new hero born on the field, there are two newly buried in a shallow grave, including brave Daryd Brann, Spear-Champion of the Aberdenn clan, and veteran Musterman Mathal. The Wyrm Watchers too have lost men along with the doubly-wounded Aberdenns manning the line against Captain Vednyev's sortie in the Veil, and point accusatory fingers at the Caermyn and the Numinous Order, whose contingents, they charge, were far smaller.
Indeed, rumours of dishonourable conduct are rife about town: it is said that a mercenary company called the Eagle's Claw served in Vednyev's vanguard despite promising to fight for Mistlocke, and that the Red Dragon mercenaries under the command of former Caermyn bravo named Ez'kus hunkered behind the front line, safely out of danger while others fought and died on their behalf -- and more recent stories of the Red Dragons' involvement with necromancers and subsequent banishment from Mistlocke have done little to aid their tarnished reputation.
Others, meanwhile, disdain all this talk as premature, for many self-proclaimed scouts taking on supplies in Mistlocke grimly report that the Ruby army has not been destroyed: Sis Liman is still occupied, and Ruby-guarded caravans yet cut across the dunes of the Dead Plains on unknown missions. With so few left to defend them, new flickers of doubt have entered the minds of Mistlocke's citizenry as they await further words of guidance and leadership from their doughty Watcher-Lord, and what he shall do in the days to come.
Tarsakh 30th : Year 159 : 1381 DR
Rumors fly of a violent conflict that erupted within Mistlocke. Recruiter Belisarius is said to have drawn steel on the prominent holy man Mororn for reasons unknown. A mob later erupted and blood spilled over the cobbles of Mistlocke, drenching the gloom of the day in a sanguine aura of despair.
As the dust settled, the Muster was said to have made a late appearance, only to see yet another mob descend upon the Order Priory just outside of town.
It is said by many that a man of the Numinous Order was slain, and that Mororn was the chief architect of his doom by some in the taverns.
Others insist the Wyrm Watchers orchestrated the death of a high ranking Numinous Order Historian, stealing his treasures in the process.
No one is exactly sure what passed, but tensions are mounting, and steely gazes are exchanged between many prominent men about town.
First of Mirtul : Year 159 : 1381 DR
Warlord Morn Greycastle announced a War Tax to fund all war efforts. This tax was extremely unpopular with many villagers. Those who opposed the tax gathered in the village square and began a large bonfire to grab attention. They refused to extinguish the fire until the tax had been removed. Those who supported the tax threw water in the fire while those who were against the tax threw in more fuel.
Eventually, the fire broke out of the circle. How this happened is uncertain. The popular opinion is that a henchman of House Caermyn did this purposefully to discredit the rioters. As many villagers fought off the large bonfire, others threw torches at the Caermyn Estate. While the fires blazed, a group of people which included mercenaries, Mustermen, and Father Mororn fought at each other.
At the end of the day both fires were extinguished and Haseir Pashan announced that he overrules Warlord Morn Greycastle in his decision to enact the War Tax. The War Tax is no more.
Mirtul 16th, 1381 DR
On the eve of the Watcher Lord's announced march on Viceroy d'Arthido's camp somewhere in the Dead Plains, a Mistlocke battered by Ruby raids, a skirmish with Father Micheal's mad followers, and recent civil unrest holds its breath. Listless bravos spar behind Aberdenn Hall while the Caermyn Estate's stockyard is abuzz preparing the Watcher Lord's baggage train for the morrow's hostilities. Footmen of the Numinous Order and bonded pairs of the Transcendent Conclave can be seen among the village warband, but it is the rovers and skalds of the Wyrm Watchers that make up its heart and soul, all of them willing to follow their warlord into the fury that the morning shall bring.
Not one soul counts the apportioned task to be easy, for the wily Viceroy has surely not spent the reprieve Mistlocke has given him idly, and he has the advantage of defense. Meanwhile, a few far-roaming scouts report that a line of lights can be seen descending the dark peaks of the Prophets ...
Mirtul 17th, 1381 DR
The seventeenth day of Mirtul has been one of blood and sorrow, but for the village of Mistlocke it is also a day of triumph and victory. Their differences put aside in the face of the comital onslaught, Mistlocke's factions marched into the Dead Plains this morning with the Watcher Lord Morn Greycastle at their head, intent on defeating the Viceroy at his camp on the Field of Agramant. The fighting was fierce, but after several rallies the warband fought its way to the Ruby camp -- only to learn from a frantic member of the Muster that the Viceroy and his bodyguard had outmaneuvered them and seized the Last Keep. Wily d'Arthido had stolen the march on them.
The warband's frantic forced-march did not end until well after nightfall, finding Old Port's red tower emblem flying atop the Last Keep and a siege line manned by the remnants of the Muster. With the aid of Gaeseric the Unyielding, who wished to avenge his capture and imprisonment at the Rubies' hands, Mistlocke's defenders breached the tower's gates in a bloody assault. By midnight, a handful emerged alongside an injured Arthur Aberdenn and a silent Menaster Caermyn with Viceroy Ignacio d'Arthido's severed head, and a bittersweet victory.
Many have died for Mistlocke's freedom this day, foremost among them Mororn Glaemril, the prominent priest of Ilmater. More disturbing, however, are the reports that members of the Transcendent Conclave were found among the Viceroy's cadre -- and few among Mistlocke's citizenry are willing to take the chance that this was the work of isolated individuals. And yet, no one wishes another war. With Old Port's ambitions stymied, now is a time for rebuilding.
18th of Mirtul, year 1381 DR
The hours after the battle have been difficult to many. Bodies are carried by weary and crying friends from the Last Keep, pyres being formed to deal with the hated ruby soldiers while the heroes and victims are kept in the Tower of Gods for proper ceremony. A group of Jergali has volunteered to this assistance and has taken temporary hold of one of the many shrines within the Hallows to no protest from the Elders. The barracks of the Mayor's Muster in particular has been hit very hard, to the point where most of the militia rest within quarters prepared at Mist's End rather than live in the bloodbath and horror that is their home. Roughly a third of the Muster militia has been decimated by the Ruby forces, a burden very visible upon the remaining soldiers. They hold their own private ceremonies of honour for the fallen, led by a stone-faced Lord-Captain Volaunt.
To assist the diminished defenders, bannersmen from clan Aberdenn and mercenaries out of clan Caermyn have stepped up to assist in the weakened defenses and peacekeeping. While the law seems to have taken a rest, so too has any criminal notion of taking advantage of the current state. While most villagers are thankful that the clans now seem to be under an uneasy temporary truce as they deal with the fallen and tattered government, some are worried what this new responsibility and stand will mean for the future. Both Arthur Aberdenn and Menaster Caermyn are often seen attending personally to the work done by their retainers, directing them in the efforts of rebuilding a broken society.
The passing of Mororn Glaemril has hit the village hard yet also driven several initiates of Ilmater to conduct service in his memory. The white-robed servants of the Broken God can be seen plying their trade freely amongst the weak and hurt, tending wounds and soothing through words the many survivors. Yet the pain intensifies as reports come in through the day, for many villagers sought refuge within the woods when battle begun in Mistlocke and there they found a new horror that mercilessly grasped all that it could. The packs of werewolves living in the surrounding forest descended upon the desperate villagers and many are said to be dead, or worse.
Morale is at an all-time low amongst the residents. Yet hope has been brought in the light of the victory and the burden of war finally having been lifted. The villagers now look to a future and the empty seat of the Lord-Mayor.
18-19th of Mirtul, year 1381 DR
The announcement of an election in the coming weeks has brought some hope to the villagers of Mistlocke. Villagers thinking to run as candidates have been told to approach Secretary Nettlehatch for registration and many residents now wonder who of their community will put themselves forward. Already, retainers of clan Caermyn have announced that they will see Mistlocke prosper if only they are supported -- although it is vague whether it is a chosen candidate they mean.
Some say that Aberdenn will propose one of their own to step up for office but it is unclear what agenda they will propose. It is said a group of Mustermen tried to register their own Lord-Captain, to the immediate disapproval of the man himself. Other than the interest of the clans, very few have announced their intention so far and with the election starting within two weeks many fear that representation will be low. Rumours has it that the remain of the Brotherhood of Mercy will propose a candidate from their own circle.
The village is starting to show signs of improvement and the Last Keep is again inhabitable, although the signs of battle remains prominent within the keep itself.
In the wake of the Comital Host's defeat, those that range far and wide through the scorching heat of the Dead Plains can notice a flurry of activity beneath an immense Stone Head that juts forth from the ground within the Great Expanse. The Empire of New Netheril, known to most as the Transcendent Conclave, have begun erecting tents and sending caravans of provisions to this spot. Work has begun digging in the ground surrounding the head, but for what reason, none outside of the Conclave know...
Mirtul 25th, 1381 DR
Mistlocke discusses with interest the curious announcement of Earl Arthur Aberdenn in the wake of Warlord Morn Greycastle's divestment, designating his son Owain Aberdenn as a candidate for Lord-Mayor and emphasizing the importance of a strong, trusted citizen to hold the office. Few in the village have heard much from Owain personally, but Aberdenn bannermen claim him a fine lad, and well able to manage the village's highest office.
Kythorn 6th, 1381 DR
A brilliant strike against the Count was down this day! A group of stalwart adventurer led by the gallant Sir Gaelan Caermyn managed to assault the prison of the Iron Isle, a dreadful fortress built into the cliffside of the Isle where the count sent political dissenters, criminals and other refuses of Old port society. They managed to abduct the Imperator, a drow warship with peculiar qualities, from the nose of the Comital forces.
Many adventurers who had come along left their lives upon the isle to ensure the success of the theft, and their sacrifice will be mourned by the survivors and Mistlocke, whole.
Kythorn 8th, 1381
Gaeseric called a moot back at his camp within the Scar in order to organize the liberation of the Unyielding Pass from the forces of the Fellwitch. There, it was established that the retaking of the Pass would be impossible without the aid of the native inhabitants of the mountains, old enemies, such as a tribe of Bloodhowlers led by the powerful Hyaulk Grut, and a tribe of mist ogres led by the Dreamwhisperer Ur. In the end, only the tribe of Mist Ogre managed to be swayed to the cause, much to the disdain of the dwarves of the delving who tagged along.
The battle of the Pass was gruesome and violent as the endless waves of minions of the Fellwitch clashed with the force composed of both adventurers and ogres. All was going well, with minimal casualty, before the Agony of the Hunt slowly rose from the depth a cave in the cliffside of the mountain. The fight continued for hours, right until the hero who had held off most of the fury of the Agony, Haryat Mahgo, fell to the creatures' claws. It was at this time that the party scattered and things seemed hopeless that Gaeseric, with all his might, charged at the beast and managed to shove it off a cliff along with himself...
...The Agony fell down the cliff; the stitched skin of the many creatures making it being shred apart by the rocks below. Despite being torn apart, the agony seem to slowly crawl away with its claws in order to eventually rebuild itself. There were no sign of Gaeseric as the dust settled.
Despite these losses, the adventurers were able to banish the last remnants of Hbala's army atop the mountains, and bring peace back to the Unyielding Pass.
Kythorn 14th, 1381
Citizens are in fright of the death of former warlord Morn Greycastle, his head being piked upon the peak of Old Stones Tower, the dripping blood painting the walls of the crumbling structure. The populace seems to know little of the incident save despair.
While rumors of the celebrated warlord's defeat vary from a product of the mist, anarchists from the depths of the Stones, or avaricious dark dwarven, informed Wyrm Watchers are outraged that such could happen in Mistlocke itself to one of their most decorated members, and many are concerned with who may be the next victim.
Kythorn 15th, 1381
More terror finds Mistlocke in the form of the patrons of the Mist's End, who witnessed a goblin exploding within the lobby for pursuits unknown. Eventually a Musterman and commoners at the scene were accusing two men heavily, a man garbed in red and yellow robes, and a mustached mercenary who were subsequently beaten and thrown out of the poor hamlet, assumed to have masterminded the attack by those present.
Whatever the reason for the rise in horrible atrocities against Mistlocke, citizens are anxious to hear the completion of the election and witness a Mayor rise to power to put an end to them.
Kythorn 16th, 1381
During the rainy early morning of the much anticipated final announcement of the Kythorn election, many commoners and adventurers waited anxiously within the town square for the eventual appearance of the candidates, to which the two that came found themselves showing late. With time, the most prominent candidates Owain Aberdenn and Gareth Caermyn surfaced. A significant portion of citizens were apprehensive about the absence of other favored candidates, Stokes, Delturai, Jereb, and the now missing Barandos Hawklin II.
After a time, as Lathander rose from under the boughs, the secretary's office announced Gareth Caermyn as new Lord-Mayor of Mistlocke, to which he immediately gave his acceptance and victory speech, much to the dismay of Aberdenn sympathizers in attendance. The new Lord-Mayor Caermyn also announced a new position of Deputy-Mayor, to which he nominated Caermyn Associate Basil Calbrooke as the first of this collection of advisors.
While most would say the two sons of the clans of Mistlocke took their respective defeat and victory amiably, Owain is said to have stormed off after a comment of a cocksure Gareth, to an Arthur Aberdenn that is said to have been furious about the results. Furthermore, some bannersmen even outright claim foul dealings and trickery.
Many seem split to the clans' quarrels as ever, subsequently reflecting in their opinion of the mayoral seat's new occupant. Caermyn associates and supporters rejoice at the prospect of what riches may come to Mistlocke (or perhaps themselves), other citizens worry if the fiscal responsibility of the new Lord-Mayor will truly manifest in his actions. A vocal minority of Aberdenn supporters fear that Lord-Mayor Caermyn's avaricious tendencies and desire for rapid expansion will be Mistlocke's doom, urging their friends and families to seek refuge in the woods.
Whatever the case, all agree that the overall wealth of the village will likely undergo significant changes.
Kythorn 19th, 1381 DR
Villagers talk of a climactic duel between William D'Elretch of the Numinous Order and Raffaella Fondriest of the Wyrm Watchers fought on Mistlocke's bridge over the River Tear. Employing every stratagem at their disposal, the two fought to a standstill and agreed to have their seconds finish the duel lest the contest continue into the evening hours. In this second duel the Wyrm Watcher Tobias Markham proved victorious, and the defeated Footmen retired from the scene in foul spirits. It is not known exactly what sparked the duel, although many speculate that the affair was sparked by a dispute over the Crown of the Isles, which both organizations are well known to seek.
Kythorn 22nd, 1381 DR
The crumbling edifice of Old Stones has loomed large in recent village gossip. It is said that the merchant Hortense Higgins fled there with her stores on the day before yesterday, chased out of the market hall by Caermyn retainers checking for merchant licenses. And now this afternoon, the ancient tower was raided by several watchmen of the Muster and a handful of Wyrm Watchers when a man named Tarius, evidently serving with the Muster, was murdered in the aftermath of a duel on Old Stones' roof.
Never has the building's curse been as evident in recent memory as it has when horror-struck villagers watched as several bodies bearing horrific wounds were dragged out by the raid's survivors, and even Captain Volaunt is said to have left the Last Keep to keep the loitering crowd from nearing too close. Most are happy to do so: one would have to be a special kind of fool to dare and enter the place.
Kythorn 27th, 1381 DR
Rumours fly about the village of a man from the Netherese Empire who was charged with two accounts of attacking a citizen of Mistlocke. Some say it was over a slight to the man's skill in combat whilst others say it was over a book of demons that was torn apart by the recipient of the aggressors attacks.
Few men and women actually partook in the beating of the man, not only for his seemingly unbreakable spirit but because the Mayor's Muster had decreed he was to be exiled for two days after the beating for his rash actions and blatant disregard for the laws of Mistlocke. The event fuels speculation of tensions within the alehouses for days between the two specks of civilisation on the blighted rock they sit upon.
Still though... The occasional mercenary and adventurer do make mention of "something" in the woods. Something that flickers for a instant at the corner of your eye before disappearing completely
Flamerule 2nd, 1381 DR
Villagers speak tremulously of a small skirmish in the village square late last evening, in which several Aberdenn retainers posing as peddlers came to blows with a gathering of Muster watchmen and Caermyn retainers over a refusal to pay for the Lord-Mayor's notorious merchant licenses. Two of the Aberdenn bannermen were slain in the chaos, and two more taken into custody at the Last Keep.
A heated exchange is said to have followed afterwards between the Aberdenn patriarch Arthur and several Caermyn retainers, wherein a certain Quintus Forecrest demanded that Arthur's uncle Gadyw "One-Eye", whom he believed responsible for the attack, be delivered into the Muster's custody. Arthur denied the charges, and claimed ignorance to the One-Eye's current whereabouts much to Deputy Mayor Basil Calbrooke's chagrin, who threatened legal consequences before Arthur stormed into his family halls.
Clan violence is new to few in Mistlocke, but with Caermyn ascendant over the political institutions of the village, rumors of Aberdenn bravos skulking in the forest past the village walls, and much of Mistlocke still ruinous from the aftermath of the Comital invasion, many worry that the village might be host to yet another conflict, this one a bitter struggle between its own heroes.
Flamerule 9th, 1381 DR
The plaintive cry of a wolf very near the village sends shivers down the collective spine of the villagers. Their fears are realized when adventurers report that a werewolf was indeed stalking the Crossroads. The recent memories of lycanthrope infiltrators and missing family members are all too fresh in the minds of many and rumors speculate that a local pack may be preparing to bring new horrors upon the town of Mistlocke.
Later, it was said that Musterman Glimtwiss, the Gnome, managed to take down a foul animator prowling the forests around Mistlocke. A trial was held in the Town Square and the culprit was exiled forever from the safety of the Town. Some of the more hopeful townspeople pray that the Muster can work the same miracles when it comes to tracking down the werewolves.
11th of Flamerule, 1381 DR
In the early hours of the morning, the Mist gathered heavily around the village. Faced with the desperate request of the lottery and in Gareth Caermyn's absence, Deputy-Mayor Basil Calbrooke took upon himself the responsibility and gathered group twenty-four together in the Last Keep. This was not met without resistance and it is said that the Caermyn associate alongside his assistants went hard on anyone trying to shrink away from their alloted duty, even chasing down and dragging back someone seeking to escape. Many called to question both the lottery itself and the group selection, the Templars Colden Green and Vincent Gerhardt denouncing the election of a champion while Aberdenn associates Urlen Durlaine and Tharaz`Athur proclaimed suspicion on the selection of so many pro-Aberdenn within the group.
Despite the rowdy aura surrounding the affair, it was conducted without violence. Lucien Tezzerus is said to have selflessly taken the place of another villager in an attempt to save them all, the single allowance given from the Deputy-Mayor, but a different number was drawn from the lottery hat. The Champion was led into the Mayor's office by Gareth, returned to the village at dawn, and has not been heard from since.
The Mist receded its tight clutch soon afterwards.
Flamerule 15th, 1381 DR
A comedy of errors had blackened the eye of Clan Caermyn as a series of incidents involving retainers and governmental appointees left tongues wagging throughout Mistlocke.
It started early in the day when the Muster made a general announcement that, with less than twenty four hours into the post, the Master Merchant Khanar Murrar was to be pardoned for the crime of Infernalism. Shortly after, another announcement was made that Deputy-Mayor Basil Calbrooke himself was assaulting citizens and using his authority to 'pardon himself'. While more level-headed members of the populace argued that there was more to mitigate the rumors, a majority of folks add the tales to the tally of grievances held against the current Mayor and his lackeys.
The mood of the town did not improve when news came that newly recruited Musterman Miko Matsuke took it upon herself to apprehend a pair of Banites accused of murder, resulting in a sensational sequence of events that ended with the brutal beating to death of former Musterman and once-mayoral candidate Jonathon Delturai by the Banite Maksym Zborowski and culminating in the execution of Salty Block'n'tackle, a halfling adventurer well-known and -liked for his irrepressible behavior and amusing antics.
Clan Caermyn attempted to rectify their errors by paying to have the deceased Delturai restored to life and reversing their decision to pardon the Master Merchant but many townsfolk simply shake their heads, calling it an empty gesture in light of everything else. Further news that Zborowski the Brutal was then brought into the Muster sat ill with the townsfolk and many wonder how the House can continue in this direction before something gives out.
Frustration and anger are roiling in the Old Stones as word spreads of a brazen Muster invasion led by Zborowski the Brutal which, after the brutal melee, resulted in the abductions of Jonathan Delturai and of some tiefling.
In retaliation, several Old Stones bandits took the Caliphar Frankie Stokes hostage, and what ensued was a long, failed negotiation process which resulted in the Caliphar leaping from the battlements in a foolhardy attempt to fly to safety.
However, as the rumors go, he was hampered by the fact that he had been brutally stabbed to death moments prior, and so his lifeless corpse merely plummeted to the ground, nearly striking Miko Matsuke in the process.
The subsequent execution of the tiefling in the square has further infuriated Old Stones dwellers who simply, they say, wish to be left alone by the rampaging Muster.
Flamerule 23rd, 1381 DR
Rumors abound of smoke rising from Sis Liman. Merchants at Mistlocke's market hall watch the horizon uneasily at the greasy smoke rising from the border of the forest, having expected a Caermyn caravan to bring goods for sale this morning.
Flamerule 27th, 1381 DR
The hirelings of clan Caermyn mourn the death of prominent retainer Quintus Forecrest, who was slain in a duel with the infamous Gadyw Aberdenn, uncle of Earl Arthur Aberdenn, on the bridge over the River Tear today. The weathered axeman, actively sought by the government for inciting rebellion but praised by certain segments of the village population for standing up to the excesses of Caermyn rule, is said to have provoked a brawl just outside Mistlocke's gates before escaping into the forest, reportedly aided by several Aberdenn bannermen present.
Flamerule 29th, 1381 DR
Mistlocke was a hive of shock, fear and gossip as a gruesome coterie of part-golem misfits casually sauntered into Mistlocke. Rumors are rife about the signification of their their strange red-and-black uniforms, and the undoubtedly nefarious purpose of their presence on the island.
Eventually after Mistlocke overcame the daze of their arrival, members of the populace formed a violent mob and drove some of the band's stragglers out of town. It seems that Mistlocke will not brook their freakish meanderings in the village lightly. The community now seems to be applying pressure on the Muster to take more decisive and official action to keep these "men" and their machinations away from their children
A horn blew from the crossroads, and from the cool shadow of the trees galloped a weary traveller, clad in the infamous black ringmail of the Numinous Order, muddied by the trail.
He spoke with Plowman at the walls of Mistlocke, before heading toward the Priory. Few were there to witness what was said, but it was soon made clear as once more a horn blew from the forests; two banners fluttered in the wind, and a small coterie of Footmen and Knights marched on Mistlocke. The banners displayed two sigils, one the grey questing dragon of the Order, and the second the House sigil of Lord Blackhearth.
He made his way into the village, stopping only briefly to offer a small greeting and attend some courtesies before seeing his weary men sent to the Mist's End for a hearty meal of mead and mutton. The Lord himself then took to the stage, whereupon he was attended by the well known Footman stationed in Mistlocke, Amalrith Tremarus and a lesser known Knight that few recognised thought to be named Ser Percy Roderick.
The Lord spoke at length about the front, and the war of attrition that was raging throughout the West, and the island's need for new heroes and leaders to arise and drive the Maiden's Host back for good. He seemed to strike a chord with some throughout the crowd, whereas others simply looked about glumly at the floor.
He ended his speech, on a final, striking chord of a promise that he would provide the people a hero for them to rally beside. He then bade the Footman Amalrith kneel, and so he did, and in front of a crowd of adventurers and commoners alike, he raised him to the station of Knight -- the Footman arose as Ser Amalrith the Stalwart, Bulwark of Mistlocke.
Lord Agravain was then seen to smile to himself, and make for the Priory alongside Ser Roderick, as the people greeted the new Knight with roared cheers of "STALWART!" and "BULWARK, BULWARK!".
Ser Amalrith was then seen to address the people, before also returning to the Priory.
Third of Eleasis, 1381 DR
A caravan from Sis Laman arrived in the afternoon, bringing much appreciated supplies and stock from the rest of the Archipelago. Leading it was the Lord-Mayor himself who proceeded to host a gathering at Mist's End to speak of recent troubles. Through expressions of regret for having been absent too much from the political view, the Caermyn son brought reassuring news that the recent attack upon the smuggler port had not shattered all trade agreements and he spoke his disapproval of vigilantism from clan Aberdenn. Upon opening the floor for questions, the discussion drifted to worries of political and lawful tyranny, questions raised by Miko Matsuke that culminated in sergeant Fitch Nefzen of the Muster stepping forward and issuing a charge of assault against the Deputy-Mayor Basil Calbrooke. A crime Gareth took responsibility for.
To an astonished gathering, sergeant Nefzen carried out the punishment of assault with a beating against the Lord-Mayor himself in the Mistlocke square. As the judgement was coming to an end, voices were raised from the crowd that they too wanted to attend, in line with the laws of Mistlocke. Most notably this came from Aberdenn associate Jack Bughouse, who against denials of the Muster and threats of death from clan Caermyn sought to do his fair due as a villager. Several roared their disapproval when the Muster sergeants Nefzen and Gordon Kraegg denied them to partake in the beating, crying out accusations of corruption. The disgraced Lord-Mayor was carried off into the clan mansion to tend injuries suffered.
While the majority of the community holds the Caermyn son's actions as noble, there are some that have begun to worry about the stability of the village. A few cynicals believe the recent event to be nothing but a ploy for public favor from Caermyn, the last pieces in a gamble to drive out Aberdenn in full. The actions of the Muster have raised questions with the more adventurous population, where liberal interpretation of the set laws and exercise of authority have begun shaping them more as a force of government than a local defending militia. Most anxious are the villagers of clan Aberdenn itself, its long tradition of honour and stalwart defense of Mistlocke seemingly diverting into fractions of radical vigilantism only vaguely denounced by its earl.
A term built upon cooperation, stability and growth is coming towards an end, and Mistlocke has never been more fractured.
Worrying reports filter through the Gates of Mistlocke, from roaming traders and scouts of the various factions that dwell therein. The reports speak of increased activity of the Grey Raiders in the waters beyond Ymph's shores. These rumours spark a solemn worry in Mistlocke's locals, the superstitious villagers seeing dark omens everywhere. The Raiders have not been seen at all in many months. and what this new revelation portents, it is agreed, is worrying indeed.
The Mist's End is abuzz with talk of the elections. Caermyn men mutter darkly over their mugs that Gareth will not be standing for re-election, and that the popularity of their House has waned over the course of his Mayoral term so much that House Caermyn likely won't put forth an overt candidate at all. The rest of the talk is mostly around the other Mayoral candidates.
The merchant Pleate is talked of with excitement, though others curse him for a scoundrel and claim that only the priestess of the Morninglord, Mira Ayrin, can protect Mistlocke from the schemes of H`bala`s agents -- though some worry about inviting a priest to become Mayor, especially as a threat of 'excommunication' was heard in a recent heated sending exchange. Some duller residents seem to believe that excommunication from the Church of Lathander may mean exclusion from the sun itself.
Much merriment was made of the back-and-forth between the two candidates, Ayrin inviting Pleate to a duel and Pleate replying that he is simply too old. While some curse him and say he will be dead before his term is finished, others admire the stability of the businessman when most other outsiders have been 'lunatic adventurers', and dismiss Ayrin for wanting to brawl with the ice-cream salesman. Others speak quietly of a man known as the Bantam, an Aberdenn bannersman running on a platform of isolationism and governmental reforms.
Renovations can be seen taking place in the Last Keep, crumbling old chambers cleared out and restructured. It's said that Gareth Caermyn has used a little of the village's surplus to provide a number of improvements for his successor. A Muster guardsman can be seen arguing with Captain Volaunt before retiring within, evidently displeased about having been reassigned permanently to guard the Mayor.
An attack is said to have been perpetrated upon Muster Sergeant Fitch Nefzen as he auctioned off confiscated goods in the Mist's End Tavern. A posse composed of Conclave auxiliaries and said to have been led by Finster Voegal abducted him from the crowded tavern in the midst of many villagers, though a couple of the assailants were apprehended - one, Hjalmar Erston, transformed into a chicken and later executed. The Muster Sergeant is said to have died at the hands of Voegal. The village went into uproar, the vast majority demanding at least the expulsion of the Conclave and a considerable few wishing for outright war. Shortly after, the exile of the Conclave was declared. The Mayor calls for calm, just days before the election...
30th of Eleasis, 1381 DR
Chaos erupts in the village as a possible werewolf is reported to have been seen entering Mistlocke. While every other villager accuses each other as suspects, mayor candidate James the Bantam led the search that successfully discovered the girl seen running into the village. Against a rising tide of protest, Watcher Leopold, Aberdenn asscoiate Cedric and the candidate fought for the accused in an effort to prove her innocence to no avail. After a long-winded effort to see the woman executed inside the cage, she was at last brought down by Cedric and burnt by James himself in grief.
While the majority of the populace respects the mayoral candidate for his stand of justice, some are becoming increasingly frustrated by the efforts of the newcomers to forcibly determine the village's decisions and go against the norms and wishes of the longer residents. A lot of suspicion and fear is hinted whenever the villagers speak of those seemingly coming out of the mist to the village, with few ever saying from where.
A populace weary of the machinations of H'balan antagonists make their way to the stone of election; polling has begun.
A public election was held in the Mist's End tavern, wherein three of the four electoral contestants held forth on a variety of topics, from their election promises to the focus of their activities should they be elected. Though only Antoine Godson and Joe Pleate were present when the debate commenced, a bloodied and battered James the Bantam arrived shortly after, a number of Wyrm Watchers in tow.
Following more than an hour's lively debate, including a much-discussed interruption for a quiet back-room discussion between the candidates, Entoni Zagan seemed to become tense and worried. A bead of sweat on his brow, some minutes later he let out an exclamation and turned to hurl something at an unseen foe.
What followed is a topic of debate (including who landed the killing blow), but at the end of the night the corpse of Shitbrowns the rat lay coiled and burning inside of the incineration cage. Some say that he plotted to murder one or all of the candidates present, others that the candidates themselves somehow planned the event to associate themselves with the destruction of the volatile H'balan servant; whatever the case, townspeople praise the sharp eye of Entoni Zagan, celebrate the eradication of one of the myriad threats to the town and chatter eagerly about who is to be their new Mayor as the votes trickle in.
On the Third of Eleint, in broad daylight, a heavily enchanted troll is said to have lumbered into the town square and snatched James the Bantam, the Mayoral candidate and Aberdenn Associate. Nobody has seen him since.
Though a response was formed shortly after, it dissolved among conflicting reports of the troll fleeing with Bantam into either the forest or Old Stones tower, and no trace of troll or Bantam has yet been found. Long-term residents and Clan Aberdenn are dismayed by the event, and Wyrm Watchers have been seen snooping about the village more than usual since.
Some speculate about foul play on the part of the other candidates or Clan Caermyn, gossiping on which would be the most likely to strike a deal with monsters. Others lay blame on the expansionist Transcendent Conclave, citing James' long-held opposition to their influence in Mistlocke. Still more vocal commentators hold the Muster responsible, complaining that Mistlocke's defenses are as weak as they ever were after the Comital War...
After a hard-fought election, Jokast Pleate has been announced as Mistlocke's new Mayor. Having been hamstrung early on in the election, Mira Ayrin came last in the ballot, acquiring only seven votes of the hundred and seventeen cast. Despite a strong start, Antoine Godson's name was muddied by his association with the Numinous Order due to the perceived cruelty of their actions against those who sallied out to save a group of abductees from Murder Town. The late James the Bantam came a close second, and many believe that had he not been murdered and the Wyrm Watchers' support switched to Pleate, he would now hold the mantle of Mayor. Jokast Pleate, however, having won over half of the total outsider vote, along with the support of Clan Caermyn, the Wyrm Watchers and the town's merchant bloc, has won the day.
A raucus crowd turned out to see Gareth Caermyn name him victor, many shouting their support though detractors accuse him of tampering with the vote somehow, or of having a hand in the death of James the Bantam. Nonetheless, he has taken the Office of Mayor and the vast majority agree that it is fairly won.
QuoteJoe Pleate -- 51
James the Bantam -- 33
Antoine Godson -- 26
Mira Ayrin -- 7
Voter Total Turnout -- 117
Outsider Votes -- 42 (Pleate 21, Godson 10, James 10, Ayrin 1)
Mistlocke Population -- 270
Voter Turnout (%) -- 44%
In the wake of the Mayoral election, a flurry of events have taken place. Many villagers still speak in hushed voices of Order trespasses in the 'slaughter' of the Webbed Woods, though it's said that only one man died, the long-time Wyrm Watcher and survivor of the Fall of Nebedzzos Michael Tommas. His death is felt and mourned by many, and the Order resented for the killing of him, though other more rational-minded citizens say that the group was clearly warned of the consequences of their actions.
In the days that followed, rumours trickled back to Mistlocke of consternation amongst the Order's command at Castle Blackhearth. Word had it that the Order's food supplies ran low, and that the five-score men garrisoning the Castle against a H'balan siege were down to salt fish and rats. Serjeant Magnus Karloff arrived a few short hours after this news, making a demand for half of Mistlocke's food stocks. After a terse exchange with Mayor Pleate, he left disappointed and angry with little more than a couple of cartloads of food, enough to last the garrison another week or so.
It's said that the group who left accompanying this shipment were not quick to return, and an Aberdenn bannersman even put out the rumour that some of them had been taken hostage. Though the truth of this still isn't clear, the announcement came just minutes after the arrival of Sir Percy Roderick, one Lord Agravain Blackhearth's most trusted advisor and the man rumoured to be the Order's spymaster. After dismissing a stubborn Caermyn associate at Muskroot's Tower he made his way to the House's Hall to seek counsel with Menaster himself. In the wake of the Aberdenn announcement, a mob gathered, shouting for Caermyn to refuse the Order any aid. Menaster himself had to emerge, speaking platitudes though giving no promise of refusing the Order succour.
The next day, tragedy struck. A fire at the farmlands destroyed much of Mistlocke's grain crop, and while its defenders were trying to quash the flames, the Market Hall was attacked by cut-throats. In the confusion a great deal of grain and meat is said to have been stolen, even more burned, though Mistlocke retains enough reserves to feed its people without imminent fear of famine.
An Ordersman by the name of Hadwin Barne led a group into the Old Stones to investigate the strike, though emerged shortly after with the unconscious body of the reknowned necromancer Finster Voegal, said to have been a double agent serving with both the Conclave and the Spellguard, and responsible for the murder of Sergeant Fitch Nefzen. Mayor Pleate was on the scene swiftly and ordered the criminal burnt for his crimes. The Ordersmen dallied a time however, debating over their quarry's belongings with a member of their party who refused to surrender them, and a party of Wyrm Watchers are said to have stolen off into the Stones to follow the trail before it went cold. It's said to have led to Murdertown, though the group was fended off by a group of Father Michael's devout, never catching sight of the stolen food.
In the aftermath, a threatening missive from Knight-Templar Jacques de Villiers is pinned by the Lord-Mayor in Mistlocke square. The village waits with bated breath to see how, or even if, these tumultuous events will resolve.
Many speak of a meeting between Sir Percy Roderick and Lord-Mayor Jokast Pleate after the arrival from Castle Blackhearth of the adjutant and his retinue. Sir Percy is said to have been shocked at the sight of an engineer from Mistlocke missing an arm after a confrontation with Cyricists, and asked publicly that he go to the Priory and supplicate himself so that their priests may aid him.
The Lord-Mayor and the adjutant retired to the Priory, where a meeting was held. The Order are said to have made certain pledges and agreements with the Mayor in the interests of settling past conflicts. Sir Percy is said to have ordered his retinue from the room midway through the meeting to speak with the Lord-Mayor alone, though it is as yet unknown what about.
Many speak of the rebellion of Antoine Godson which, though short-lived, reminded villagers of the many threats facing them from within. The tendency of Mayoral candidates to die is on the lips of many within the Mist's End, many speaking of the foul end James the Bantam came to. His capturer is not named by government officials or Mustermen, though it is said that he incinerated himself on the steps of the Last Keep, severely wounding all around him.
18th of Eleint, 1381 DR
Chaos erupts after a call for the true warriors of Mistlocke to come to the Mist's End arena. Dissatisfied with the outcome, it is said that the Garagosian Malaki Andrikso took matters into his own hands and started a fight with the spectators, killing the priestess of Lathander Mira Ayrin before drawing the battle out of Mist's End, pursued by outraged Aberdenn associates and a Wyrm Watcher. The battle reached its end within the cursed halls of Old Stones, the pursuers seen dragging the Garagosian out soon after entry. Justice was swift as the murderer sought to do a final battle with his captor and died subsequently of his wounds. Mira was brought back to life from Brotherhood sympathizers.
Yet the day's turmoil was not at an end. Angered by persecution and bloodshed in their halls, Old Stones made a call for the murderer to be released and one Aberdenn associate handed over to ease the tension. Gone unanswered it was not long before an explosion of smoke came from the top of the Market Hall and the news of the banker Erica Summerset being abducted, her Caermyn guard slain. The village vault containing the gold of the fortunate now is threatened, as the culprits are in possession of the key and worker. One and a half day later no news have come from either the manager of the vault or the abductors, a silence that no doubt soon will come to an end.
Word of some manner of 'great victory' reaches the ears of Mistlocke, sending the tongues of the villagers wagging as they discuss the rumors and the possible repercussions.
It is said that the self-styled Great Druid of Ymph, said to be the troublemaker known as Fury, led a force of Wyrm Watchers and Aberdenn in siege upon a Circle of Power controlled by the Fellwitch. Through some sort of blood ritual, resulting in the sacrifice of the Wyrm Watcher Skald Marcail MacCullen, the Circle was taken by force from the minions of the Fellwitch in a supposed blow against the withering itself.
A successful raid, some villagers dare to hope this may be the beginning of a change for the better, some curse the outcasts and Druids for riling up the Fellwitch to act directly against the village and wish that the Aberdenn had not involved themselves in it, but most simply take a moment to revel in a sense of immediate victory.
The mood in town and in the tavern is festive for most of the participants, who can be seen boasting of their deeds and toasting those that fell. In contrast, the mood is somber at the Hearth of the Wyrm Watchers who lost three members, including the celebrated Duelist, Raffaella Fondriest.
What long term consequences will arise from today's event remain to be seen.
A fearful hush falls over the small village as whispers and rumors circulate of murders, cults, and other dark deeds.
In the wake of the attack of a marauding monster, two villagers were found killed, their bodies mangled beyond recognition. Several adventurers sighted the monster and attacked, but many more simply cowered in fear or ran from it entirely. It eventually made its way back into the Old Stones as dawn approached.
Alongside this, the whispers of a gruesome murder scene within the Hallowed caverns beneath the Tower of the Gods stir even more feelings of dread and distrust. A body left before the Mystran Chapel, disemboweled and removed of several organs. The work of dark and bloody cultists, the villagers fear, or retribution of the Maiden for works against her in the withered lands.
Susoicious glances are cast from the villagers to the newly arrived adventurers, the sellswords, mercenaries, and archaeologists that loiter about the town square awaiting their next 'quest.' Some voices of dissent make their way to the Mayor's chambers, still others distrust even him, as an outsider himself.
The inadequacy of the Muster to handle the town's issues begin to be attributed to that same reason, being made up of outsiders eager to assert authority over a land they have no ties to but little motivation to actually solve the village's problems.
Tensions are up, the fear is palpable, and the village slowly simmers in dark and brooding emotions.
The sun steadily dipped beneath the Ymphian sky. That evening the embrace of twilight's fall was only briefly felt; the elephantine carcass of the Floating Enclave tremored in its parlous flight.
"See there in the sky!", cried one nameless waif;
There upon the skyline shone its otherworldly glow, expanding outwards like a palpable wind. It filled the evening air and made it thick with errant musings and lost trains of thought. Betwixt these gossamer phantasms of fatuous ruminations flared the ghostly contours of crumbling bookshelves, faded statues, and other antiquarian fixtures, navigated by the mechanical pacing of savants swathed in the muted colours of the Transcendent Conclave.
Masses of dazed feet shuffled with the entrancing current of some waking dream, converging upon the spectral profile of four lofty obelisks alien to the derelict stones of the Mistlocke colony.
There in the midst of them, a grim chair of nefarious shackles, stained with the blood of a body defeated and broken. It groaned, barely clinging to the tortured vestiges of its life in anticipation of some hopeless verdict handed down by the judgment of three imposing thrones across the insubstantial chamber.
The largest and most ornate of the thrones addressed the battered body in a wispy, adolescent voice :
"Ex... Zeulisad Rodagh. Your fate, eternal and pitiless, shall be the first suffered by all renegades and enemies of our Conclave."
All of a sudden a ruptured crystal sphere, resting upon a clawed pedestal between thrones and shackles, began its soul-shredding chorus. The dazed crowds slapped their arms around their heads as their vital force, screaming for mercy, bled through their ears.
Rodagh's suffering, lashed by chains and chains to that cruel seat, was by far the worst. Onlookers watched in horror as his eyes bubbled up and exploded, and his teeth warped and fell from his mouth. The discordant harmony multiplied in intensity, and with it the traitor's torment until the final, blessed moment of the song's crescendo when with a grisly POP his soul gave way and leapt into the sphere.
As the sphere's unspeakable aria dropped to nothing, the Oracle lifted himself from his decadent throne to address the crowd.
"People of Mistlocke, be at peace. I am the Oracle Razul, Leader of the Transcendent Conclave. Those of you who cooperate and show our organization no ill have nothing to fear..."
"Long have we wasted time dealing in hollow diplomacies and humoring the quaint and ultimately meaningless games of government and negotiations which serve only to distract us from the direness of our circumstances. This land is ill, defiled and dying because one renegade grew out of hand and now wields an unacceptable sway over all of our lives, and perhaps upon the welfare of the wider world!"
"I am Razul. And the Conclave will have no more diplomacies. We will no longer humor the games."
"Our sight remains focused steadily upon the calling of the New Netherese Empire, and shall not falter. Renegades shall be cowed. H'bala and Her withering shall be tamed. From the ashen ambers of this vast destruction shall emerge a new Age of Understanding, tempered by all of the law and mastery that the original Netheril lacked."
"Know these, our goals... and see there, the bloodied seat of our traitor's execution. See now the penalty of crossing the Conclave and impeding its Transcendent goals"
"Know this as you continue about your lives. Impede our goals or cross our glorious Conclave, and your passage to this chair shall be swift and merciless."
As the Oracle spoke these last words, the bearded throne of Zyphaem Faussad upon his left, bewitched by the blood-smears of the inhumane massacre that transpired upon that shackled seat stirred and finally worked up the courage to speak,
"How- how... can we have done this?"
The tension in that phantasmal execution chamber became unbearable as the vexation of the two other thrones fell like a rain of daggers upon the last. At that moment, the dream abated, and the multitude shuffled back to their nightly duties, tormented by the things that they had heard and seen - wishing, with a passion, that the morbid sight was nothing more than a cruel nightmare that they would awaken from and mercifully forget.
But the nightmare never left them.
5th of Marpenoth, 1381 DR
After Aberdenn hunters reported sightings of orcs near the outlying farms early morning, Mistlocke Musterwoman Kara Szantovich gathered a group of volunteers and set out to investigate. Little is known about what the group encountered but shortly afterwards a sending was made that orcs were preparing an assault upon the Delving and would attack at noon. Inquisitor Herostrat Desjardins of the Order took the lead in delivering the message personally to the dwarves of the Prophet's Peaks, a feat applauded as the dwarves had time to prepare against the assault.
While initially refusing aid, the gates of the delving opened as the assault neared the end. Beleaguered by the sheer force of numbers despite the warning, victory has been credited the Order and volunteers of Mistlocke making true on their promise of help and running to the dwarves' defense against their hated foe. Celebrated and rewarded, the valiant rescuers returned to Mistlocke where grim tidings awaited.
After the orcs had been decimated, a large host of undead had climbed the Prophet's Peaks and made its way to the Unyielding Pass. Deprieved of its namesake guardian, the wildlings prepared their defense while word was sent to Mistlocke for help. Standing at the forefront, a bold group of stargazers confronted the enemy and held the defense while the inhabitants of the pass fled east, held as they waited for help that did not come. Pushed back from an unrelenting force led by Ar-Monghul Ymph himself and in the clutch of heightened Withering presence, the defenders had to let go and fled as their numbers were overrun around them. The Unyielding Pass has finally surrendered, after three years of standing strong against the undead, and for the first time ever the east is threatened by H'bala's dead.
Left in the east is the village that dared not oppose the host.
9th of Marpenoth, 1381 D.R.
News of a brutal move made against the population of Old Stones disseminates throughout the village. Lord-Mayor Jokast Pleate today ordered the doors of the cursed tower sealed, and traffic between it and Mistlocke halted. The so-called Summerset Act saw a significant number of the tower's population attempt to flee before access to the village was cut off. All were slain who attempted to slip or break through the perimeter of mustermen and adventurers around the Old Stones. The doors were finally sealed after all resistance was broken by this massacre.
In the aftermath, a grief-stricken bellow from Chief Hamilcar Argenti is said to have been heard throughout the entire vale of Mistlocke. A bolt from the crossbow of Jacey Steel-Eyes had strayed and struck a small girl of the Argenti who had been caught up in the chaos, killing her instantly. Hamilcar is said to be furious, having opposed the sealing of the Stones in the first place. He has decried the Muster as murderers, and demanded Jacey's head.
The people of Mistlocke have welcomed the news with little enthusiasm. While pleased that the Old Stones has been sealed, the seething Argenti and the piles of bodies carted through the town have silenced whatever celebration there might have been. Some suggest that this is not the last breath of the criminals and ne'er-do-wells of Old Stones, and will cause more trouble for the village than it was worth, while others praise the Summerset Act as a strategic masterstroke for village stability through the confinement and starvation of its worst elements. Most often, though, the people quietly consider the cruelty of this act, fearing what will come of it.
20th of Marpenoth, 1381 DR
In the waning hours of the day, a gathering could be discerned atop the cursed -- and now sealed -- Old Stones. The nature of the event became evident on the onset of night, as a great pyre was set ablaze with the rumoured remains of those having succumbed to starvation within the tower. An outcry against the fell Summerset Act was soon made afterwards, both in words and action, as bottles of alchemist's fire and other debris were thrown at the Market Hall roof and the village square. Not long afterwards an explosion shook the village and dust poured out of Mist's End. In all the dramatics and after a fruitless chase into Old Stones to apprehend the culprits, many praise the gods that the damage done was minimal and without casualties.
Marpenoth 21st, 1381 DR
As Lathander's orb of splendour rises in the misty east to banish the predawn blue of early morning, the people of the hidden village of Mistlocke pause in their routines. Small groups talk quietly amongst themselves and steal glances at the crooked contours of Old Stones with darting eyes. It has been twelve days since the Summerset Act came into effect, and new scraps and whispers now echo from the pores of the Stones, rumours of a whole new season of hell within.
Ablaze with rage only a day ago, the tower stands corpse silent now, caked in rubble and swathed in murk and fear. With its population decimated by massacre and starvation, it is said only a scarce few remain, huddled together in dim and quivering chambers. A deep, cold, funereal darkness has taken the corridors of the Stones, as though the mysterious malediction upon Old Stones has sprouted forests of gloom where its sharp weeds once bled the feet.
Indeed, Mustermen who have opened the doors to cast the withered into the Stones speak of an overwhelming darkness, of trails of tar, of moist footsteps, of unseen Things stalking through the black. More than ever, villagers avoid the haunted tower, speaking sparingly of the profound change in its aspect. Those who wander the dark of Old Stones often find themselves stolen away or driven mad. Many have come to blame the dreaded creatures that are heard stalking the darkness, which locals have taken to naming “Grues”.
First of Uktar, 1381 DR
Several days have gone past since the farmlands were brutally struck by nightmarish creatures coming out at dusk. Scattered from the rest of the farmers, a survivor made his way to Mistlocke to call for aid -- and was answered.
A group led by Paige Cutteridge and Kara Szantovich went to the Skinnard's farm to investigate and later searched the river caves of the Tear at Stonehand's Scar for the culprits of the attack. After hours of fighting, the survivors arrived in frantic retreat, pursued by a beast of a werewolf. In the end the leader of the werewolf pack was brought low by Donovan Sariin and Jaric Sled after a fierce struggle, the head brought back to the farmers in celebration. The captives, some held by the pack for tendays, returned ragged but relieved to their homes and friends in Mistlocke.
In these recent days the farmers coming from the crops cheerfully tell of fewer sightings of the nocturnal hunters, the packs evidently scattered and split. The incidents and abductions that have for months plagued the village appears to have come to a good end.
Eighth of Uktar, 1381 DR
A grimly appalled silence overcomes the usual bustle of the Marketplace as the air is filled with the redolent smell of cooked meat. A charred smudge of a carcass, later revealed to be the remnants of Conrad Rotolo was the source of the delightful fragrance, his sudden doom quickly accounted for by the blaring of a eulogy which imprinted itself forcefully upon the minds of the befuddled masses :
"Know that the cost of betraying the Transcendent Conclave is death. That is all."
The horror of the last massacre had hardly left their minds before tragedy struck again from the puissant will of that floating fortress. Kara Szantovich, herself a mage and vocal opponent of the Transcendent Conclave was sitting tranquilly upon her bench in the Market Square when a dizzying flash storm of assailants swept her away. One straggler from the assault - presumably an associate of the Conclave - was left behind. The masses, frustrated and otherwise impotent before the Conclave's attack, rose to their blades and abducted him to their cells as prelude to his then-inevitable execution.
…but then another message, clear and pervasive upon every man's thoughts transmitted itself across the Isle of Ymph, bearing the lofty pretenses of peace and mercy :
"Our proceedings are now finished and the Triumvirate have deliberated. On the condition that the individual in your custody is brought unharmed, Kara Szantovich will be returned to you beneath the Enclave."
Driven either by a sense of loyalty to their abducted compeer, or simply by a hatred for the Transcendent Conclave invigorated by the warlike proclamations of the Numinous Order, an immense horde of armed adventurers marched upon the desert to the access portal of the Transcendent Conclave. The diminished form of a dazed man was the pivot of this gathering, the wounds of Mistlocke frustration projected ruthlessly upon his flesh.
Another message was projected :
"Given the massive numbers you are no doubt bringing, you will be permitted to send one envoy to the Enclave to treat with us. This envoy may bring a guard if it pleases him, but any more will result in the soul of Madam Szantovich being immediately drained and the Conclave's defense systems being engaged."
The horde, thirsting for blood but nonetheless concerned for the return of the Renegade Szantovich, gingerly split off a pair of envoys to negotiate the exchange. The negotiations did not last long, however :
"I fear that your envoys' diplomatic efforts have proven insufficient. If the individual in your custody is not sent through the portal post-haste, both of their lives are forfeit. If you attempt to send more than one being through, the Enclave defense systems will engage. Your group will be obliterated and both hostages will be drained of their souls."
Enraged. Confused. Panicked. Helpless. The crowd of seasoned adventurers projected their frustrations upon the hostage and the Conclave guards beneath the Enclave. But their hostility did not last long, as no sooner than their assault began did a single giant of a man with a spear descend from the Floating Enclave, the starkness of his rage concealed behind a dark mask of steel. He swung his spear. One fell. And then another. And then another. In a panic, the crowds finally scattered, and the carcass of their dead ally was brought back into the safety of the Floating Enclave.
The Conclave were manifestly displeased :
"You have executed your hostage. This displeases me greatly. What follows are the death rattles of two of our pathetic hostages; since the Delving have been neutral to our Conclave and the Muster have not supported Order aggression, the dwarven Musterman shall be released."
…and then another…
"As was warned, every hostage taken is now dead. Kaina Lionsbane, for her execution of a good friend and ally, Sir Malkith. Adrian Thorne and Randall Ironmonger, for your betrayal and execution of Hammaghri Sabam. Urist Metulegdoth, though I had wished to release him, begged for death. His corpse will be returned to you."
…and another…
"Kara Szantovich has now been executed for her vitriol against the Conclave, her status as Renegade and her flippant dismissal of the Triumvirate's reasonable terms. Know that our Conclave wishes nothing but to work in peace, but to trespass against us will mean your swift demise. That is all!"
The tale spreads like an epidemic of crippling fear among the citizens of Mistlocke. Many of them, formerly complacent within the crumbled walls of the village of Mistlocke, now begin to question their safety and speak of the Conclave in far more cautious terms. They fear the invisible eyes and ears of those overlords upon their fortress in the sky, and the imminent death that should follow if these eyes and ears are ever affronted...
In the evening of Uktar the 15th, the election at last came to an end. Under light rain and the sputtering glow of torches, the villagers of Mistlocke looked on expectant as General Secretary Estelline Nettlehatch recited the results of the vote in the square:
QuoteRovan Meyer -- 14
Daniel Amherst -- 15
Evangeline Nurjrit -- 38
Rodryk Sosay -- 40
Some villagers express relief at having been saved from another Caermyn term. But a wave of confusion and anger has rippled through some sections of Mistlocke over Rodryk's victory. Some villagers were seen to tear up their citizenship papers upon the announcement, and a Musterman is said to have stripped off his uniform in the middle of the rain and the gathered crowd, and accused Sosay of being both traitor and criminal. He then encouraged the crowd to demand the Village Elders exercise their collective power and remove the new Mayor. The village seems divided on the issue, some upholding the results of the vote, others declaring the entire election a farce.
Recently tarnished by accusations of hiring assassins, offering the Argenti a part of the budget for reparations, and allegedly serving the Conclave -- Rodryk ascends to his position amid heated controversy. Clan Caermyn seems especially sour at the result, having had high hopes to secure the seat again. In particular, the Mayoral candidate and Caermyn Retainer
Evangeline Nurjrit has begun to campaign for the Village Elders to remove Sosay from office. The Aberdenn by contrast avidly accept the result as one better than the alternative. The Argenti Gypsies meanwhile seem smug and celebratory in their camp, drinking and feasting into the night as though they had themselves enjoyed a victory.
The commonfolk of Mistlocke chatter, wondering if subterfuge was involved, whether Sosay is a Conclave puppet, and what would have happened had other candidates not been eliminated. Some are content that Nurjrit's war will not come to pass, but others worry about Mistlocke's stability and defence under Sosay.
The footmen of the Numinous Order can be heard speaking about Castle Blackhearth with some concern, speculating on whether Lord-Mayor Sosay will indeed provide relief. And amid the forests, the Wyrm Watchers are brooding and silent, as though spooked. When they do come to Mistlocke, Watchers talk of chilling rumours that H'balan plantlife has begun to grow in the desert, and it is spreading...
The people of Mistlocke are overcome with fear and uncertainty in the wake of a brutal assault upon the very Town Square by what felt to be an army of hideous, malformed, demon creatures. Making a straight line for the reknown Wyrm Watcher Tobias Markham, their savage numbers brought her down before dragging her unresponsive body from the village.
Most rumours point directly at the Conclave for the attack, attributing it as a response to a proclamation issued only moments before by the Watcher Knight that the members of the New Empire were forbidden from walking the forests surrounding Mistlocke. Villagers fear for their safety, shaken by the thought that the powerful Wizards of the Conclave can simply command any number of fell beasts to pluck them directly from the town.
They turn to the office of Lord Mayor Rodryk Sosay, demanding that he do something, anything, to curb this looming threat.
Meanwhile, both the Numinous Order and the Wyrm Watchers stew over their respective losses, pondering their next move.
4th of Nightal, 1381 DR
Rumors circulate around the village of a swift execution held at the Order Priory. The deceased is said to have been an elf that openly admitted the murder of a villager after an unsuccessful task on his behalf, the misdeed confirmed by other unsatisfied contributors to the hired work. Whereas little is known of the task itself, three villagers never returned in the efforts of seeing it all done.
Caravans from Sis Laman bring word of a skirmish that took place upon its secluded docks. A negotiation and issue of payment caused a bloody melee between the locals and some visitors over new crates recently shipped. Without paying first, the visitors decided to unseal the goods despite protestations and calls to cease. Fearing the reputation and integrity of trade deals done, the locals took up arms and spilled blood when diplomacy turned awry. In the aftermath a bounty for one of the visitors, a scimitar-wielding female warrior, has risen with the promises of a gracious reward.
The crates themselves, responsible for so much violence, have disappeared without a trace.
On the bright morning of Nightal 6th, a great migration of Aberdenn Bannersmen was witnessed pouring into Mistlocke from the surrounding woods. They filled the Mist's End, laughing boisterously, and strangely did not mix among the people of the village.
Once the trickle of Bannersmen ceased, men loyal to Clan Aberdenn gathered in Aberdenn Hall. Here an assembly of curious villagers had begun to arrive, including Lord-Mayor Rodryk Sosay. Sosay alone was invited upstairs among the Aberdenn, and would not emerge for hours. Rumours soon spread that Clan Aberdenn had seized Rodryk Sosay, and intended to take the village by force â€" putting an end to Mistlocke's 'failed democratic government'.
Aberdenn Bannersmen secured the Last Keep, the Square, and the Market Hall, where any Caermyn encountered were beaten and thrown out into the mud. Mistlocke came to a standstill.
A gathering of Caermyn, Gilded Arrow Mercenaries and others suddenly emerged from the Caermyn Estate, and took the square back from the Aberdenn in a bloody struggle. The Numinous Order are said to have sided with the Caermyn for unknown reasons, and they littered the streets with the bodies of Aberdenn Bannersmen. It was then that the Muster came, bearing orders from Lord-Captain Volaunt for all to lay down arms and submit to Clan Aberdenn.
Arthur Aberdenn entered the square, to many dissenting voices, and trod grimly to the stage. He stood among the crowd and delivered an impassioned speech, flanked by his large retinue, decrying the failures of the democratic system, declaring himself Lord-Protector of Mistlocke, and calling for peace.
But abruptly, and with a cry of “THE CROW SEES!â€, he was brutally struck down by a heavily enchanted man in Caermyn leathers. The Aberdenn Coup was ended, and the last word of Arthur Aberdenn is reputed to have been “Owain...†The Muster, who had briefly sided with the Aberdenn, deserted the square and a mob formed around Aberdenn Hall, demanding the release of the Lord-Mayor. Clan Aberdenn, obstinate, brooded in their hall.
When they came out, a line of Bannersmen stood outside of Aberdenn Hall, facing off against the motley assortment of Caermyn, Gilded Arrows, and other people of Mistlocke which had gathered against them. The mob thirsted for the blood of Owain Aberdenn, the sickly young son of Arthur, and demanded Rodryk's unconditional release.
Rumours vary, but most agree that Wyrm Watchers were seen entering the Hall, and quickly spirited the young Owain Aberdenn away from the chaos of Mistlocke to Auld Wyrm's Hearth for protection, while the Aberdenn Bannersmen fought the mob amidst a village-encompassing chaos. Soon after, a message from Lord-Captain Volaunt came, and spoke that all fighting was to stop and Rodryk Sosay was to be released, or the full force of the Caermyn and the Muster would bear down upon the Hall. The Aberdenn stubbornly stood their ground, but eventually yielded and begrudgingly gave up their captive.
At the end of the day's events, Mistlocke lay in complete shock. Arthur Aberdenn, Ealdorman of the Clan Aberdenn, lay dead. His son, Owain, fled. Aberdenn Hall stands abandoned, with most of the remaining Bannersmen departing into the forest. The people of Mistlocke mull over Nightal 6th solemnly, muttering that they would have voted for Arthur Aberdenn over Sosay, that Aberdenn's vision for the village had been inspiring, that the foreign influences in Mistlocke truly had made the village worse as Arthur claimed. Anxiety creeps over the people like an itchy blanket that the Aberdenn might never return, leaving the village in the hands of the Caermyn. Others wonder more quietly about the identity of the assassin who slew Arthur, and why Clan Aberdenn had chosen to stage a coup so suddenly. The Associates of Clan Caermyn can be seen throughout the village smiling smugly, and the sounds of laughter and muffled celebration can be heard from their Estate for many hours, deep into the night...
Nightal 13th, 1381 DR
Even through the barred doors of the moaning edifice of Old Stones, the whispers of strange new visitors has carried from the forsaken darkness upon Mistlocke's notoriously pervasive channels of gossip. It is said that a door that seemed if it had not been opened for a generation began glowing with white light at some uncertain time, and from it issued a trickle of kindly men and women clothed in pristine whites - representatives of a "Sanitorium", they claim, bearing food and consolation for the desperate huddled masses of Old Stones.
Though many have taken to the charitable advances of the Sanitorium, others have found them "creepy" or have taken issue with their fervent Ilmaterite overtones. Precisely what the Sanitorium is and what they do, or even how they seemingly arrived in Old Stones so quickly has been the subject of a lot of wild speculation.
Speculation has been less than reliable. Few of Old Stones' tormented occupants have been able to summon the spirit to give into their curiosities and see what lies behind that luminescent door...
26th of Nightal, 1381 DR
Lord-Captain Edygaer Volaunt can be seen less and less outside the Muster barracks. Where he once was seen drilling recruits at the field and sharing encouraging words with the other Mustermen now remain only tight-knot groups of recruits trying to make do on their own. The more experienced Mustermen keep to themselves and make unhappy comments about a recent petition, a lot of barbed satire coming off from one stationed by the bridge.
The villagers remain divided upon the issue presented by a "Free Man of Mistlocke". Aberdenn supporters remain silent in the recent loss of both their cherished Ealdorman and the unsuccessful coup. Caermyn men and supporters cheerfully make good of the issue and accusations at heart. Most of the refugees worry where this dismay will lead and are none-too-happy that an entity apart from the Clan feud is losing ground. Recent disasters have lead to a broken feeling of sanctity.
Threatened, Mistlocke must look to the new Lord-Mayor to set things right... or continue the spiral down to chaos.
Nightal 28th began a cold and gloomy day. The sun's rays did not penetrate through the thickening shroud over Mistlocke as dawn came. Nervous villagers scurried between buildings, and it was to a packed Last Keep and lonely streets that a sending was made telling the village that the sixth Lord Mayor was soon to be announced. As General Secretary Nettlehatch recited the results, the Mist gathered. Only a scant few individuals, and the two frontrunning candidates themselves, were there to hear.
With an election turn-out unprecedented since the days of Ordio Althus Quilby, and the solid support of Clan Caermyn and the Numinous Order for the winning candidate, confidence in the government of Mistlocke has at last begun to return after a string of neglectful, controversial and corrupt leaders.
John Rossart's narrow win over
Davan Redthorn was hailed by his supporters as a victory of substance over sycophancy. Redthorn's sullen lot mourn the loss of the support of Clan Caermyn and the Numinous Order, which with certainty would have delivered them victory. Blame goes around for the numerous humiliating incidents that derailed Redthorn's campaign, but save for supporters and sympathisers of the Wyrm Watchers and Clan Aberdenn, the village is enthusiastic about and accepting of the overall result of the election.
QuoteJohn Rossart -- 93
Davan Redthorn -- 85
Rovan Meyer -- 13
Donovan Sariin -- 12
Alfonzo Harcourt -- 9
Richard Foley -- 8
Penn Dragen -- 2
Edmund Fitzwilliam -- 1
During Rossart's victory speech,
Agneodaniach Zeth'ym emerged through the gates of Mistlocke flanked by burning skeletons to demand an audience. The crowd, composed of adventurers and several Mustermen, at last brought down and took into custody the man whose creatures had broken and abducted a long list of villagers. At the news of Agneodaniach's subsequent execution, a feeling of release and elation can be sensed among the people. The fear of the Transcendent Conclave has subsided considerably with the election of Lord-Mayor John Rossart.
But the first day of John Rossart's mayoral term was not over. The Mist continued to thicken, and anxiety among the villagers increased. It was as they expected. A Lottery was soon announced by a John Rossart looking somewhat out of his depth. A quarrel began in the village square, culminating in a brawl between those holding that a Champion must be chosen, and a minority in passionate opposition to the practice.
The result of the Lottery, and Champion of Mistlocke, was
Rannie Marrinson, one among those opposed. But continued fighting and a hysterical Rannie provoked a volunteer,
Zerudaxos - a Wyrm Watcher - to take her place with the consent of the Lord-Mayor. Zerudaxos has not been seen since, and Rannie has gone into hiding. Yet the fickle Mist's call has not subsided.
The shroud has not lifted any. A quiet panic has taken Mistlocke, and a hunt has begun for the true Champion. Many suspect the Wyrm Watchers may be sheltering her, but this is denied by their members.
The Mist's End, busier than ever with the thick shroud and strange occurrences outside, is full of chatter on topics ranging from potential replacements for Lord-Captain Volaunt, to where Clan Aberdenn are hiding (and if they will ever return). Some wonder what Redthorn will do next, others compare rumours of the circumstances of Zeth'ym's execution. The village, rocked by recent events, waits for John Rossart and his to-be-appointed Council of Three to set things right.
Hammer 2nd, 1382 DR
Moonlight shone brightly over Mistlocke in the wake of the Mist's receding. Glimmering, silver light dancing off the arcane and mysterious contours of the Last Keep. All was quiet, a brief sense of solace descending over the populace, many emerged from the Mist's End, and the Last Keep to apparently bask in the moonlight; the Physician Isaac Solomon, Argenti tribesmen (who some say were in the midst of some mysterious, inbred ritual), villagers, women and children, affluent citizens from the Old Colony. The streets were alive...
A sending echoed about the village, not soon afterward, the familiar voice of Captain Midah Resher speaking words of dissatisfaction and unrest amongst the people; of the petition that has emerge of late, crying for the resignation and removal of Lord-Captain Volaunt, much was spoken.
Apparently entirely unrelated, it was said that two Mustermen, Gorrov and the infamous Big Earl, were seen to be involved in some manner of back and forth with a group of Argenti gypsies. Soon enough a tussle broke out amongst them, which, with the arrival of Lord-Mayor John Rossart, soon turned into a brawl. The Mayor demanded the Mustermen stand down, however the Mustermen refused, saying that their orders were from the Lord-Captain and continued to rile up the Argenti, knocking two down and arresting them before being threatened by a growing crowd of mayoral loyalists and opportunists. The Mustermen at last stood down, and soon the gathered villagers began to call for the resignation of Volaunt, demanding he be removed for his flagrant disregard for the Lord-Mayor's office...
The crowd disappeared into the Last Keep, and remained within for some time. What went on, few but those who were present know, but soon afterward the Lord-Captain, alongside a band of Muster Veterans emerged with travelling supplies and weaponry in tow. With a stiff nod to those remaining Mustermen, Volaunt led his loyal band into the woods; most deciding that the call of the Aberdenn rang true in Volaunt's ears.
Lord-Mayor Rossart's reign thus far, it seems, has been testing and never without incident. Where many agree that the Lord-Captain is good to have gone, others worry that what has occurred is just one further step toward a Caermyn end, while the rest simply worry that with the diminished Muster as it is, crime will be rife and danger from the threats outside of Mistlocke prove all the greater...
Hammer 5th, 1382 DR
It was in the evening when yet another sending issued forth from Muskroot's Tower announcing the triumphant return of the Gilded Arrows Mercenary Company. Scant attention was paid to the words, most dismissing the sending as yet more adventurers boasting of petty deeds performed where no eyes could verify such claims.
Moments later, however, Mistlocke took notice when Midah Resher, the Captain of the Gilded Arrows entered the square with no less than the head of the White Dragon known as Apipoplethiraxos, who had previously sent fearsome Heralds into Mistlocke to stir up 'tribute'.
Along with Midah came the proud members of his company that had taken part in the battle. The warrior Adanna Pravsitt, Elven priestess Maeri Lueladin, and the wizard Maurice Kross all lay a shared claim in the victory. They carried with them a large portion of the Dragon's Horde, even giving a few trinkets over to the delighted crowd that had gathered, cheering them on.
Off to the side, but not entirely unnoticed, was the Caermyn Agent Harriet Thistlespike, said to be in Menaster Caermyn's favor, and highly regarded amongst her peers. While the brunt of accolades went to the Gilded Arrows, those with more savvy do not doubt that the quiet Agent played a vital role in their victory.
Nevertheless, the center of attention was Midah and his Gilded Arrows, the successful Captain adding this impressive feat to his list of accomplishments. Some in the village whisper, and many agree, that perhaps he is a man that could replace the disgraced Captain Volaunt.
At the beginning of Hammer 11th, John Rossart was the Lord-Mayor of Mistlocke, elected and respected by the people. By the end, he would be a lowly footman of the Numinous Order.
Under a dark sky and pounding rain, John Rossart announced that he was to swear himself to the gods of the Numinous Order: the Three and One. At this, a scuffle broke out between the Caermyn Retainer Harriet Thistlespike and the men of the Order Numinous. The retainer was dragged off in chains, while Rossart swore his oath before Nethzerim the Awakened.
The response from many villagers was a mixture of bewilderment and incandescent rage. Groups of adventurers were heard to whisper plans to take the Mayor down, Dasydenia Floggs and other worshippers of the orthodox gods decried him as a lost cause under the sway of mist heretics, and Major Nicholas Hood looked on in dismay from the balcony of the Mist's End. Mistlocke was awash with feelings of bitterness and betrayal at Rossart withholding his faith from them during the election. With a Castellan of the Numinous Order already on his Council of Three, Rossart's conversion was denounced as an act of handing the village to the apocalypse cult without the knowledge or consent of its people.
As Master Merchant Davan Redthorn appeared in the crowd, voices cried for him to unseat Rossart, himself having only lost the election on a slim margin. In response, Redthorn resigned from his position as Master Merchant under Rossart, claiming he could no longer serve.
It was Clan Caermyn, the seeming ally of the Numinous Order, who struck back hardest at Rossart's actions. Quietly threatening to cut off the Numinous Order's grain supplies if the Lord-Mayor did not abdicate, a tempestuous Rossart fell right into the Caermyn web as he publically raged against the Clan's betrayal and gathered his loyal men. A storm of chaos and bickering formed over Mistlocke, and angry voices could be heard in the square for hours.
The day dragged on amidst uncertainty and unrest. Rossart is said to have had meetings with the four remaining Elders of Mistlocke, and even left into the forest for assistance. Some say he went to the Mists, others to the Clan Aberdenn, the Watchers, or Edygaer Volaunt. Little is certain, but just the same - little seems to have come of it for now.
The growing public furore brought the Elders' attentions firmly on Rossart's leadership of the village. Considering matters and appeals both public and private, the Elders at last decreed that Rossart was to be removed from the seat of Lord-Mayor, and Davan Redthorn would take his place for the remainder of the term.
In the square, Rossart made his last speech, and Redthorn made a clumsy appeal to villagers while the Clan Caermyn cheered him. He discarded his membership of Clan Caermyn and invited the Clan Aberdenn to return to Mistlocke, in what is widely seen as a cynical gesture. Rumours swell about Davan's penchant for dealings in the dark, and what agreements he has struck behind closed doors to see himself in the Mayoral seat.
Hammer 15th, 1382 DR
The rains of Hammer were soft and merciful today, as the hated Summerset Act was repealed by Lord-Mayor Davan Redthorn. Redthorn personally unlocked the doors to the tower of Old Stones to broad approval, after announcing both the end of the act, and a new Lord-Captain of the Muster: Captain Midah Resher of the Gilded Arrows.
It was said that the mercenaries of the Gilded Arrows would supplement the ailing numbers of the Muster, though there is some uneasiness over the Arrows - long entwined with Clan Caermyn - entering the Muster without giving up their company and colours. What the drunkard Resher will do with the Mistlocke Guard, no one can guess. Yet Mistlocke rests easier, clean of conscience and better protected than the night before.
A scarce few people of Old Stones emerge from the darkness of the tower, rubbing their eyes and wandering tentatively back amongst the villagers. Many more remain inside, huddling around their fires in the dark and whispering plots. The ilmateri of the Old Stones Sanitorium range out into the village, smiling, and offering treatments to the villagers beyond the tower.
But on all lips is the return of the Clan Aberdenn, invited back by the Lord-Mayor in his first address to the people. Hunters and loggers, when returning to Mistlocke, sometimes claim to have met Wyrm Watchers and Aberdenn Bannersmen travelling together. Some citizens blame the ever increasing number of invasions of Mistlocke on the Aberdenn stirring trouble in the woods, while others say it is their absence that has let the monsters roam and settle unchecked. Yet the returning tradesmen claim the Aberdenn are driving the monsters out to clear a path. Indeed, they say the young Lord Owain Aberdenn, ex-Captain Edygaer Volaunt, the notorious Gadyw One-Eye, and the Wyrm Watchers are preparing for a momentous and imminent march on the village.
With this and the Maiden's Sabbath approaching, anxiety has blackened the minds of Mistlocke. Accursed Hammer 23rd, the anniversary of H'bala's release, promises nothing but ill.
As the Maiden's Sabbath creeps ever closer, another rupture has appeared in the fabric which binds Mistlocke together.
Former Lord-Mayor John Rossart was seen to gather a militia composed of disgruntled Mustermen, some few Wyrm Watchers and a good number of others. They descended into the Mist's End basement on the night of Lord-Mayor Davan Redthorn's Grand Tourney. It is said that he declared himself the rightful Lord-Mayor, a claim which Redthorn ferociously opposed. A melee took place, steel on steel on flesh, blood covering the sands.
Emerging from the press, a group of Caermyn footmen dragging a wounded Rossart upstairs. He was brought to the square to be judged, whereupon an envoy from the Muster still loyal to Volaunt came to declare that the Muster would remain true to Volaunt's will at the Council of Elders, making Rossart their Lord-Mayor.
Mayor Redthorn judged Rossart guilty of High Treason against the Office of Mayor and thus the people of Mistlocke, sentencing him to death. His head was hacked off before a throng of villagers, to a mixed response.
Mistlocke reels from the uproar, many looking to the newly named Lord-Captain Resher to impose order and a not inconsiderable amount of others seeking for Volaunt to be returned to the position.
In the swirling Mists of Hammer the 18th, a fiery beacon appeared atop a tower in the Forgotten Forest. And then another. Hordes of panicked monsters swarmed through the forests, and torches swayed in the fog. Battlecries echoed through the boughs, and a cold wind blew the smell of death toward the village.
Wave after wave of goblins, kobolds, orcs threw themselves upon Mistlocke in terror. And behind them, strode a great band of Aberdenn Bannersmen and Wyrm Watchers. Some claim the monsters were driven in intentionally to weaken Mistlocke. Though most dispute this, pointing to the oft moralistic voices of the Wyrm Watchers and the honour of the Aberdenn.
Others point out the various occasions Caermyn supplies had been found upon monsters invading Mistlocke. But the Caermyn dismiss any wrongdoing, asserting that caravans are occasionally robbed by bands of monsters in the woods.
The party of Watchers and Aberdenn parted to clear the way for a pale teenager. Owain Aberdenn strode in, between lines of torchbearers, and addressed the villagers of Mistlocke who had come forth. When Lord-Mayor Davan Redthorn greeted the boy, he was spurned as a "puppet with snake eyes", and the Former Lord-Mayor John Rossart was called forth to receive Owain Aberdenn.
Owain then spoke. He said that his father, Arthur, had been vindicated - as Former Lord-Mayor Rodryk Sosay had been uncovered to be a Comital Spy with aims to undermine the village of Mistlocke. Nods, and whispers of dawning realisation filtered through the crowd.
And an awed silence came over them as Owain spake thus, revealing the true reason for his father's coup:
"Through the blood of Donyarth the Bastard, son of King Agramant - known commonly as the Mad King - I, Owain Aberdenn, am the true heir to the legendary Fifth House of Old Port."
Claiming that his Bannersmen and the Wyrm Watchers had travelled to the city of Old Port and retrieved proof to the effect, Owain declared himself the True Heir to the Crown of the Isles.
It was said that the notorious Gadyw One-Eye was to act in Owain's stead in the village of Mistlocke, while Owain remained under the care and protection of Auld Wyrm's Hearth.
He then named John Rossart the true Lord-Mayor of Mistlocke for the remainder of his term. And elections would proceed, until the Wyrm Watchers found his Crown. But Davan Redthorn resisted. And what ensued was a dark day of instability and infighting that saw the village upon the brink of civil war. Brother fought brother, betrayal begat betrayal, but John Rossart's campaign was in vain.
The image of Rossart's mutilated corpse as it was handed over - in pieces - to a band of Ordersmen for interment in the Lake of Mist, haunts the minds of many. His head and heart were torn from his body in the office of the Lord-Mayor for reasons unknown. Villagers eye Davan Redthorn with disgust, at the dishonour shown to Rossart. A man Davan had intended to name his "Knight-Protector of Mistlocke" was executed by Jacques de Villiers for Rossart's condition.
The village remains in deep unrest.
As the 23rd of Hammer grows nearer, a handful of villagers head to Auld Wyrm's Hearth to join the Watchers, or enlist with the Clan Aberdenn - at last, in the gloom of the forest, filled with hope.
Lord-Mayor Davan Redthorn, flanked by Councillor Ventor Zarovich, and an obese Caliphar of the Conclave - Albert Reed, together announced an end to the village's ban on the Transcendent Conclave on Hammer 26th. The Caliphar quickly fled as a ruckus grew, and the Lord-Mayor and his Councillor were pelted with fruit as they hurried back toward the Last Keep amid an angry and incredulous crowd. It is said even his own Muster booed Redthorn for his act.
Rumours have arisen in the days since of the Lord-Mayor receiving some manner of bribe from the Conclave, or that he shrewdly sought peace to ward off the advance of the Aberdenn, led by the murderer, Gadyw One-Eye. But unrest in the village has only grown since the announcement, and those of the Conclave - while permitted in the village - are far from truly welcome. Talk of their many crimes fills the Mist's End.
Many villagers are disgruntled and openly resentful of seeing Nebezzduon- the Conclave's captive mages -walking amongst them, with their collars visible. Many express the opinion that with this, as well as Redthorn's revisions on slavery policy, that they are on a slippery slope, and only one step away from the open slavery of fellow men. Along with the announcement that Davan Redthorn was seeking to hire mercenaries from Old Port, some villagers have grown absolutely livid: cursing, and even assaulting Redthorn in the streets, vandalising the village, and burning plump effigies.
The Muster too are a divided and disgruntled lot despite new uniforms, talk of pay, and a string of recent successes. There is said to be a power struggle of sorts, going on between the drunkard Lord-Captain Midah Resher, Lieutenant Harriet Thistlespike, and Sergeant Echaron Quinn. All the while it is wondered if, when, and how Former Lord-Captain Edygaer Volaunt will show his face again.
The village looks to a Lord-Mayor increasingly distant from the wishes of the people, who half way through his term faces the prospect of a bitter civil war. Despite claims to the contrary, neither his Council - made up of a Caermyn thug, Alfred Thenson, and a loan-shark Ventor Zarovich - nor his Muster can shake their associations with the Caermyn.
The list of mistakes, unpopular decisions, and foul rumours grows longer... and the mist grows thicker.
With little fanfare, it is said the Lord-Mayor and a number of Caermyn Associates and Retainers left Mistlocke some days past. Some reports speak of a pack ox laden with gold and jewels, while others speak that they left hurriedly without any cargo. Rumours persist of profound cooperation between the Lord-Mayor and the Clan Caermyn. And talk of mercenaries being brought to the village of Mistlocke from Old Port - simmering through the village for the past few weeks - reaches boiling point. The Imperator is said to have departed that night and later returned to the port of Sis Liman laden with men, women and children...
Caravans, under the heavy guard of men in black mail, and the purple livery of Clan Caermyn, also begin to flow - their destination said to be the Numinous Order's last bastion in the Withered Lands: Castle Blackhearth.
Alturiak 5th, 1382 DR
Sergeants Echaron Quinn and Vall Fynolds of the Mayor's Muster today entered the office of the Lord-Mayor. What occurred within is the subject of much speculation and wild rumour, but they emerged to declare that Davan Redthorn was to be arrested on suspicion of Treason and Infernalism, and that the village would be placed under Martial Law until the Elders declared a new election.
Redthorn, meanwhile, is said to have hid in the Caermyn Estate and gathered his allies there to strike back at the rogue Sergeants. A befuddled crowd of adventurers stood idly by while the events played out, and the Sergeants were beaten down by one of Redthorn's thug Councilors, and numerous other Caermyn aligned individuals. Rumour tells that Quinn was executed and Fynolds slew himself upon the stage after claiming their call for new elections was supported by Lord-Captain Midah Resher and Lieutenant Harriet Thistlespike.
Meanwhile, motley crowds of refugees began to arrive from Sis Liman, said to have come from Old Port for shelter on the coin and benevolence of the Lord-Mayor. Speculation is rife about Comital loyalists hidden in their midst. And it said that a small group, known as the Broken Shield Mercenaries, was among the crowd. Though for the most part, the rumours of a mercenary take-over have been broadly dispelled...
Nonetheless, older villagers can be seen grouching, muttering, and glaring at the newcomers. Some Mustermen begin to refuse orders from their superiors, and go about self-appointed duties in the Mist's End and otherwise. Villagers are stricken by the recent events, and Mistlocke - were it not for the new faces - would be a quiet and mournful sight.
The Elders are widely thought to have convened to speak on recent events and the continued leadership of the Lord-Mayor, but they have made nothing known, or have come to no conclusion in their talks. The legitimacy of the Aberdenn vote, and that of Edygaer Volaunt, are said to be a point of contention. Davan Redthorn sits on in the Mayoral Seat at the end of the day, while his Muster reel, and strangers walk amongst his people.
Alturiak 17th, 1382 D.R.
The last tenday has been an eventful one for Mistlocke. Following the abduction of the former Lord-Mayor Davan Redthorn by Shylael Winters of Clan Aberdenn, Alfred Thenson of Clan Caermyn announced that Redthorn had committed treason, his allegience lying with the Count of Old Port. Soon, Redthorn himself was brought by Gadyw Aberdenn and Edygaer Volaunt to the town square, where he- flanked by the two men -announced there would be an election before he was executed and thrown upon a pyre of the Numinous Order for his alleged crimes. The refugees of Old Port were confused and angered by the entire spectacle, while the villagers mourn Redthorn little, some going so far as to stage minor celebrations.
In the days since, the village has been in a state of paralysis and unease. The refugees mill about Mistlocke, their tents and lean-tos blemishing the vale. The return of the honourable Clan Aberdenn has been tarnished by the indifferent new Elder and accused murderer, Gadyw Aberdenn. Aberdenn Bannersmen pointedly ignore the refugees from Old Port as they begin to bring game back from the forest again, and can be heard to speak of "true villagers" and "rigged elections" as the days go by.
The Caermyn are seen to share some blame for Redthorn's many mistakes, and even Gareth Caermyn - the best loved of the Clan - is witnessed from time to time being heckled through the village. The Order maintains some private deal for supplies with the Clan, moving on - if uneasily - from the tumultuous beginnings of the deal. Word from Castle Blackhearth is good news for once. The men are well fed, and H'bala's forces make no progress against the bastion in the West.
The Old Stones have been sealed once again, by the order of Lord-Captain Midah Resher and the Elder Council. Villagers seem wearied by the subject, but grateful for the cessation of attacks from the grues of Old Stones. Resher himself has grown less popular in recent times. If well loved and respected among adventurers and mercenaries, his competence, judgement, and suitability for the role of Lord-Captain have been called into question after a violent dispute with the Argenti Gypsies, and an incandescent confrontation with the Clan Aberdenn following their return.
Midwinter is long past now, and the next election is here at last, bringing some hope and distance from cold and chaotic days. Come Ches, spring will be upon the village, and with it new beginnings for Mistlocke...
With voting open, the village of Mistlocke aches in wait for strong leadership to return.
Some say the food stores of the village are being fast exhausted by the additional mouths of Redthorn's refugees, and that if something isn't done about the refugees soon, famine will be upon Mistlocke. Traditionalists and natives, and other supporters of the Aberdenn reject expansionist hunting and farming solutions. They say that the few homesteads around Mistlocke, and the forest game simply can't sustain Mistlocke's greater population. The growing presence of the wildlings in the Cave of Scars promises added resistance.
The common people look worried over their mugs in the Mist's End. Odd jobs are harder to come by. Though the merchants and tradesmen of Mistlocke and even some of the Old Stones seem contented with increased progress with their projects and profits.
The Caermyn, meanwhile, face increasing accusations that the refugees brought by they and Redthorn are to be used to change the result of the election and increase the village's dependence on foreign powers. A backlash is growing, as villagers recall how Redthorn and the Caermyn manipulated events to do away with Lord-Mayor John Rossart by first threatening to cut off grain to the Numinous Order. The great fear seizing many villagers is that the Caermyn might do the same again, but instead of the Order - hold the very village hostage to their ends.
Some men can be seen mock pulling their hearts from their chests, in remembrance of how the Sixth Lord-Mayor's corpse was mutilated, and whispering intensely:
"That could be us."
As tensions between the village and the refugees simmer, the voting continues...
Meanwhile away from the events of the election, a series of peculiar events occurred on the 30th Alturiak around the village.
The first peculiar event occurred when a hunter from the springs, announced to the town that a group of goblins were playing some sort of sport with what appeared to be a head. A motley crew of men and women of various races marched upon the springs to discover what bizarre behaviour was occuring this day.
Rumours flew back and forth from the springs with most containing a disturbing fact to the chagrin of some, the shock of others and the outright condemnation of most that the goblins were playing a sport with what appeared to be a dead baby, their wicked activity dubbed "Babyball". The goblins were last seen fleeing from the springs after sounds of steel and arcane incantations were heard.
On the return of the assembled, the second peculiar incident of the day occured. Plague began to grip the village! Sickness spread fast but thankfully the weak and defenceless quickly made their way inside their abodes, turning away those that were blighted. The villagers quickly thrust the blame upon an extremely large half-orc known as "Pebble", the sickly smell of fetid flesh and the hovering of flies around only led to the solidification of the accusation. Rumours from the adventurers who had investigated the goblins in the springs even accused him of aiding the monsters, bringing low some of those that chased the foul beasts out.
Guardian of the gates, Volkmar Plowman, quickly erected a barricade to keep those that are blighted out of the village as they gathered near Muskroots tower. The half-orc Pebl was no where to be seen and panic was setting in with anger and discontent being shown by two particularly irate individuals claiming to be Reavers of the bloodthirsty god Garagos, who were promptly brought low for their transgressions.
Mysteriously as it came, the plague however began to recede from the village. Some whispering that the druids of the wilds played a part in its disappearance as a gesture of good will towards the village. Others dismiss this as savage propaganda and say it was thanks to the good work of The Muster in segregating the ill from the healthy, the actual cause remains unknown.
What is known however is that the half-orc "Pebble" has been branded an enemy of the town, having made an appearance after Volkmar Plowman removed the barricade. The beast quickly descended into violence after numerous inhabitants of the town accused him of various foul acts and quickly retreated into the wilds after being vastly outnumbered.
The monster still lurks somewhere on the island, the Muster announcing a 2000 ducat prize for his head so that no more harm can come to Mistlocke on this most curious of days.
The election, finally, came to a close. General Secretary Estelline Nettlehatch, on coming to announce the results, spoke that only the votes of the citizens of Mistlocke would be counted - by the ruling of the Elder Council themselves. The result would have been different, she said, had they been counted. Most put this decision down to Gadyw Aberdenn's presence in the village, as- were the Caermyn to have gotten their way -many feel that the Aberdenn would have done something drastic and plunged the village even deeper into chaos and unrest.
The results of the election were as follows:
QuoteSquire -- 89
Jerod -- 36
Sid -- 27
Lester -- 24
Balthasar -- 17
Quill -- 5
The result, and
the Squire's speech (//%22, gave some comfort to the natives of Mistlocke. But tensions remain, food rationing and a lack of work plague both refugees and residents, and there is growing discontent.
Many are now whispering that it is time for a decision to be made on Redthorn's refugees... that the Caermyn venom has to be sucked out before it spreads too thick in the village. Some others show the refugees compassion, and help them where they can. But these efforts of philanthropy are too small and have incensed natives for their considerable focus on the refugees. It is all too clear that the village is overpopulated, and cannot support the situation for much longer.
The offered solutions vary. The notion of food imported by the Caermyn, and food brought from the Withered Lands, both come up with regularity - and are both quickly dismissed. Very few are comfortable with relying on the Caermyn after their use of food supplies as political leverage over the Numinous Order.
On a brighter note, a number of Mustermen have returned from Aberdenn Hall with the announcement of Edygaer Volaunt's resumption of the role of Lord-Captain of the Muster. They now people the streets, joking and telling stories with old friends about their part in the tumult since Arthur Aberdenn's coup. The announcement of Volaunt's return is broadly welcomed, though he comes with a certain streak of unpopularity. A few still remain sceptical of his involvement in the Aberdenn coup (though most now accept deposing Sosay was the right decision), and the Caermyn and the Argenti seem especially sour about the appointment.
The death of
Lord-Captain Midah Resher still weighs heavily on some. Rauryk Aberdenn's aggression has been variously celebrated and condemned (depending on who is asked), and many wonder what will be next in a string of brutal reprisals by the Aberdenn against the vestiges of Redthorn's rule. It is said that Resher's last words were to "give the men a bonus" and indeed, mustermen can sometimes be heard thanking Resher, talking about what they spent their coin on.
Voices in the village are raised in concern over the increased activity in the surrounding forest and farmlands by Fey creatures. While most incidents are little more than trivial inconveniences nervously laughed off as practical jokes, a darker undercurrent threatens to erupt as events occur at a more rapid pace.
The appearance of the blue skinned Fey-creature known as Kali-Ma the Hound has mothers nervous for their children as the creature can be heard baying just outside the village proper.
Most notably, rumors have circulated that some bogeyman abducted Deputy Mayor [/i]Emily Jacobson from the middle of the Town Square in broad daylight, a brazen move for creatures normally relegated to the periphery. What occurred during her abduction is uncertain and many ruminate over her fate had not the bannermen of Clan Caermyn rallied a force to rescue her from their clutches.
Others whisper that whatever purpose they had with the Deputy Mayor has been served and now sits a pawn of the Fey in her place: a changeling tasked to their capricious bidding.
Who can ever be certain with the Fey?
Ches 17th, 1382 DRThe earliest news came in rumour and hearsay. The Conclave had come to Mistlocke to drag away mages. They had come in force, and were skulking about, press ganging spellcasters. Then they had left.
It was
Sergeant Dolokhova who first broke the news that the Transcendent Conclave had annulled its peace arrangements with the village of Mistlocke. On the Lord-Mayor's orders, the Conclave were said to be once again banished from the village. Some of their own members, confused and unaware, were allowed out without harm.
Some time later, a large entourage of the Transcendent Conclave arrived through the gates of Mistlocke and pushed toward the Square. Violence broke out, briefly, between the village and the Imperial force. Though it soon became apparent that the Conclave had come only to deliver a message.
So it was that a tiny shadow wyrmling dragon, flanked by the Transcendent Conclave's membership, stood atop the stage in the square. Calling itself Slithushulax, the Envoy of the Triumvirate, the dragon gave a screeching speech to the village.
...greets you.
He comes, with words from the ORACLE HIMSELF!
The Transcendent Conclave's preparations, for what is to be the GREATEST EVER STRIKE against the MAIDEN H'BALA... are nearing completion.
CONSEQUENTLY... The ORACLE has deemed that ALL MAGES must join in this CULMINATION of all efforts.
To be apart from the TRANSCENDENT CONCLAVE, to shy from the REBIRTH of the NETHERESE EMPIRE as one of its ESTEEMED PROGENITORS... WHILE GIFTED... is to be...
RENEGADES... will not be brooked. Protect them, and oppose the works of the Conclave... and H'bala will WIN.
Slithushulax is finished.
For the glory of Netheril that was, and the GOLDEN AGE TO COME!
The village is left unsettled. The prospect of renewed conflict with the Conclave frustrates and dismays many. Others relish the opportunity to bloody the Transcendent Conclave and its "New Netherese Empire". Yet there are also some few apologists (and some frightened folk that remember the Conclave raids full of demons and weird creatures) that dare to say that the Conclave should be allowed to fulfil its strike against H'bala. And even that their "renegades" should be given over to them. The village in general, though stolidly resistant to the Conclave's pompous demands and imperial overtures, and suspicious of their recent tendencies toward arrogant diplomatic whimsies, is caught off-guard by the magnitude of the Conclave's promise and the ever monstrous desperation of its methods.
Ches 20th, 1382 DR
Deputy-Mayor Emily Jacobson's words spoke of an important announcement to be made in the square of Mistlocke.
It was revealed that the sinister artefact known as the Soul Archive (long claimed to have been destroyed by the Transcendent Conclave) was stolen from them by the Renegade Zeulisad Ecthelios Xemes and spirited away in the hope that the soul and the knowledge of Zyphaem Faussad - a former member of the Conclave's ruling Triumvirate - was stored within.
Xemes, present and in possession of the Archive, claimed his intention was to find out what the Conclave were planning to do. Adventurers defended Xemes while the Conclave made to retrieve him and the Archive. But they were rebuffed for long enough such that Xemes was able to reach someone within.
What came out was the image of a man with greasy black hair, pale rotting flesh, a skeletal arm, and the gross green eyes brought on by the Withering. The traitor, Maurus Rodagh, who was said to have been the singular reason the Conclave's first strike against the maiden failed.
Rodagh screamed hysterically into the night that the Conclave had to be stopped before their plans were fulfilled, their New Netherese Empire should never come, and that H'bala was the hope of the village. Xemes, exhausted by the process and shattered by the discovery, uttered repeatedly his realisation that "Faussad is not inside..."
The Transcendent Conclave arrived in force to retrieve Xemes and the Archive. Drexia, the Oracle's very own Consort, emerged to lead them within. Rauryk Aberdenn and a motley gathering stood to stop them, and the confrontation went on long enough that the listless Xemes, spurred by adventurers, managed to escape with the Archive... to a fate as yet unknown.
The Conclave left, to see to the man's capture. None followed.
Ches 21st,1382 DR
Whilst Mistlocke was in strife, Mayors were being kidnapped and the clans clashed with adventurer as well as outsider. A single sending from a Wyrm Watcher sends those of pale skin and of Sanctuarian origin into a frenzy...
Bresley Lives
Ches 23rd, 1382 DR
The events of the twenty first remain vivid in the minds of villagers:
The refugees of Old Port, vastly, have been evicted from the village. Many are relieved by this, though others see it as a stain upon the conscience of the village - particularly as 'adventurers' were left entirely free of the Lord-Mayor's orders to evict. While a few are herded variously to the Wyrm Watchers, the Order, and the Conclave, the majority are left with no where to go. From time to time, people can be seen stealing back into the village, only to be chased down by Mustermen. Some even claim that they weren't even from Old Port, but simply didn't have papers and the Aberdenn and Muster threw them out. The fate of the majority of these folk remains unclear... some squat on the outskirts, others head to Sis Liman, others can be seen dead in the woods.
Lord-Mayor Squire Reach is said to have taken away the right of the Caermyn to give out citizenship papers in light of their seeming abuse of the privilege by giving them freely to refugees. The Caermyn declare that theirs are acts of benevolence, though most eye Caermyn with suspicion or open hostility, blaming them for the position the village was put in. Of the Broken Shield Mercenaries, villagers express some concern. Wild rumour still surrounds these figures, who've scarce been seen since their arrival in Mistlocke. What plans and allegiences they have are yet a mystery, though some say the Caermyn have been giving them lodging.
In response to the Lord-Mayor's act, the Caermyn announced that they would institute a new form of citizenship. The "Caermyn Coin". Merchants who wished to maintain imports, and villagers who wished to be considered true villagers, would bear this coin and gain certain privileges for it. This announcement put the Mayor's Office into a frenzied state, and- it is said -forced the resignation of Rauryk Aberdenn from the position of Lieutenant. The Caermyn have since quietly ceased giving out the coin. Word arose subsequently of the Aberdenn's assault of Gareth Caermyn and kidnap of the Lord-Mayor.
The Lord-Mayor left Aberdenn Hall a time later and pardoned Rauryk for his actions. The village has since grown disgruntled at how weak their Mayor seems in bowing to the wishes of Rauryk Aberdenn and pardoning him for a second time.
In more recent days, rumours have spread among adventurers of skirmishes throughout the city of Nebezzdos. Most curiously, these conflicts are reported to be between Nightrisers.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]30th of Ches, 1382 Dale Reckoning[/COLOR]
An eerie stillness has settled over the village in the aftermath of yesterday's destruction. The first deserters from the Muster can be seen throwing down their arms and armor in protest against the office of the Lord-Mayor, leaving to fend for themselves. Some still remain at their post, carrying out their duties in an half-hearted attempt to cling to something familiar. Inadvertently, many turn their eyes up to the top of the Last Keep where the scent of smoke and ashes still linger in the air.
It began with a strike from the Transcendant Conclave upon members of the Muster near Muskroot's Tower. There they kidnapped Musterman Axirios before escaping under heavy pursuit into the forest. While they managed to take away one, brave villagers and adventurers stepped out of the Underwood carrying not one but two members of the Conclave, quickly taken to the cells.
An attempt at negotiation followed afterwards where Zeulisad Pharaxes and his Consort Khrym arrived at the village doorstep, demanding their members back in return for the Musterman. Lord-Mayor Reach, pressured by Lord-Captain Volaunt at the side, demanded that the Musterman would be handed over first. It's said that Rauryk Aberdenn left as negotiations begun, taking a few with him into the forest. With neither side buckling in the negotiations, the Conclave left towards their home. Worse, rumours started to spread that one of the Conclave captives had already been executed for attacking the Lord-Captain in the cells.
Not so late after the failure of negotiations, Dagmer af Jorikyr of Aberdenn came back from the forest despairing that the Conclave now had managed to capture Rauryk Aberdenn, after the proud Clansmen attempted to ambush the leaving party. With the release of the Caliphar denied until the Muster received their man back, Squire Reach took it upon herself to travel to the Transcendant Conclave in negotiation. While she was gone Rauryk returned to the village and turned to the Muster barracks, demanding the captives to be released. Reach followed not long afterwards with Axirion.
Ekaterin Nadia Dolokhova, Sergeant of the Muster and among the ones to help drive away the earlier assault, brought out the beaten Caliphar Alastar Constance from the Muster cells and let him go at the bridge. It's said that his passage to the Conclave was ensured to be safe by the Aberdenn.
It should have ended there. But just as the villagers caught their breath, rumours of argument between the Lord-Mayor and Lord-Captain began to drift around, the last of an on-going opposition between the two. The Lord-Captain refused to hand over the prisoner that was executed, whereas the Lord-Mayor insisted. As a pyre was being built atop the Last Keep, Reach's echoing voice thundered in the late night, proclaiming Volaunt had committed treason against her and Mistlocke. Just as the pyre holding the body of Consort Kirin was set alight, battle broke out between Volaunt and Reach atop the Last Keep. In the chaos a few of the gathered joined either side, while the majority stood stunned. Rauryk, Dagmer, Watcher Galen, Mustermen Axirion and Aazzedar joining Reach, Deputy-Mayor Emily Jacobson aiding Volaunt.
Ealdorman of the village and Lord-Captain, Edygaer Volaunt, fell at last under their blows. In the confusion former Lieutenant Harriet Thistlespike had managed to recover the burning body of the Consort. The Lord-Mayor had won her will and upheld her promise to the Conclave.
The following hour was spent in heated argument as accusations of treason for those who stood against the Lord-Mayor were announced preemptively, and speeches were held at the podium in the square. Deputy-Mayor Emily was among those that spoke most visibly against the recent action. It's said that those who fought on both sides were pardoned and that the Lord-Mayor is considering Rauryk for the now empty seat of Lord-Captain.
Mistlocke is in turmoil. What support decried for the office of the Mayor after pushing the Old Port refugees into the woods is slowly being eroded as they learn of the Ealdorman's demise. Many Mustermen speak harshly against their leader for killing their Captain to hand over an executed criminal to the Conclave, executed for attacking an Ealdorman and striking at men and officers of the Muster. Some villagers have begun to compare Reach to the reviled Redthorn.
Restless the village awaits the decisions to come from the office of the Mayor and the Council of Elders. All the while dwelling on the last announced words after the act by the Lord-Mayor. Squire Reach would stand for Mistlocke. She would keep them safe.
A stew of frustration, outrage, and bitterness simmers in the Mist-shrouded hamlet. In the wake of the death, that some... most... say was 'murder', of the late Lord-Captain, more than half of the Muster have abandoned their posts. Most notable amongst the missing peacekeepers are Volkmar Plowman and Jacey Steel-Eyes, long a fixture at the main gate to Mistlocke.
The Lord-Mayor's proclamation that 'Mustermen who had left their service had but 24 hours to return to duty or face consequences' rankled with the villagers and only more fully encouraged the mass desertion by displaying to those Mustermen on the fence that she was out of touch with the particulars of serving as on the Muster, that they were not her lapdogs serving at her whim.
With this heavy blow to the only visible law enforcement body in the town and surrounding forest, the results are already seen in a rise of banditry and theft, as well as an upswing in other dangers. Fey and monster incursions even dare the village proper and more than a handful of villagers have been lost.
Support for the Mayor has reached an all time low amongst the village as many wonder if she truly has what is best for the people in her heart... or merely wishes to feed her own ego.
Tarsakh 9th, 1382 DR
After the great duel upon the bridge between Lord-Captain Harriet Thistlespike and Armsman Rauryk Aberdenn, the village settles into an uncomfortable wait as the Elder Council deliberates on the fate of the village.
The Elders have been seen, or heard, approaching their respective peoples to gain the village's opinion on what course to take. The Clans seem resolute, each deeply offended in one way or another - the deaths of Rauryk Aberdenn and the innocent Loughlin Aberdenn haunt the Aberdenn Hall with an air of bitterness and mourning... and the merchants associated with the Caermyn repeat the slights they have been dealt noisily as they hand over coins at the gates for the goods they are exporting. "She should have listened to us about those refugees...", "An export tax... pfah, obviously it was made just to pick Menaster's pockets. Who else exports?", "Can't believe she made him a Lieutenant in the Muster. He punched Gareth! Did you hear?"
The Elders' decision is thought to be very soon. Within several days, if not sooner. But while the Clans and perhaps other Elders await the last, deciding votes, it is said that the fighting in the city of Nebezzdos between Nightriser and Nightriser has died down... whatever the nature and purpose of the long disruption, it is now coming to an end.
Tarsakh 9th, 1382 DR
In the midst of a dismal evening rain, Squire Reach made her announcement that she was resigning as mayor of Mistlocke. Emily Jacobson subsequently ordered her detainment so that she could stand trial for the murder of the late Captain Volaunt but the Squire had different plans. Leaping from the bridge, she disappeared into the River Tear, swallowed by a murky cloud of sediment kicked up where she hit the river bottom. Efforts to recover her corpse turned up nothing.
The Village reels in the wake of a vicious and bloodthirsty attack by the savages of the Forgotten Forest. In the late hours of the day, several wildlings stormed the front gate, knocking the guard there flat and storming over the toll gate. From there, they proceeded to indiscriminately murder whomever they found whilst seeking for those they claimed had assaulted and stolen from them: The Muster.
Amongst the dead were the now ever remembered names Joe, Mark, Mariana, and Sid, the last an Orderman who was kidnapped and then killed when the Deputy Mayor refused to hand over that which they claimed was stolen from them.
Coming after the suicide death of Mayor Reach, the incident is yet another example of instability in the Town. While many applaud the efficiency of the new Lord-Captain and the handful of Mustermen she leads, it is apparent to all that the mass exodus of veteran defenders has still left the Village without suitable defense from attack.
The wildlings caught the village completely by surprise, while most of the current Mustermen were at their rest, after a long day of attending their duties. Said to have been involved in the attack were a druid and a pack of wildlings seen about the village before: Artemis Lyonal, Karisa Firehead, Mchawi the Shaman, and Jora Holang.
After the attack, they returned to announce that any 'retribution' would be visited back upon the village threefold.
Since then, a bounty was placed upon the heads of the attackers of 1000gp each and the man Jora Holang was taken and put to death.
Most villagers are pleased with the quick action taken by the undermanned Muster, further proof of the Lord Captain's competence, but some worry about the 'threefold retribution' that is certain to come.
The village awakes to the news that respected Mayoral Candidate Emily Jacobson is dead. Having left her Muster escort, Elizabeth Claxton, at the Priory of the Numinous Order Emily Jacobson was struck down on the very bridge leading to Mistlocke. All accounts point to a very brief struggle in which not even a word from either side was choked out. The wounds were acid pitted and exotic and covered Emily Jacobson's back, meaning she did not even have time to turn and face her attacker.
Not an hour later there was rumors that a group of a dozen Musterman and Adventurers set out to capture the single Conclavist Nuberius Bhaalaruun whom they felt may have played a role on the attack. People whisper that the entire force was soundly defeated and after taking the life of a heckling Musterman arcanist the Clavist departed. The limping force came back in calling the woman some sort of dervish, a whirlwind, and a destroyer.
A frantic sending by Sgt Bebel of the Muster calling for war upon the Conclave was met with shuttered doors and frightened wailing from children. The people ask themselves: if just one of their warriors can do this to our guardians... is this a war we could win? Others make their way to their Elder's and make quiet requests that Bebel turn in his Sgt key and stop speaking for the Muster.
On the 26th day of Tarsakh in the year 1382 by Dale Reckoning, after an short election season that saw three candidates disqualified from the race for their state of being deceased, one of them assassinated on the very bridge into Mistlocke, General Secretary Estelline Nettlehatch called the village to gather in the square for the announcement of the Ninth Lord-Mayor of Mistlocke.
To the cheers of many gathered, the General Secretary announced that Caermyn Retainer Zoe Lisette would serve as the new Lord-Mayor of Mistlocke. None of the other candidates were on hand for the announcement, the villagers believing that they did not bother as the result was a foregone conclusion. Indeed, the Retainer won the election by a landslide 48% of the total votes, making her the most popular candidate at the time of voting since records were kept.
The results of the election were as follows:
QuoteZoe Lisette -- 91
Lester Creevy -- 44
Yahsulah Zihayar -- 25
Jacob Moravi -- 19
Jomineroy Elkins -- 12
However, not all were pleased with the announcement. Many in the Old Stones are stewing over the loss of their chosen candidate, [/i]
Lester Creevy and turn to him for leadership in spite of the goings on in Mistlocke. The Aberdenn scoff at the notion that a lackey of Menaster Caermyn can lead the village in any worthwhile way, steeling themselves for a mayoral term of graft, cronyism, and profiteering.
Several villagers recall the generally good mood after Squire Reach was installed as Lord-Mayor and are wary lest the popular vote once again prove to be disastrous for Mistlocke, the office seemingly blessed by Black Bess herself.
Anyone looking for a further glimpse of what the term would bring were disappointed, when the new Lord-Mayor, a woman more minded for sharp deals and sharp blades rather than charismatic words, gave a lackluster victory speech ( upon the pronouncement. Yet, words are not what Mistlocke needs, several point out, hoping that perhaps a level of pragmatism might come with Lisette.
With much to repair, only time will tell whether history recalls the deeds of the new Lord-Mayor or forgets her entirely.
Rumor spreads of a large assault conducted by Nightriser raiders against the Transcendent Conclave's floating Enclave. Explanations for how the ancient bones were able to go so far from their ruins vary, but what is known is that Mistlocke villagers were essential in defending the Chains that tether the great structure to the earth.
The First of Mirtul was a day of change as Lord-Mayor Zoe Lisette made public her Citizen Reforms (, to the satisfaction of many of the local villagers of Mistlocke, but the outrage of those who had not yet had a chance to be recognized as citizens.
However, the news did little to soften the blow as the Lord-Mayor later returned from a trip to Sis Liman with a large contingent of Mercenaries in tow. Whispers quickly spread through the village that amongst them walked a sort of grotesque fish monster... indeed more than one! Sahuagin, more knowledgeable folks reported.
Though the fish monsters quickly disappeared from sight, their presence lingered as Lord-Mayor Lisette presented the members of the Shrouded Legion to the village at large. Announcing that they would be taking on the role of the Muster brought confusion and disbelief amongst many, not the least being the Muster themselves.
The Legionnaires displayed a disciplined front to the village as they stood stoically while Lisette made her announcement. Afterwards they all but disappeared into the Last Keep, presumably to hash out the details of their duties. It wasn't long until Legionnaires began their rounds in addition to, but not alongside, the Muster.
As if this were not enough, it was later announced that the Interrogator, Vladimir Khavenko, was exiled from the town and its environs for disturbance of the peace and suspicion of treason. Whispers circulate that he attempted some plot of his own with the Conclave while others speculate it is simply the Lord Mayor removing a potential obstacle in a quest for power that will not end with the Lord-Mayor's seat.
The days to come make no promise of boredom, of this everyone is certain.
It did not take long for disaster to strike in the wake of the appointment of the Legionnaires.
On the Fifth day of Mirtul, the Lord-Mayor ushered in Caliphar Hydarem Leyph upon the stage in the square where she announced a diplomatic treaty ( between Mistlocke and the Transcendent Conclave. In it, she pledged Mistlocke's aid in upholding the Conclave's crusade against 'renegade' mages, provided they met the criteria outlined in the Treaty.
In return the Conclave promised not to hunt mages not recognized by those definitions, at least not while those mages stayed in Mistlocke Territories.
Some lauded the treaty as a diplomatic coup, noting the reasonable compromise that did not seem so onerous to adhere to, but in general the idea that Mistlocke would bend to the Conclave on the topic of renegades at all rankled with more, especially amongst those with any arcane talent. The Footmen Giovani Montigi and Mavell Smogson accused the Lord-Mayor of selling out to the Conclave and leading Mistlocke on a path to damnation.
In moments, things went further awry for the Lord-Mayor, as the aforementioned Footmen were returning to the Priory and came upon a band of Sahuagin standing over one of their recently murdered comrades. The Footmen immediately attacked the Sahuagin band, cursing the Lord-Mayor who had brought them to the town, when more Sahugain began to ascend the cliffs up from the River Tear.
It was the beginning of an all out assault. The Ordermen held at the Priory, but suffered losses. Meanwhile, the Town rallied at the bridge to hold off the Sahuagin that were assaulting there. The Lord-Mayor stood at the front and the men of the Shrouded Legion took little time realizing that they were betrayed and then joined against the mutinous sharkmen.
After the battle, the angry Ordermen sat at odds with the Lord-Mayor, her remaining Mustermen, and the Legion. Harsh words were spoken, with the Footmen demanding the Lord-Mayor stand trial for bringing the Sahuagin to the village. As they became more heated, it came to blows, though no further casualties resulted. The Ordermen retreated to the Priory while the Lord-Mayor returned to the Last Keep to puzzle out her next move forward.
The town slept uneasily that night, fearful of the river and what lay hidden in its dark waters. Mustermen and Legionnaires alike watched carefully for any signs of the marauding Sahuagin. They could not shake the feeling that this was not the last of it.
An event of staggering significance has rocked the realms.
A Red Star burns over Ymph, and it's said that Mystra is somehow slain and the Weave deeply damaged. Magic is banned in Mistlocke, and many speak of the terrible and unpredictable consequences of casting the simplest cantrip or using a simple potion.
It's believed the Transcendent Conclave is responsible, and the ruins of their Enclave is spread across in fiery ruin across the dry plains. Yet the full details of just what has happened is not yet fully known or understood....
It is said that the Emperor of the Conclave was found in the sands shortly after the obliteration of his Conclave. Yet Razul, or Tezzeret, or whoever he might be seemed barely capable of speaking, certainly not of using his magic, or able to reveal much of anything. It is said the boy-oracle only wept, and stared at his hand as if it had betrayed him.
Taken under conditions of secrecy to some hidden cell, the youth was eventually executed by Lord Mayor Zoe Lisette after a brief riot in the Town Square incited by Mavell Smogson of House Aberdenn. Razul's body was presented, headless, to the town and then burned.
... piled high atop other tragedies are reports of mothers abruptly giving birth to stillborn children on the occasion of the coming of the Red Star. Supposedly these stillbirths occurred in Old Port also, and perhaps beyond?
As for the Wild Magic, the surges seem to ebb and flow... occasionally stabilizing. Yet at unknown times they return in full force, and - once more - Magic is uncontrollable.
The peace of night was suddenly breached by a large undead force closing on Mistlocke from the Freshwater Springs. It was said to be led by Sheverra Almakian, a priest of some foul god and two other men in her service. Although villagers ran in panic after the toll booth was rammed down, the adventurers and Muster reacted swiftly to the intrusion and chased Shevarra and her minions back into the woods. The undead force was destroyed and the culprits brought to the cells.
Rumours say Almakian never emerged from the cells for execution and few even whisper she might still be lurking somewhere as the earlier attempt to end her life did not stop her from bothering the village. Another of the two men was promptly executed in the village square but stories regarding the other mans destiny are sporadic at best.
On the 4th of Kythorn, it was Legionnaire Gynauld Broland and former Caermyn Associate Reilly Berwyn who managed to bring the self-proclaimed Warden of the Commonwealth Lester Creevy into the cells of the Last Keep. Satisfying the call by the Lord-Mayor to bring him in for his various alleged crimes against Mistlocke, the act sparked a series of violent actions between Mistlocke peacekeepers and Old Stone loyalists.
Several Mistlocke citizens were captured and held hostage by residents of Old Stones in a bid to secure an exchange of Creevy and his own associate captured alongside him. The Lord-Mayor was unwilling to bargain with Creevy and instead brought him to the square where she pronounced his crimes and his sentence before carrying out the execution herself.
Though Creevy's associate was released to return to the Old Stones, the hostages held were still endangered and a rescue attempt was amounted to free them. When the dust had settled, Old Stones had lost a few more of its protectors, including a previously unknown wereboar, and one hostage was ultimately reported killed.
Reactions are mixed as many villagers applaud the Lord-Mayor for seeing a dangerous criminal put to rest while others wonder about the true meaning behind her steadfast determination to remove her rival and her detractors cling to Creevy's words that he was innocent and it was the Lord-Mayor who had Emily Jacobson killed and now she continues to remove other potential threats to her power.
More legitimate are the concerns that this will push the Old Stones a step closer to outright revolt and uprising and many watch the crumbling ruins with suspicious eyes.
8th of Kythorn, 1382 DR
Rumours spread around the village of a pair of Velsharoonite cultists having been brought to Voltaire in the Hollows by the Ill Companions, there to be executed for their misdeeds. It's said that they were behind the attack of the undead upon Muskroot's Tower the same day, when spirits struck the party bringing the cultists in. While the majority shrug and carry on their work, a few wonder why it was the Companions who managed to bring in the necromancers and why they avoided the legal system of Mistlocke altogether to see justice done.
At the break of night, a small bundle of loaves, butter and venison has been left in the vicinity of the Tower of Gods for the Ill Companions, with the simple note of "Thank you".
The 9th of Kythorn will be a day remembered by many in Mistlocke as the day that proved the Maiden was not untouchable in her Tower... or perhaps the day Mistlocke commanded the entirety of her malevolent ire.
Going mostly unnoticed by the general populace of the village, 'Overseer' Axirios Hectaxius, long considered a curiosity amongst the villagers for his odd mannerisms and eccentric behavior, gathered together a small contingent of Legionnaires and adventurers upon some personal task in the Desert. Accompanied by the Lord-Mayor herself, they set forth with little fanfare, another mundane excursion in a never-ending string of excursions.
Several hours later, the astonishing news came to Mistlocke: the quest had unearthed a great mechanical construct hellbent on the destruction of the Maiden. Reactions varied as many shuttered their windows and bolted their doors, expecting the worst, while others grabbed arms and armor to set out and do battle alongside this rumored siege engine of awesome destruction.
What exactly occured in the Withered Lands is the source of much speculation, hearsay, and exaggeration, but the event was felt even as far as Mistlocke. Tremors rumbled through the lands and screams echoed through the winds. What is known for certain is that after the air stilled, the adventurers soon returned, exhausted and withered, with the Mist coiling about them.
The official story is that the Overseer somehow assumed the mantle of a grand Metal Golem and hurled himself against the Maiden's forces. Cutting a swath of destruction directly to her Tower, there it is said that the Maiden herself was forced to intervene directly to stay the mighty construct, that even the Agony alone was no match for what Axirios had become. One hin in Caermyn colors jubilantly boasted that he had nicked the Fellwitch with an arrow from his bow.
Detractors wonder at what cost. To merely blacken the metaphoric eye of the Maiden is certain to bring terrible retribution, something the Lord-Mayor should be the first to understand, many exclaim with irony. They say that it proves nothing more than that the most extreme and powerful of methods can only serve as the most minor annoyance to the Lich who has seen the passage of many millennia... that there is no hope...
The Withering grows, the King is still lost, and magic has gone awry. What more can be endured?
Still others shout them down. Without hope there is little left to do but to lay down and die, and the urge to fight and strike back remains in many. Though the juggernaut had ultimately fallen, the Lord-Mayor and numerous supporters insist that this was ultimately proof that the Maiden was not invincible, that victory was possible and within reach.
Huddled together in the relative safety of the Mist, however, all agree that the future is uncertain and the that tribulations of Ymph are far from over...
News sweeps the village that an Ill Companion, Awasaki, murdered the Master Merchant. The Caermyn were quick to decry the action and place a 10,000 gold bounty on the man's head. Grim faced and withered, several Ill Companions are seen collecting the bounty some hours later.
Where yesterday the Priory of the Numinous Order stood, today - Kythorn 21st - there lay in its place a blackened, rubble strewn clearing.
Earlier in the day, a column of black-clad men from the Numinous Order arrived from Castle Blackhearth, headed by Castellan Marcellus von Thalburg. In short order it is said an audience was arranged between the Order and the Mayor. What occurred in this meeting is the subject of much speculation, despite the Lord-Mayor personally recounting the events (//%22, claiming that the Order made a series of demands and committed various petty acts against her government.
Many are disgusted, or simply stunned by the outcome of the Lord-Mayor's diplomacy with the Order. Three men in black were said to have been chased out of the Last Keep by Legionaires, and indeed - many point to the Shrouded Legion and the Lord-Mayor's rumoured betrayal of a pre-election deal with the Order as the beginnings of the troubles the village now faces. Rumour goes that the men were chased back to a fortified Order Priory, and a battle broke out between the Order and the Shrouded Legion - led by the Mayor herself. The Order were said to have retreated back into their Priory, and they never emerged, even as flames engulfed it and masonry collapsed. Stories of what happened inside vary. Some say the Ordermen simply perished inside. Others that they escaped through some secret tunnel, or other means.
Some, especially the Aberdenn, native villagers, and those holding to the Order's religion, doubt the Lord-Mayor's description of events. Especially as, following this speech, she ordered through Overseer Mortimer Douglas that the Order's religion was to be censured. Some suspect the Lord-Mayor to have a personal hatred toward the black clad Order and their strange, heretical religion. Others blame the Overseer's influence.
The censure was short lived, however. Some of the followers of the Order's religion, a sizeable number of villagers, became disgruntled. After violence, defiant debate and proselytising, and various unruly acts broke out in the village, Overseer Havoros Khaver, to wide acclaim, wound back the act and ended the disorder.
Chaos and division, ever rife in the small village, seem likely only to consume the village even more with the destruction of the Order's Priory. The mists act queer, the people are discontent, and politicians-to-be bleat of a naive unity as ever the candidates do.
Throughout the village, almost overnight, men and women have gained the confidence to decry the Order and their followers as despicable heretics, where before they were silent.
The Aberdenn, unsurprisingly, can be heard over their whiskey blaming the chaotic rule of the Caermyn for the village's woes. They mention, too, a recent assassination attempt on Owain Aberdenn, and speak in high anger of the likely presence of Rubies or comitals among the many foreigners Zoe has ushered in during her term.
The Caermyn seem broadly uncomfortable with events, though not so uncomfortable to stop themselves from picking clean the carcass of the Priory of valuables soon after its destruction. Curiously, they say... they have not yet found any corpses within.
Kythorn 23rd, 1382 DR
Pillars of smoke rose from the Forlorn Underwood today, at an attempt by unknown vandals to burn the small gardens and orchards protected by the Clan Aberdenn. Though only a small amount of damage was done before the fires were put out, it is said that written warnings were found at these scenes from wildlings.
A set of tracks was seen leading into the mists, and pursuit was given, but no one was ever found responsible for the foul act. The village sleeps uneasy, and the Aberdenn can be seen tending to remaining, undamaged crops, fixing gates and locks to fenced plots, and sending more patrols to see them safe...
25th of Kythorn, 1382 DR
A camp has been put up near one of the farms west of Mistlocke, filled with the withered refugees of the Ill Companions. With the nearly hundred people settling there, the Stonehand's Scar and immediate surroundings' wildlife is diminishing as the new settlers take responsibility for getting their own food.
Kythorn 30th, 1382 DR
The Clan Caermyn, already damaged by some of the challenges it has brought to the village, takes another blow this day. The village of Mistlocke is in shock after a murder, or some say attempted murder, committed by the Caermyn associate and Master Merchant Vitorrio Ambrosi. After a series of chaotic events, it is said the man escaped from imprisonment in the Last Keep and lurks somewhere in the village yet, promising vengeance upon those who slighted him in the events of the day.
It is but another wound to add to the troubles, mercenaries and rabble brought in by the Caermyn just this term, and a weariness of their political dominance in which so much similar has gone on. Some begin to bemoan merchant licenses and how they advantage the Caermyn as the election begins. Others, of course, are more positive about the Caermyn touch... and warn against any concession to the bully Gadyw Aberdenn and his "Aberdenn thugs and dogs".
Meanwhile, rumours from the foragers and hunters of Mistlocke slowly come in that a fearsome minotaur has begun to wander through the forests... staking its claim in the deeper and stranger woods, and coming out to devour the village's food as its own property. The activity of the Bannersmen of Clan Aberdenn increases in response... but efforts at tracking, so far, are said to have eluded the natural sense of the beast...
Second of Flamerule, 1382 DR
Today, Mistlocke... is misty.
Yesterday it was the Aberdenn's turn to take a blow. The distillery underneath the market hall was victim to a fire, which some say was deliberately lit by Ulysses Smogson and an unknown accomplice. Smogson was detained and trialled by Overseer Havoros Khaver, but the resulting punishment: a fine, and service to Gordon Macnab - has brought no satisfaction to the Clan Aberdenn. And its Bannersmen have taken to rationing their whiskey...
The Aberdenn, wearied from hunting the minotaur that has devastated the woods of late, are increasingly disgruntled by the recent string of assaults upon their holdings. Their eyes, naturally, have turned in a dreadful quiet toward the Clan Caermyn. With their candidate for the election at best faltering to a solid good try, their Bannersmen are forlorn and the village people loyal to them sigh and weep for what comes.
The people of Mistlocke watch the days, waiting for the next Lord-Mayor to come and lead them to a new village or an old. The election proceeds, fliers all over, with the Caermyn sitting comfortably in a town run on coin, the Aberdenn diminished, the Muster broken and subjugated by mercenaries, the apathetic loners and outcasts of Old Stones locked up in the dark, the Argenti and the Ill Companions squatting in the outskirts, the shattered cradle of Mystryl - the Transcendent Conclave's ruins - still mostly buried and untouched in the sands, the Order banished to their duty in their Castle, the Watchers rumoured to be pursuing some improbable quest or another, the Maiden's forces still warring with tribes in the mountains and her plants creeping steadily over the deserts... and all the while, a cold Mist rests gentle over the village.
Third of Flamerule, 1382 DR
The Clan Aberdenn are in higher spirits today, following the death of the minotaur 'Nogo' that had claimed the woods and devastated caravans and lone wanderers therein. Their first candidate for Lord-Mayor, Arnold Howardson, stepped down to make way for the veteran Armsman Cameron Falltower - the so-called "Bullbreaker" who ended the minotaur's rampage. The village heeds the development, but many agree that beyond the exhileration and celebration of the triumphant day, the Aberdenn have yet only grasped a fighting chance. All eyes are on the campaigns of the candidates.
Meanwhile, the Caermyn are rumoured to have received a number of unusual shipments at Sis Liman... the contents of which have remained in the port. Some report them to be mundane tools and the like... other reports are wilder, and more sinister. Rumours vary as to what they are up to: some say they are letting go of the Mayoral Seat this term and readying to scour the scattered remains of the Transcendent Conclave, others disagree - suggesting that they are setting out to aid the Ill Companions build up their camp to garner their near hundred potential votes for the election. Regardless, most agree that the crows are preparing for large scale operations of some kind...
Fifth of Flamerule, 1382 DR
Since the first days of her term, the Ninth Lord-Mayor had been shadowed by the treachery of Sharr'kall and the sahuagin contingent who turned on Mistlocke just days after she allowed them into the Shroud, assuring the villagers that the Legion had their monstrous companions muzzled and compliant.
After weeks of searching and several further skirmishes, the Lord-Mayor and her Legionnaires announced that they had located the wayward Warrior-Prince of Sekolah and gathered adventurers and glory-hunters to their banner as they set forth to assault the sahuagins' undersea temple.
The details of what transpired are unknown, but it was said that in the end it was the Lord-Mayor and the Crimson Knight Caius Victus who faced off against the mighty shark beast and with his support, the Lord-Mayor dealt the killing blow.
Afterwards, the slain were recovered and many of the Legionnaires originally abducted by Sharr'kall on the day of his treachery were rescued. Further, the Legion's flagship, the First Bolt, was recovered. The grace of the Gods saw that only two men were lost to the afterlife, the Legionnaire-turned-Ill Companion [/i]Cassius Swyft and the Wyrm Watcher Marco Ravenclaw.
While the Lord-Mayor returned to the Village directly to speak of her victory int he town square, rumors circulate that a group of Legionnaires escorted a shadowed and erratically behaving individual into the Old Stones, sparking wild speculation and gossip as to the identity of the person as well as the Legionnaires business in that cursed place.
Quickly following was the quiet pronouncement by the remaining Legionnaires that their duties be returned in full to the Muster as several departed for Sis Liman to board their ship and return to the waters of the Archipelago.
Flamerule 9th, 1382 DR
The village of Mistlocke was eventful this day.
Major Nicholas Hood was heard to announce that he would be supporting neither the Clan Aberdenn's Bullbreaker nor Havoros Khaver in the election, putting an end to the rumours circulating about both. The Major, glum and nervous, spoke that to support either was to support bringing War to Mistlocke. He announced also that an anonymous donor had given gold enough to the Mist's End that it might ration free food for the village for the entire week. The kitchens of the Mist's End are full of bustle, with extra hands hired on briefly to help with the charity. Crowds mill in and out, drinking Mist's End Draught Beer and carrying out the same rations as they talk over the election and the other small happenings of the village, and speculate on who the anonymous donor could possibly be. More than once, an Ill Companion Refugee is seen to be thrown out of the Mist's End for trying to get second or third helpings.
The Numinous Order, it is said, have been entering the camp of the Ill Companions of late and harassing refugees with claims of their giving in to the Maiden. As a result, clashes between the Order and both the Ill Companions and the Wyrm Watchers have begun to grow commonplace, as Acolytes and Footmen of the Order seek to forcibly administer strange divinations throughout the camp. There is, if the rumours are true, some truth to what the Order claims: the refugees have been consuming cursed food to fill their bellies.
Meanwhile, the election is nearing its end - with many candidates growing desperate in their own ways. Overseer Havoros Khaver has surprised many of his supporters with scathing attacks on the Clan Aberdenn's honour. While the Clan Aberdenn have lost support for their candidate, the Bullbreaker, with brawling in the streets of the village and the recent assassination attempt on Khaver. Allison Grayscale is seen to be trying hard to invigorate her campaign, Horatio Victus is said by some to be considering endorsing another candidate, and Lucky Bells - most suggest - is doing the same while holding the votes of those Ill Companions unwithered enough to enter the village and vote in the election. Twinkletoes seems to have taken an unusually serious note in the latter days of the election with his latest initiative "A.B.K", to the great disappointment of his more vacuous fans.
With great fanaticism does the campaign of the Bullbreaker of Aberdenn proceed. On the one hand it seems a highly energetic cult campaign pushed by a band of Bannersmen practically worshipping Falltower. Cries of "BULLBREAKER!" and "IT IS OUR TURN!" can be heard frequently, from early in the mornings to late in eves. On the other hand, some of the same fervent men greatly tarnished the campaign only today with an assassination attempt on Overseer Havoros Khaver. The acid spitting Vasily, and Aeylweddion, of the Watchers, and Ronald Fryth of the Clan Aberdenn were said to be the culprits in the attempt. All are yet on the run. Speculation on just who ordered the attempt lands on the heads of Gadyw Aberdenn, the Bullbreaker, and various lesser Aberdenn bravos, though the Clan fiercely asserts that the men acted alone out of idiocy, madness or fey tricks.
Flamerule 16th, 1382 DR
The Numinous Order has made several appearances in the village over the election, and today arrived a small and bedraggled column of Footmen led by Knight-Champion Jacques de Villiers. They all pledged their votes to Havoros Khaver, though some of Khaver's most avid supporters were infuriated by the small number of Ordersmen showing up to vote. A Footman was reported to have responded by clutching a man by the throat and uttering dark words to him about the senselessly destroyed Order Priory and a good man lost in their long trek through the Withered Lands... and after that, the anger and bitterness was held inside.
Those Ill Companions showing few or no signs of the Withering also enter Mistlocke without trouble, bound for the Last Keep... they seem cheerful, the rumour going that their debts have been paid of late.
The Clan Aberdenn have made a great show of voting for the Bullbreaker, with rowdy groups of Bannermen leading villagers to the Chamber of Elections roaring slogans and oaths of what degrading things they'll do should their candidate lose. The Wyrm Watchers trickle into the village in much smaller groups, or individually, to quietly cast their votes. Meanwhile, the Associates of Clan Caermyn that head to the Stone do so with an air of grim necessity, seeming to take little pleasure in the election of Flamerule 1382.
The few men left of the Muster are the most conflicted and sad looking of all in the village. Badmouthed, disrespected, downtrodden and left now without the training and support of the Shrouded Legion, they speak of Grayscale and Khaver as their best hopes for the future.
The village votes, and Mistlocke breathes a sigh of relief, as election time nears its end. The last of the free rations offered by the Mist's End and its anonymous benefactor are prepared for distribution for the next few days, and the Grey Mist Raiders that of late visited upon the shores of Ymph are gone as quickly as they came - leaving a mess at Sis Liman and around the village of Mistlocke. The mists thicken with the hour, and anticipation grows for the result of the election..
In the afternoon sun, with the Mist's End casting a shadow over the stage, General Secretary Estelline Nettlehatch announced the results of the election. With reports of Overseer Havoros Khaver's death earlier in the day, the result was a certainty in the eyes of the village - but nonetheless a curious crowd showed to witness the unfolding drama.
Quote from: "Voting Results, Flamerule 1382"138 -- Cameron Falltower, the Bullbreaker
102 -- Havoros Khaver
23 -- Allison Grayscale
13 -- Lucky Bells
1 -- Paus the Defender
It was a solemn occasion, both the Secretary and the new Lord-Mayor giving respects to Khaver in their words. Though the Bannersmen of the Clan Aberdenn, and a very cheerful Gadyw could not contain their enthusiasm for the victory. The Aberdenn can be seen drinking hard and celebrating the day and night away, while the Clan Caermyn in stark contrast have all but sealed themselves in their Estate.
An outrage has already begun to emerge over Aberdenn and Wyrm Watcher involvement in the death of the Overseer as Mistlocke's new and tenth Lord-Mayor takes his seat for the first time.
Men and women from the homesteads, camps and lodges of the deep forest can be seen travelling into Mistlocke proper with carts and children in tow. The men are often seen to wear Aberdenn colours, if sometimes battered or ill fitting... and speak amongst each other and the local Bannersmen as they congregate about the Aberdenn Hall before moving on to find a new place in the village.
Most are peasants and lumberjacks and the like. Men of simple trades and traditional bent, and who with quiet rage regard the village in the state it was left by Lord-Mayor Zoe Lisette. Rumours say that the Aberdenn are calling in all their Bannersmen, and all their favours... The toll booths and licenses have been torn down with the first few days of Falltower's government, and a controversial oath is demanded now of any who would be Freemen of Mistlocke - one now must acknowledge Donyarth Aberdenn as the first to settle the village in order to be protected by the laws.
Much of the village reacts with annoyance at the least, furious anger at the worst. Some refuse to become Freemen at all, a small few others clamour at the Mist's End and Old Muskroot's to demand the Elders intervene, or else share words with the Caermyn. Some simply head to the Last Keep to line up and swear their oath. The Caermyn, for now at least, are dead silent...
Lord-Mayor Cameron Falltower today met many villagers in his office, and announced his first Castellan (and land holder), Horatio Victus. He later held a public trial of the Watchers Vasily and Aeylweddion, and Bannerman Ronald Fryth. The (some say fair, some say farcical, others simply "boring" or "overlong") trial ended without any exiles or executions, but instead the removal of Ronald from the Clan Aberdenn and the promise of the three men going on quests for redemption...
Until their quests are completed, it is said they will remain on the Wall of Infamy, and will find no welcome in the Mist's End or the Market Hall of Mistlocke. Gadyw One-Eye of the Clan Aberdenn stood by the Lord-Mayor's side throughout the trial, his changing expressions ever prompting Falltower.
Along with these light consequences given to men charged with murder and assault, another announcement of Falltower's has produced further dismay. He named none other than Gadyw Aberdenn as his Lord-Captain, prompting many of the few remaining Mustermen to turn in their keys and uniforms. The ranks are now thin indeed...
Aberdenn Bannersmen and their families continue to slowly make way into Mistlocke from the outer reaches. Folk of Mistlocke make their oaths, and take their keys, or refuse... but all speak of the times to come with a growing sense of dread. Some say it's about time the Clans sorted it all out, others that the village is poised to destroy itself. Meanwhile...
...the Caermyn brood in their estate, their caravans moving in and out of the village under heavier guard...
...the Mustermen that remain can be seen throughout the village on frivolous "missions" (writing poetry, tracking down leftover bottles of Aberdenn Whiskey, doing laundry) they say Gadyw himself has ordered...
...the Argenti gypsies huddle and speak between themselves, letting none listen in, but with a palpable rage about them...
...the reclusive Major Hood sits in the top of the Mist's End, his staff preparing for the worst...
...and Old Muskroot is silent: unreadable behind his wooden mask.
The village is still and orderly, the Caermyn laying low while the Aberdenn stand by the gates and patrol the streets and the woods, though the future promises only more tension. While some grow ever more incensed that the Elders have not intervened, others caution that this so-called "Age of the Aberdenn" has to be handled with care...
Recent days have been eventful...
Lord-Captain Gadyw Aberdenn in the morning gathered the few remaining Mustermen to the square, and announced that he was disbanding the Mistlocke Guard and putting in its place the Clan Aberdenn, to reclaim their old mantle as the defenders and enforcers of the village -- a mantle denied them since the First Election. This has caused mixed reactions... jubilation, concern, and conspiracy all mingle uneasily inside the walls of the village. Some of the few remaining Mustermen took Gadyw's offer, and assumed a new role in the defense of the village as a Bannerman or Armsman of the Clan. Others left the village square with varying emotions: from indifference, to upset, to betrayal, to rage... Though a few still hang on to the only a few years old militia, or speak of the dying spirit of Mistlocke, or scrawl graffiti on walls they once defended - most agree that the Muster is dead and gone.
Gareth Caermyn, in the eve, made a much awaited response to the actions of the Clan Aberdenn. In it, he inaugurated the Caermyn Coin, a token offered to men who would pay a modest fee to become a Freeman of the Clan Caermyn. Possessing it, it is said, gives one protection through the Caermyn mercenaries, discounts in the Market Hall, and other attractive benefits. Gareth's words were met with jeering from the Aberdenn, though many villagers breathe a sigh of relief or else eagerly purchase a Coin for the various temptations it offers. Lines form and dissipate in the Market Hall as the days go by...
The Clan Aberdenn loyalists trickling in have set about making improvements to the village, chief of which are the beginnings of a palisade on the eastern edge of town... something notably more defensible than the fence the Bullbreaker promised in the election. Some conspiracy theorists point to this as a sign of a coming disaster or war, while others give a nod to the progress or speak highly of the workmanship and the effort to at last improve village defense in practical ways.
Foul rumors of treachery, battle and banditry are on everyones ears...
Large numbers of villagers, adventurers and even representatives of both Clans were present near Muskroot's tower. It is said that the eccentric, some say crazy, faithful of the Mystryl's shrine, Echr the strange chittering man, was calling out the Aberdenn's Arnold Howardson.
Words of a banditry performed by Aberdenn circle the village. Bystanders claim that Aberdenn was accused of having stolen gold from the Mystryl's shrine, and that Howardson was being called out for it. Some claim that the Aberdenn were being robbed and threatened. Several more say that Howardson was trying to protect someone. Who is right, is not certain.
What is known for sure, is that a huge fight broke near the old Muskroot's tower, and it has become obvious that the Aberdenn took the first strike. It is said the faithfuls of Mystryl defended themselves fiercely, aided by the Caermyn and it's Crows. The Aberdenn were fast overwhelmed and many of them put to the ground after a lengthy battle. The parties were split only after a large number of Aberdenn guards came in force from the gates, and after several of the Caermyn and Aberdenn alike were lying bruised and bloody on the grass.
Afterwards the beaten Aberdenn, Arnold Howardson at the lead, were seen leading the priest Apocryphan towards the Last Keep... What came of the accusations or what is the exact truth is uncertain...
The village is torn as the feud between the clans continue. Each side taking their chances to strike at one another, be it by blade or fist. Banditry has increased, thieves grow more bold and new groups seem to form everywhere around the village as people huddle together to find safety and support from something.
Flamerule 28th, 1382 DR
From the well water of Mistlocke a terrible scourge poured out into the village. Witnesses claim flesh withered from the bodies of those that drank from the well immediately afterward. The afflicted then transformed into oozing husks of undeath, shambling to harm those that once loved them.
A band of adventurers is said to have travelled into the well to cleanse the decay that lingered beneath.
Amidst the chaos, many seek someone to blame. Although the Mayor declared several names to be added to the Wall of Infamy, many residents are left unsatisfied. Rumors persist that Caermyn retainers were the last ones seen in the well, while frantic messages called out by others blamed Wyrm Watcher agents for the entire affair.
After hours of cleaning, the corpses are finally dragged off the town square, but the blood stains and piles of decayed flesh still linger.
Flamerule 30th, 1382 DR
From the depths of the River Tear, monsters spewed forward. Witnesses claim vines and strange entities battled with adventurers, Caermyn, and Aberdenn alike in a hard fought battle to retake the city. Many note that the Mist mysteriously offered more protection than any blade offered by the assembled mob.
The source of the infestation was found below the bridge to Mistlocke. Word travels that a lone mage and an obese elf dove in alone to stave off the abominations beneath.
After much bickering, again, no one is quite sure who is to blame for this atrocity. Some are quick to blame the Ill-Companion, Marcus Bellbridge. Others insist Aberdenn disposed of the Muster and orchestrated the affair to consolidate power in times of trouble. Still, others blame Caermyn trickery.
After the debate simmered, the bridge was left in shambles. Few are bold enough to travel accross, and word travels that at least one man has fallen to a gruesome death below attempting to traverse the bridge.
Eleasis 5th, 1382 DR
Word spreads that three giants and a tiny goblin led a bold assault on the very gates of Castle Blackhearth itself. Few are certain of the casualties, however, several Order Footmen are seen limping away with terrible wounds, and several corpses are lit in a funeral pyre the next morning.
Eleasis 24th, 1382 DR
From the morning mists of Eleasis 24th, 1382 DR, came an invasion of the like Mistlocke has never seen. Men in Caermyn colours- and amongst them, officers in ruby red -stormed the walls of Mistlocke manned by Aberdenn Bannermen. These curious men caught the village by surprise, screaming "FREEDOM!" and beating down everyone in sight. Some confused Caermyn Associates joined their rampaging brethren- only to be knocked out themselves. By the time the dust settled, many of those felled by the raiders had been dragged away into the woods as the last of the raiders were chased off. As pyres burned high, the Lord Mayor and Lord Captain adjourned to speak of the grave assault.
Gareth Caermyn was quick to insist that his Clan would never attack Mistlocke, and though some still adamantly insist that the Clan Caermyn was the one to assault the village in league with their Ruby masters - much of the village, including the Lord-Mayor himself - agree that even the Crows would not stoop so low. With the return of some of the captured individuals, most rumours tell that the madmen of Murdertown were responsible.
As the Lord-Mayor rose to speak and allay the people, the Mist crept thick over the little village in the dell, acting queer as ever it does when the Lottery is at hand. Villagers disappeared indoors, shutters were closed, and the day was painted grey. Hunters and Caravaneers returned from the woods with strange clawmarks, or streaming mist from strange wounds, or dead eyed and lumbering down the roads alone. After some time a sparse crowd gathered again in the square to witness the result of the lottery draw.
The Lord-Mayor, with Gadyw Aberdenn and Castellan Fryth smiling by his side, and General Secretary Estelline Nettlehatch holding the bowl with a horrified expression, named the Champion of Mistlocke:
Menaster Caermyn
A quiet dread has come over the village since, like the calm before a storm. The Caermyn guard their Ealdorman closely, refusing to acknowledge what they call Gadyw Aberdenn's bloodlust. Meanwhile, the Aberdenn - led indeed by One-Eye and the Lord-Mayor, ask that Menaster rise to his responsibility for the village's sake. The mist swirls with strange occurrences: whisperings, sights, shapes, images and beings... a threatening weirdness.
... and nightmares come to all in Mistlocke.
Eleasis 25th, 1382 DR
With the Mist behaving ever more strangely, and then - to the horror of all - receding entirely and inviting the Withering Curse into the village of Mistlocke for the first time... the Clans came to loggerheads.
The Clan Aberdenn brought fire to the Caermyn Estate, and scenes of chaos erupted in the village as Caermyn Mercenaries and Aberdenn Warriors spilt blood in the streets. A message from Owain Aberdenn came just as the action began, helplessly condemning his distant Bannermen for following One-Eye into the fray. Meanwhile, Caermyn Associates slipped out the back of the estate, and through the gap in the wall left open by the resistance of the Argenti gypsies to Aberdenn construction.
Many of their numbers escaped, and scrambled with treasures and belongings to the camp of the Ill Companions. But their Ealdorman, Menaster - the named Champion of Mistlocke - could not be found. Carden Caermyn was seen to be led off by Ordermen. Though the other children seem to have escaped...
It was some time until Aberdenn Bannermen and Armsmen returned from their searching, with Menaster Caermyn in tow. Bringing him before Gadyw Aberdenn, even they seemed surprised and appalled to witness what came next. Gadyw dragged the old man into the square, and amidst recounts of the man's 'crimes' against the Clan and Mistlocke, began to beat him brutally. Aivhilin Aberdenn, the old widow of Tendric Aberdenn - Arthur Aberdenn's late father and a man poisoned - accused Menaster of being the one to kill her husband. Even she looked on, horrified, as Menaster's cries, and Gadyw roaring boisterous murder echoed in the night air...
Those who rose to intervene were quickly dispatched, and a bold Caermyn counterattack was too late to stop the death of the Champion. Rumours tell that Gadyw smiled over Menaster's lifeless corpse a lonely man, almost all others looking upon him with fear and disgust.
Much ado is made of the old man's last words... speaking that he would never have poisoned Tendric Aberdenn - a man he chucklingly claimed to consider a "brother"... and of something "below the hall" that must be found. Speculation is heard often over tables in the Mist's End, amidst the shock and mourning, about what this could possibly mean...
The Lord Mayor soon called another lottery, and hanging his head- looking older, and wearier than ever he had in his campaign and early term -announced Roderick Morinson the Champion of Mistlocke. Some time after he said his goodbyes and entered the Last Keep, the mists returned. Yet they do nothing to hide the shame of the Lord Mayor, and the Clan Aberdenn...
The raw ruins of the Caermyn Estate and the Market Hall stand a grim reminder of the destructive power of the centuries old feud of the Clans. The destruction of the Market Hall could not have come at a worse time. With the Clan Caermyn forced from the village proper, and trade there diminishing, the people cried out for the lack of basic goods and imports. Now, with its total destruction and many merchants departing, worries are surfacing of famine.
It was Gareth Caermyn who made the announcement of an auction in the hall, an olive branch to mend relations - it was said. But the result of the day was more shattered mortar and burnt wreckage strewn about the square. The stalwart Market Hall, gone. Some rumours speak of the Caermyn shipping in explosives, others of an accident with some magical artefact... and still others whisper and wonder of chambers beneath the building.
The silence of the leadership of the village is thought to bespeak furious meetings and threats. Owain and Gadyw Aberdenn, it is said, compete for the ear of the Lord Mayor and his Court. This, while the Elders speak not the ifs but the hows and whens of the end of the ruinous Aberdenn term in office... and the recovery of the village. Those who have seen him recently say the Bullbreaker is in a terrible state.
With the Market Hall destroyed, villagers have begun to fight over basic goods. The crops and hunts fail to sustain the appetites of the Last Keep and village peoples, and many of the most victimised under Aberdenn rule- especially the withered, those with Caermyn Coins, and merchants once of the hall -have simply picked up and left the village walls. The Caermyn siblings ensure that all of these are welcomed in the shanty town springing up to the west.
The days to come promise only more ill, with the crows speaking of Menaster's funeral - his body still held by the Aberdenn on Gadyw's orders... and the stags full of mutterings of vengeance for the hall they say the Caermyn intentionally destroyed. For his part, Gareth Caermyn insists that the explosion was never supposed to happen. Though some who witnessed the auction wonder about the intent of the mysterious, soft spoken man who ran it...
With the passing of a day, the distant Lord Mayor Cameron Falltower resigned and then - by the rumours - either hanged himself... or was hanged... from the Last Keep. Of his last orders, the only one that seems to have been fulfilled was the delivery of Menaster Caermyn's body to the Caermyn, there to await a proper funeral.
In Falltower's place, Gadyw Aberdenn has declared himself the Warlord of Mistlocke, until such time as the war camp of the Ill Companions and the Clan Caermyn is no more.
A few praise the development, with the strong presence of Gadyw Aberdenn promising an iron rule- they speak of feeling safer in the misty village. Others, many others, including Owain Aberdenn... express disquiet or outrage and demand or else quietly seethe that Gadyw stand aside to make way for new elections.
Yet with a deal immediately struck with the Numinous Order, Gadyw's loyalists have seized control of the village and begun to root out those they claim are under the influence of H'bala, or are traitors to the village. The outskirts of Mistlocke, meanwhile, swell with hundreds. Great numbers of them still seek refuge and a better life in the safety and the walls of Mistlocke, away from the withered and the desperate refugees and mercenaries... while others speak of getting treatment for their curse by making coin off the Caermyn siblings... who already, its said - before Menaster's funeral can even be held - weave plots to boost their positions in the family.
News begins to filter into the outskirts of the village of Mistlocke, and indeed to Mistlocke itself, of an unusual multitude of vessels skirting the shores of Ymph- dropping anchor at Murdertown or by some quiet section of coast only to have a few figures row to shore to disappear into the brush before once again departing...
Though some bluster is heard of the return of the Comitals, and a second war, most dismiss this... More persistent is a subtler, and darker explanation. It's said the price of slaves in the city of Old Port has risen steeply- doubling, or even tripling. More slaves than ever before are pouring through the Last Gate of Old Port, to the dark city below.
And so, say the gossipers over their cups, desperate or plain foolish bands of slavers and bounty hunters are descending upon Ymph, braving the curse in the hope of making a tidy fortune...
Eleint 17th, 1382 DR
Two months from the day Cameron Falltower was elected as Mayor, several of the remaining Elders of Mistlocke met today in the Last Keep along with privileged villagers, the Lord Captain Ronald Fryth, and the Numinous Order's Inquisitor Gildenberg, to discuss the future of the village. The tales vary, but most speak that Major Hood refused even to attend... and that Old Muskroot there delivered words, and a prophecy, that unsettled Gadyw Aberdenn. Chief Hamilcar was seen leaving the Last Keep in a fury, and the Argenti camp bristles on the edge of the village as Aberdenn Bannermen begin gathering the materials to finish their palisade.
Works can be seen throughout the village, as well... as, in the wake of disaster the Last Keep begins to see renewed excavation, and villagers that remain continue to pick up the pieces of broken buildings.
Meanwhile, Clan Caermyn begins to uneasily welcome a slow stream of family members from across the seas, in preparation for the funeral of Menaster Caermyn.
Eleint 26th, 1382 DR
After several days of increasingly violent troll raids from the Morass, a large warband -- led by Lord-Captain Ronald Fryth and Inquisitor of the Numinous Order Edvar Gildenberg, and including several Wyrm Watchers and a whole column of dwarves among others -- is said to have finally scattered the tribe responsible. Only time can tell if the attacks shall cease, however, for as every adventurer knows, trolls and their kind are notoriously difficult to exterminate.
Eleint 29th, 1382 DR
On the heels of a storm that shook the trees in the Veil, word spreads of a party of adventurers returning from the deeper parts of the forest bearing several brutally mutilated corpses. Rumours fly as huntsmen and wildwalkers come bearing reports of individual trolls frantically moving about the land, strange movements of the trees of the wood, pushed against the wind, and even of thunderous crashing from the deepest reaches of the Mist-laden East ...
Marpenoth 4th, 1382 DR
With Menaster Caermyn's funeral over and done with, the Caermyn family has descended into projects and intrigues. Though none have dared truly claim the mantle of the former Patriarch, factionalism is thought to be rife among the Clan. Where before the Associates and Retainers of the Clan competed to impress the old man, now they navigate a simmering mire of internal struggle... uncertain to who they should pledge, and who will come out the new leader of the Clan.
Notable was the return of the disowned son of Menaster, "King" Drystan Caermyn, a band of withered pirates and brigands in tow. Though despised by his fellow family members, an aura of mad mysticism surrounds the petulant self-proclaimed King. The many say he has a misty jewel for an eye, and even speak of powers of prophecy possessed by the former potion merchant... that led the Laughing Skull Pirates to great wealth and plenty in their time at sea.
Meanwhile, in Mistlocke proper, works continue on a monument to Gadyw Aberdenn. Tensions with the Argenti have risen, and risen as time has gone on... and the Aberdenn await only their Warlord's whimsical order to erect the last stretch of the village walls so protested.
Marpenoth 21, 1382 DR
The announcement of Warlord Gadyw's five days of games and festivities have been met with great fervor and excitement by the villagers and adventurers that call Mistlocke home. Each day, a new event passes, and a new champion is crowned.
It is said that on the first day of festivities, contests of strength were held, in which the Bullbreaker, true to his name, emerged triumphant. A peculiar sight was witnessed this day as well. Many tell stories that include a Stargazer that was nearly fed alive to a giant, shackled bear. Only after the pleas of a single attendant was the Stargazer spared this grisly fate, to be given the option of a trial by combat.
The second day of games was marked by contests of magic. Several competitors flocked to the Mist's End Tavern to compete for the praise and treasures of the fabled Aberdenn Vaults. After several rounds of magical combat, a single woman emerged triumphant. The victor, Seer Eliza, is rumored to be the newest apprentice of Muskroot, and a rising star in the field of magical knowledge and arcane lore in the village.
The third day of games included the hunt of fearsome, giant beasts. One was said to be an enormous troll queen, the other an ogre, and the last a giant lizard. Two groups emerged victorious from the affair. One was led by a group of Aberdenn's latest recruits, the other led by a young female caster.
The fourth day of games included a contest of songs, stories, and wits. After several hours of competition that included several bizarre interruptions, an unlikely champion emerged. Often called "DULL" for his slow wits and strange speaking patterns, Durwyn was deemed champion of the event, and the new "Master of Songs" within Mistlocke.
As the final day of games approaches, adventurers and sellswords gather supplies in anticipation of a grand finale.
Rumour has quickly spread of the conquest of the Dwarven citadel known as the Delving by two tremendous Giant Kings. It was a victory heralded by booming laughter, and assured by the treachery of some of the Delving's own. The gnome Efrain Widdlytink, former Master Merchant and Caermyn Associate, is now said to be directing affairs in the Delving. Whereas Thane Longbeard is kept alive and imprisoned while his people slave away for his giant captors.
Though terrible news for the Delving, the news is not good for Mistlocke either. Though the exodus of some citizens to the Caermyn shanty town in the outskirts, as well as the provision of feasts and the works of Gareth Caermyn for Menaster's funeral relented somewhat the appetite of the population of the divided village, trouble looms over Mistlocke in the form of the two 'Noor' Giants.
With their ascent to royalty, the forests are beginning to utterly empty of game, and though the village granary rests with some precarious stocks yet, the future looks bleak.
Meanwhile, it has come to some attention that- following their capture of Carden Caermyn -food shipments between Sis Liman and the Numinous Order's Castle have quietly resumed. Yet the route most frequently used in recent times... through the Delving and down the river... is bound for new complications.
More peripheral rumours speak of strange happenings on Sis Liman and along the coast of Ymph... it's said bizarre -fish people- are beginning to surface, extremely withered and decayed, on the shores...
Rumour spreads of an enormous attack on Sis Liman by armies of withered Diluvians and various H'balan monstrosities on which rumours vary... from a veritable undead Kraken, to the kelp forest itself writhing toward the shores of Ymph.
After the attack, a Diluvian Mythkeeper inside a protective bubble emerged to speak to the defenders... and his words proved even more terrible indeed than the attack. The Withering Curse, he said, has begun to infect his people at a truly alarming rate. That if something isn't done- the Maiden shall possess the seas, with an army of Diluvians five thousand strong.
He made two demands of those present, to see that this does not happen:
The first, that those on the surface destroy the servants of "the Veneroida". Whether or not they are responsible, he claimed, they are a destabilising influence on the mysterious underwater city of Hyrelican's Seat that undermines the authority of the Mythkeepers to do what is necessary.
The second demand was that the village of Mistlocke send, by vessel, as many humans suitable for labour as it can spare within the next few days. To work and find imperative resources in the Lower Sectors of the city.
The Mythkeeper's final words of his warning spread throughout the village:
"This must be sent within the next several tides. Consult your Elders and see that it be done. Lest we are all doomed."
Rumours begin to circulate that the Steward Arch Druid Emlyn ap Taliesin led a band of men, women, and Stargazers in a strike against the forces of H'bala. After his Stargazer cohort, called by some the 'Chosen', managed to kill several H'balan cultists, including a savage werewolf known for terrorizing the island, the wildlings and their allies rallied for an assault on a hidden base used by the cultists for nefarious purpose.
It is said that more than a dozen attended to the call of the Arch Druid but that at least half perished in the ensuing battle. While none who were not there can truly say what was accomplished in the strike, Rovers report that the withered lands are quieter... at least for the moment.[/i]
Uktar 11, Year 160, 1382 DR
Aberdenn corpses are dragged to gates of Mistlocke in bloodied bags, some mauled by giant looking claws, others slashed to pieces by blades and daggers. As commoners gather to witness the spectacle, one word is on the tip of everyone's tongue: "Stargazers"
Amidst a bluster of sendings made by Muskroot, a heated exchange is said to have taken place just beyond the gates of the city. Few are certain on the details, but some claim five, others say ten, and the outlandish in the city even claim that twenty rabid Stargazers assaulted the Lord Captain and captured the Inquisitor amidst some kind of negotiation.
It seems there was a slaughter this night. Several perished, Ordermen and Aberdenn bodies counted heavily amongst the dead, yet the villagers of Mistlocke insist that no Stargazer corpses were found...
At the head of the Stargazer pack, a lone woman with a longsword is said to be the primary antagonist, a powerful Stargazer that laid the Inquisitor low with a single swipe of her deadly blade. Tales of her thirst for violence and chaos spreads through the city like wildfire. Many wonder who she is, what she wants, and why she attacked the Lord-Captain. Worse yet, they wonder if the Lord-Captain will survive her terrible wrath.
:[ Uktar 14th : Year 160 : 1382 DR ]::
An extraordinary night has transpired in Mistlocke. It all began on an otherwise calm evening, when a bizarre vortex of Mist coalesced above the central square of Mistlocke and started to display a series of visions to its frightened people.
The image of the Lichess, the Maiden, the great enemy H'bala... smiling in smug gloating pleasure. A skull servitor clasping a frosty ring in its jaw was shown, giving this Ring to its Queen. And then H'bala was shown putting on the ring.
Following this was a terrible blizzard and frost, terrible chunks of withered ice forming to make mighty elementals that stamped through the town. Drifts of sickening snow piled high in the streets of a place that had never before seen so much as a morning's frost.
But in time the blizzard ended, and once more the Mist above revealed a vision... this time, the Lichess being handed a fresh ring: one in which a small flower sprouted... the flower dying as the ring was, in turn, placed upon her finger.
What followed was a terrible storm, withered yellow lightning crackling down upon the battlements and rooftops of Mistlocke. Huge sheets of driving, greasy rain melting the snow and soaking the corruption into the earth...
And then once more there was a vision, this time of the Maiden accepting a Ring of Summer.
And so following was a terrible heat and storm of choking dust, withered clouds of it settling across the Island.... the earth cracking in the dry heat, and countless trees collapsing or burning in a terrible conflagration of corrupt fire.
And, finally, the Lichess accepted an autumnal ring. And then there was a terrible decay all across Ymph. The leaves of much of the Island's remaining vegetation blown away... sickening corruption seeping nearly everywhere. A cold wind even blew away much of the Mist that warded the areas near Mistlocke...
What has followed the Withered Storm is an island that had slipped that much closer to utter ruin. The Crossroads and large sections of the Underwood are mist-warded no longer, and H'bala's creatures have been spotted a bow's length from Mistlocke itself.
In some desperation, a Lottery was called immediately after the storm and no less than three "champions" of the Mist were chosen. Following the Lottery the Mists returned in their mysterious strength to ward Mistlocke, but the niggling itch of the Withering can be felt all throughout the nearby forests.
It is a sorrowful autumnal Uktar for Ymph. And many of Mistlocke's inhabitants are heard to be murmuring among themselves of how Accursed Hammer 23rd - the anniversary of the Lich's release from her prison - is steadily approaching.
What began as an unprecedented meeting, between none other than Warlord Gadyw One-Eye and Gareth Caermyn himself, took an unexpected turn that has taken the village of Mistlocke by surprise.
Amidst heated discussions on the newly repaired bridge into Mistlocke, the two famous leaders were interrupted by the notorious and drunk Myfynwy. After a showing including vomit and belching, the strange and outcast young Aberdenn revealed his "true colors" so to speak, as none other than the elusive Prince of Thopsee Shee. Tellings of the what followed differ, but the meeting has left the village astir with rumors of the Warlord bing killed, eaten, maimed, replaced as a fetch, or enthralled.
Whichever version is true, it seems the Prince's eternal revel has come to Mistlocke. The Prince spoke briefly of a coming a war before retreating to his newly claimed Mayoral chambers to "redecorate."
Tales are told of the "Convocation of the Gallants" and how, sponsored by Major Hood, they successfully destroyed a horrific withered beast lurking in the seas near Sis Liman.
Elsewhere, a sad tale is told of a peaceful holy man who sailed to Ymph with the intent to bring reprieve to its withered inhabitants, but instead found his way to the dungeons of Murdertown. It's said he was forced to try his luck at Father Michael's infamous Wheel of Misfortune.....
Nightal 6th, 1382 DR
Word filters through the village of late, of the destruction of a Corrupted World Tree at the hands of- most say, the Convocation of Gallants. And yet, rumours in the village quickly emerge... disputing this, and asserting that it was the Prince of Thopsee Shee and his court that were responsible. The Prince himself, no less, declaring it on horseback in the village square.
As further declarations of the fey usurper begin to be known, the battered and beleaguered village slides into - if it were even possible - deeper despair.
- The walls, it is said, will be stacked with Alchemist's Fire and set alight in a grand day of fireworks, at the suggestion of a local gnome of the village.
- A crone the name of Rotberries, is to be bathed, and whosoever does the deed... will be named the official Bathmaster of the Prince's Court.
- Some glimmers of hope come out of it all, though... The Prince and the smiling Warlord Gadyw declared also that "games" would soon be had, and from them would emerge new "village planners" who would determine improvements and new buildings to be constructed.
And after naming Auigan, a local Aberdenn Bannerman, his newest (six hundred and thirty fourth) Herald of his Court... the Prince and Gadyw returned to the Last Keep to race snails.
Nightal 9th, 1382 DR
Today, the rumble of many barrels being rolled toward the village sent Mistlocke into a panic. Little fey creatures placed huge barrels of Alchemist's Fire all around the village perimeter... along the walls and atop the keep...
Adventurers and commoners alike headed out, leaving the village all but abandoned as the Prince called for a volunteer to detonate the barrels and create his desired 'fiery bloom' to bathe the walls.
Ronald Fryth stood to do it... adding Official Detonator of the Summer Court to his titles. Only two noble dwarves stood between him and Mistlocke's seeming fiery doom. After much suspense and deliberation, Fryth detonated the first barrel... sending a chain reaction of huge explosions across the perimeter of Mistlocke.
As the smoke and fire cleared, however... the walls, to some surprise, still stood and were covered indeed in a fiery bloom:
Of roses.
Through the course of an evening in which Mistlocke was saturated with angry, red mists and the disquieting sounds of distant rumbles.... it is said a group of Wyrm Watchers and their allies set off with solemn purpose.
Some remark that the Horn of the Sleeper, sought by Muskroot and presumably many others, must - at last - have been found.
It was near the witching hour when the Sound of a Great Horn sounded, soft at first, but rising in volume, until all the Island was overwhelmed with its rumble.
And then, later, a brief shadow across the stars above.... as if a mighty beast had taken wing and circled once, twice, thrice above Mistlocke.
For days now, voices from the Mist have so insistently claimed that 'Abanaxra must awaken'.... and now many believe that perhaps it has been done. Yet if so, shall the Wyrm be friend - or foe?
::[ Nightal 12th : Year 160 : 1382 DR ]::
Mistlocke was overwhelmed with angry, howling Mists..... there was then a desperate sending from the Muskroot himself announcing terrible thieves having stolen something of import, fleeing from his Tower.
Then, confused rumors report, there was some kind of massive melee in the Crossroads, and the arrival of a horrible winged beast of Bone in the company of the Nightriser Legionaire Nasira Al-Hamdani and her allies. The wild Scrave (clasping something enormous) is said to have leaped upon the back of the Bone Wyrm, along with an enraged chasing Tiger, whereupon the Bonewyrm flew off towards the West. As for what follows, few seem to know....
There is a sense of intense and palpable sorrow within the mists of Mistlocke....
As the sun set on the 14th of Nightal in the year 1382 Dale Reckoning, the events that would see the Mist-covered Isle of Ymph historically changed began to unfold. Adventurers of every type gathered outside Muskroot’s Tower on the edge of Mistlocke, having come to answer the hedge-wizard’s call-to-arms made in the preceding days.
For the theft of some sort of egg in his care, Muskroot had deemed that there would be a raid of vengeance against Imperator Warden Sanq and his Nightriser Legions. Battle plans were quickly drawn and the adventurers divided for a four-pronged attack upon the Netherese Colony.
Said to be aided and guided by the Mists itself, the adventurers began their march from Mistlocke and surrounded the Colony. Upon the signal of some roaring creature flying through the night sky, blades and magic finally crossed upon the battlefield.
The night was long. Long and one of spilled blood and shattered bone. Four separate groups attacked the Gates, the Barrows, the Underwater passages, and a raid upon Murdertown itself.
But as the night waned, the Nightrisers were pushed back. It’s said that the adventurers of Mistlocke confronted the Warden of Nebezzdos himself upon the peak of the ziggurat. At the moment of the Warden's triumph, the powers of the mythallar that warded him so seemed to abruptly vanish as if the mythallar had suddenly stopped working. It was then that some claim a beast of Mist swooped from the dawn sky, took the millenia old Warden high aloft, and devoured him. With the Warden seemingly destroyed, it is whispered that the Beast circled above and then attacked the Ziggurat itself, smashing the top of it to pieces, and then disappearing below into a pool of darkness while Nebezzdos quaked and the Ziggurat collapsed upon itself.
Regardless of what the truth may be, the light of the sun that rose on the 15th of Nightal marked one of the greatest changes in Ymphian history. Nebezzdos lies wrecked and shambled, the Nightrisen destroyed or driven into the darkest pits of the ruins, the Cyricist hell-hole of Murdertown razed and destroyed, the ziggurat shattered and turned into a pile of debris.
One of the last remnants of the ancient Netherese Empire lies in ruins. The mythallar that brought new and unsuspecting people to the isle of Ymph is either destroyed or gone. Though the adventurers returning to Mistlocke are quick to celebrate, there are those who suspect--and worry--that the satisfaction of such a victory will not long remain in cursed Ymph.
::[ Nightal 17th : Year 160 : 1382 DR ]::
Once more the angry, hungry Mists came to Mistlocke... once more the Old Muskroot called for Lottery. After some delay, the villager-forager known as Rathbone was elected to serve as Champion of Mistlocke and so went forth to do his duty, and did not return....
::[ Nightal 24th : Year 160 : 1382 DR ]::
The Prince of Thopsee Shee, with the gorgeously dressed Warlord Gadyw Aberdenn in toe, rode forth on a brilliant stallion to greet his fair subjects. An announcement of glorious games to be undertaken. The prize: A single favor from the Prince of Thopsee Shee himself! Anything imaginable! The denizens of Ymph quickly gathered to take part in the Fey Prince's infamous Games and risk it all for the glorious prize.
What took place was a glorious melee! Whisked to a twisted and wild "Alternate Mistlocke," our brave champions battled each other through nefarious traps, exploding barrels, electrified pillars and even the dreaded and infamous "Meat Shack." Various reports of sightings of the deceased Lord Captian Ronald "Bullbreaker" Fyrth spread like wildfire amidst gruesome tales of brother turning on brother to claim the coveted prize.
In the end, it was the Wyvern Akreaya who emerged victorious. To chants of "Old Ways!" and "Wyvern!" the miniature warrior espoused a desire to see the wonderful town of Mistlocke rebuilt! And so the generous and wise ruler of Mistlocke, The Prince of Thopsee Shee, has declared it will be so! Mistlocke rebuilt! It's new construction to be dedicated to the long-time ally and friend, Akreaya Wyvern, as a reminder of the bravery and strength of the Wyvern and the Old Ways.
::[ Nightal 26th : Year 160 : 1382 DR ]::
A word quickly spreads around the Mistlocke that a large amount of men belonging to the Numinous Order arrived to the Lake of Mist. It is told some of them had returned from a pilgrimage, carrying dozens of ancient remains, claimed to have been once Bretheren of the Order Numinous. Even the rarely seen Grand Master arrived to watch the burial ceremony in silence.
Priest of the Order, Tybalt Merrek was granted the honour to sanctify the remains before their last journey into the Lake. A rumour tells that during the ceremony, the mist whispered wildly to everyone's ear and wrapped those present into its embrace. Although the ceremony ended peacefully, the few men of the Order that were seen in the village afterwards did not seem very relieved of having seen their brothers to the rest. Rather, many of them were wearing worried visages on their battle-hardened faces.
Curious happenings, of late...
A thick gathering of mists, mistaken as a village Lottery to begin with, has come over Mistlocke. With uncertain - some say concerned words - from Old Muskroot, a massive river of Mist followed, flowing into the village of Mistlocke and bolstering the shroud considerably.
The Wyrm Watchers only confirmed what some had begun to wonder...
Quote from: "A sending"Friends... I have grave news. For what- reason, I know not... but the Mists have fled the Forgotten Forest entire to join those here at Mistlocke. The Withering now holds these lands as any other.
So too have several towers been erected in Mistlocke - practically overnight. The curious occurrence has been attributed to the promised rebuilding of the village by the fey Prince of Thopsee Shee...
As morning came on Nightal the 28th, 1382 DR, trails of torches heralded the return of the Rovers and the Hedgeknights of the Wyrm Watchers to Auld Wyrm's Hearth... A massive moot was held, called by the Great Druid of the Stewards -
Emlyn ap Taliesin.What this moot meant, none could say... perhaps it was about the movement of the Mist of the Forgotten Forest... ? It wore on for some time, until Old Muskroot himself was spotted hurrying off from his tower with two other figures.
It would not be long until a large gathering would follow him back from Auld Wyrm's Hearth, along with the boy Owain Aberdenn, his bodyguard Saer Emeric Guoremor, and others. A small number then ventured into Muskroot's Tower, including the one who found the crown:
Sigfried Stromme.
Rumours tell of the emergence of a foiled traitor from the tower, Saer Emeric Guoremor, who fled to Sis Liman and took a vessel toward Old Port... the crew of the Passage in swift pursuit.
But they are buried underneath the joy and hope and hysteria that has consumed Mistlocke...
For the mists surged with new life, as Old Muskroot spoke words heralding the coronation of a new King of the Shrouded Isles.
Quote from: Old MuskrootPeople of Mistlocke- I declare the coming of Owain I, Ruler of Mistlocke, and King of the Shrouded Isles. I call all citizens to the square, for his Majesty to be witnessed, and his first Acts to be known.
Before his people, the King would summon and banish the fey Prince of Thopsee Shee, his servants, and his works... He then declared a new Warlord, rededicating the statue in the square to the Crown Finder.. and made of Emlyn ap Taliesin his First Advisor. As he stumbled back toward the Last Keep, there were cries all through the village of: "Long live the King! Long live the King!"
On throughout the night, all over Ymph, the signal towers of the Wyrm Watchers are ablaze with wrathful fire... as Count Zarono Senuspur gazes out to sea from his palace in Old Port, clenching trembling, white fists.
As the Wyrm Watchers gathered again, with those trails of trickling flame headed toward Auld Wyrm's Hearth and the blazing fire on top... it is said that a schism occurred.
The Forgotten Circle, long at odds with the Stewards of the Ark for reasons left in shadows and whispered secrets, has split from the Watchers and retreated into the deep forest to tend their Heart of Life... taking with them as many Watchers as they could. The rest of the Watchers begin to trickle slowly into Mistlocke, bringing their belongings, singing songs, and embracing the people with great joy.
But the news that came, later, from the woods... in the form of a panicked man, was chilling. The Forgotten Circle, rumours now say, was making twisted abominations of the men and beasts it had gathered in the woods... crossbreeds, beasts and plants the world has never known, in the name of fighting the Witch, or as yet unknown and darker purposes.
Mistlocke, and the peoples of the wilds who seem to influence the village ever more and more, have reacted incandescently to the aberrant affront... and a proclamation of treason (//%22 was swiftly issued. Claims that the Forgotten Circle has poisoned the King travel from ear to ear, though most official sources deny or try to correct this in some way or another. For now, the woods are quiet... but most suspect that if things proceed as they are, this will not last long.
::[ First of Hammer : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
The traditional celebration to bring in the new year in Mistlocke was unusually boisterous, with the Mist's End being packed with plenty of celebrating townsfolk and adventurers toasting their new King.
As the celebration winded to a close, a thin-faced youth began to read droningly from a poem long-attached to the wall of the Mist's End. As he read, the revelers ceased their noise and merely listened....
"Accursed day of betrayed word,
Accursed night of dead things stirred,
Accursed Hammer Twenty Third..."
Upon the mountains crisp and white
Shone the blazing morning light.
The day was warm, and clear, and bright.
But 'round the ruined tower came
The savage hin with savage game.
"Kill the Maiden!" they proclaim.
They brought the Golden Mace, the key,
And Numbered Stones of ten and three.
At last the Maiden is set free...
Arrogant folly, arrogant fools,
The savages were the Maiden's tools.
At Leged's fault, H'bala rules.
Now come the evil, deathless swarms.
Now come twisted, monstrous forms.
Now come unbroken, endless storms.
We sleep amongst the hurt and dead,
A shredded banner for our bed,
Our lullaby the soldier's tread...
We mutter, rasp, we make it said:
"Accursed day of betrayed word,
Accursed night of dead things stirred,
Accursed Hammer Twenty Third..."
When the youth finished his grim recitation, so did the party finish: the townsfolk and adventurers heading uneasily to find a bed, many of them wondering what the new year of 1383 would bring.
::[ Hammer 4th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
The cries of grieving widows are heard in the early morning hours at Aberdenn Hall. The butchered bodies of the three Aberdenn retainers gone missing these last nights have been recovered. Scouts had been directed to a cave on the Rugged Coast in which stargazers of the Trout tribe have occasion to trade with outsiders. The sole survivor of the battle, a dwarf trader of the Delving, did not know cause of the battle, only that it swiftly spiraled out of control. Perhaps a dozen stargazers and his own hired bodyguards from the Scars Cave are dead, and an ancient burial ground destroyed in the fighting.
::[ Hammer 5th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
Barely a day goes by and Heinrich Magnusson of the Numinous Order himself confesses that it was he and his of the Order that dressed as Aberdenn and slew the Stargazers. He was seen leaving for Blackhearth with the warrior-monk Animi in tow only to return alone...
Cries of Treason ring openly, and none louder than in the Kings Court. What is to become of the Order is uncertain though it is said they have days at most to surrender entirely and for the Lord-Commander to swear fealty to their King before declaration of war is declared.
::[ Hammer 7th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
From Caermyn smugglers and the men of Sis Liman come a tale of a daring raid in the Old Port in which members of the Numinous Order freed a dozen captive children from slavers, slew twice as many guards, and made off with a mighty fortune in gold from the vaults of Ojo the bloodmage. Cooler heads wonder at the audacity, for surely the Count and his frightening Vizier shall see blood returned in blood...
::[ Hammer 9th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
The Island of Ymph is undergoing a massive eruption. Ash and smoke pour from what remains of the tops of the Prophets' Peaks. Huge rivers of slow-moving lava are gradually flowing into the Withered West. Scouts report the extraordinary sight of huge swathes of withered forest being burned to nothingness. And the lava still flows....
Most believe that Mistlocke and its Forests, separated as as they are from the Mountains by the Dead Plains, is unlikely to see any lava-flow. But what is clear is that the entire western region is once more being changed enormously, with unforeseeable consequences.
Rumors of Mistlocke-adventurers and wildlings somehow being responsible for the volcanic eruption are common, but vague.
As the thick ash settles in upon Mistlocke, some of its wealthier residents are seen to be departing. It appears some are willing to risk leaving the soothing, protective Mists in favor of the rumors of stability in Old Port. With Caermyn ships still known to be plying the short way to the city state of Old Port, it seems some believe that they'd do better living in a Tyrant's quarter rather than dwell any longer upon the horribly cursed, divided, and erupting island of Ymph.
Yet the majority of Mistlocke's residents seem to instead be rallying around the crowned figure of their new King. They seem certain that their King will lead them to salvation.
::[ Hammer 12th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
A massive war-party of trolls and other giant-kin assaulted Mistlocke, howling with anger over Siegfried Stromme and his supposed betrayal of the Giant Brothers of the Delving. After great struggle, the war party was successfully defeated by the adventurers of Mistlocke.
::[ Hammer 16th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
Adventurers and commoners alike speak of strange voices and lights flashing throughout the forests all through the previous evening. While there are many slightly differing reports, most can confirm hearing a pronouncement announcing a QUEEN OF ARCADIA. Although most have no idea what this means, let alone how it will affect their lives, there are some few that whisper of war in the feywilds.
Lava from the erupting mountains flows steadily into the west... filling the moats of the Order's Castle Blackhearth... burning Withered Woods to ash... and threatening the Lake of Mist ( itself....
::[ Hammer 17th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
Hours before a river of lava entered into the Lake of Mist, the men of the Numinous Order of Brethren Votarient assembled in all their weary number along its edges.
After hours of concentration and meditation, the Grandmaster himself did wade into the waters and perform the Miracle of the Lake.
His voice echoed across the misty landscape, as the gathered of Mistlocke and Order alike waited in hushed silence...
It is said that he uttered a strange intonation in the tongue of Ancient Netheril, and so emerged those hundreds dead of the Numinous Order who had been interred in funereal ceremony within the Lake for these past centuries. And as they came from the waters, in their faces could be seen nothing but full ripeness of life, with not a touch of withering or the curse of undeath to be seen.
After stern words and dolorous warning of the savage wildmen of Ymph, the Grandmaster turned to his fresh army and commanded a massive campaign against H'bala. Multiple targets were chosen, and the Numinous Order divided into multiple parts to raid across the Island, destroying the lieutenants of H'bala and cleansing the lands before finally marching at last to the Tower itself.
And so it was done. A series of long, bloody, and deadly battles at last led to the Numinous Army marching upon H'bala's Tower itself and up to its utmost gates.
It is said a crawling, rotting Stargazer invited the Captains of the Army to approach and so reveal to his Queen their purpose there.
"YOUR QUEEN KNOWS OUR PURPOSE WELL, SLAVE".... responded the Grand Master. Yet they approached, and exchanged words of great import, and then there was terrible battle once more.
The rotting, mindless remains of the long-destroyed coral dragon Shevorth emerged from the Tower, as did the Maiden's most dangerous monster... the Agony of the Hunt itself. And although these and a pack of giants destroyed many, in time the Grand Master and his army proved victorious, driving all the beasts within the Tower itself.
Yet the army was weary, and the Grand Master utterly exhausted from the Miracle and the long fighting that followed. And so instructions were given for a siege, and plans made for a final raid within the Tower after a day's rest in which the strength of the Numinous Order would be fully replenished. Bent by exhaustion, the Grand Master and his guard then departed from the field and returned to Castle Blackhearth for a long period of replenishing meditation and rest.
... Elsewhere across Ymph, the people are thunderstruck by the extraordinary event of the Miracle and then the well-fought and bloodily brutal campaign against the Maiden. It seems impossible for the old Numinous Order, long thought to be nearly on the verge of defeat in the face of withered fury, to have had such extraordinary and abrupt success over what is widely considered to be the Island's greatest horror. Many are delirious with happiness at the prospect of a final assault upon the Tower and fervently pray for the prospect of the Lichess' final destruction at the hands of the Numinous Order, Brethren Votarient and its powerful, mystical Grand Master.
::[ Hammer 18th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
It begins with a terrible NIGHTMARE (//)......
[hide=THE NIGHTMARE][size=+2]As the evening after the Order's march against H'bala passes, many across Ymph experience a terrible NIGHTMARE of epic proportions.... a strange vision of events from the past and present. As the nightmare unfolds, it seems to begin shortly after the raid upon Nebezzdos in which Warden Sanq was destroyed, and the Ziggurat smashed by a great Wyrm. The Nightmare seems to show what transpired after and below.... [/size]
((For best experience listen to this while reading this (
... it is said that, once more, the Ornate Notices of the Nightrisers all across the Island changed at once.... the markings of the Fifth Step going smudged.
... it is said that a shadow passed through the Order's sparsely defended Castle Blackhearth, and the gates were abruptly swung shut from within. When those of the Order outside the keep sought to sally forth to reclaim their ancestral home their brethren emerged upon the walls with strange, pale, bloodless faces and fired upon them with crossbow....
... it is said that as the the strange nightmare passed through the siege camp of the Numinous many of the brethren were dismayed, and H'bala took advantage of the confusion to send forth her Agony once more, breaking the siege and sending the men of the Order into a bloody, deadly rout.....
... it is said that the taste of triumph from yesterday's victory has turned to ash.
Various groups of the soldiers of the Numinous Order, faces bleak with grief, are said to be filling the Old Stones Tower of Mistlocke....
::[ Hammer 19th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
Dzdyena Kolyrshyl returns to the village wracked in grief and speaks to all that will listen: The Giant-Kings, Zohlrunde and Hrigonna, furious at an attempt to poison them, shall roast and devour the Thane unless they are stopped. Perhaps twenty brave souls join him and march to war on the Delving. Half of them will never return.
After several pitched battles and failed assaults, the warband sets a series of explosives to bring down the hall. With a thundering crack, the once-proud Delving collapses in on itself. The Giant-Kings in thundering pursuit are halted by the sacrifice of Muart the Brave, as their kingdom becomes their tomb. Those few dwarves that survive are broken and in mourning, speaking with hushed grief of their losses, none greater than the Thane himself who succumbed to the cookfire.
::[ Hammer 20th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
Much news around Mistlocke:
Long time eccentric Mistlocke resident Egbert Drouser has died at the venerable age of seventy seven. It is said he loudly yelled that he's "not going to take it anymore!" and then crawled into the grave he'd been tending to for some years. A nearby helpful dwarf is said to have obligingly filled it in for him.
The Numinous Order has rapidly constructed a large war-camp on the roof of the Old Stones. Many Mistlocke residents seem nervous at the prospect of the strange old cult having installed siege weaponry that could so easily be turned upon the town. Their exact interest in the crumbling, cursed old tower is not widely understood.
Wyrm Watcher scouts and traveling adventurers report the remarkable fact that across the Island almost all of H'bala's creatures seem to be crawling, walking, limping, shambling, flying, and loping away.... it appears that they are being summoned in their entire masses back to her Tower itself. Local Mistlocke optimist Tinker Tom suggested that perhaps the war was finally won and the Maiden and her beasts were engaged in full-scale retreat. A bereaved and desperate commoner then began to pelt him with stones, causing the venerable old Tinker to prance away, all the while carefully clutching his trademark blue hat to his head.
Regardless, the Island's wilderness has not been so safe for a very long time.
Yet, ominously, it's said that the Tower of H'bala has begun to emanate sinister purple-green lights which reach high into the sky during the night, and that there is every indication that within the Tower the Lichess is conducting some manner of immense, massive ritual.... with many of her lieutenants and monsters having been destroyed, there is whispered speculation that she is preparing for some final, ultimate strike which will decisively decide the fate of the Island once and for all....
Meanwhile, in Mistlocke, Aberdenn Clansman are seen putting up notices announcing a speech from the King (
Just after nightfall of Hammer 22nd, the small lighthouse off Sis Liman sent back word that ships were spotted in the middle distance. Upon coming closer, the worst fears of certain exile merchants inhabiting the trading post were confirmed -- these ships were not the usual merchantmen expected to anchor off Sis Liman for trade, for merchantmen do not hoist sails of ruby-red...
Only an hour or so after their arrival, Comital militiamen -- said to be roughly the same calibre of scum as the last set of "Ruby" Mamertines -- have occupied the port, naval vessels blockading it and controlling the flow of maritime traffic with unwavering strictness. How the Count might be planning to utilise this control over Ymphian waters is anyone's guess, though one enterprising officer was heard to remark aboard the that escape from the Isle should surely be a "valuable commodity for any poor withered wretch".
Nonetheless, a crude notice has been posted outside Sis Liman - "WITHERED KEEP OUT" - with a putrid green dwarven corpse forked up alongside, presumably to give the warning weight. The first twelve hours of Comital occupation are reportedly baptized with blood, a woman associated with the Order reported to have been cut down by Comital troops for defending a lightly Withered man who lingered too long near the Comital checkpoint -- most importantly, without paying his dues...
Strange events in the Old Stones...
... after confused reports of fighting and mass melee, it's said that the ancient and mysterious Curse of Old Stones was somehow made manifest into a terrible sort of towering entity of horror and blackness. After somehow being drawn from the Stones, and temporarily darkening the lands it passed through, it speedily passed into the west and the taint of its crawling, fearful darkness was no more...
The Old Stones tower is no longer cursed, but has become merely a gloomy old ruin.
... yet elsewhere in Nebezzdos, the markings of the Sixth Step of Sanq have been obscured with ink so signifying its completion.
::[ Hammer 23th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
As the Mists surged around Mistlocke on fateful Hammer 23, a large and expectant crowd arrived outside the Last Keep to listen to the speech of King Owain I, first of his name (
... and after the speech was delivered and the Last Keep disappeared into the Mists, the adventurers of Mistlocke descended into some secret hidden deep place beneath the Keep - now, at last, revealed.
It is said that there they met the long-time guardian of Mistlocke, an emaciated dragon named Rabbanatha the Pure that survived spiritually and physically upon the sustenance of the sacrificed "champions of the Mist" long offered in Lottery during Mistlocke's history.
She warned, feebly and with great sadness, that the Lichess H'bala was indeed preparing some terrible final strike, and that the roots of the Lichess' Doom Tree had burrowed beneath the earth and to the nearby forests of Mistlocke.
... and so began a terrible battle: endless hordes of H'balan Monstrosities surging from the forests in a slow terrible march to Mistlocke.
After a long and valiant defense, at last finally The Agony of the Hunt came. It was far larger and more dangerous than ever seen before, and warded with some manner of powerful spell as to render it completely invulnerable to harm.
Unstoppable, the Agony marched into Mistlocke and at last confronted Rabbanatha the Pure, and tore her asunder.
.....and from the guts of the old mist dragon spilled a great quantity of Torizaelan Shelter Keys.
As the Agony marched into Mistlocke and set about slaying its people and turning the buildings into rubble and dust, a group of adventurers turned and raced with the key-shards to the Torizaelan Shrine located within the Dead Plains.
It is said then that after solving an arduous puzzle the adventurers found within it some manner of device to dispel the Agony's potent Doom Ward along with a large collection of other holy relics.
And so at last did they return to Mistlocke, armed with the Torizaelan armory, and so was the Agony's ward dispelled and was the beast at last defeated and destroyed utterly.
Yet what remains?
Mistlocke has become a ruin with only the Old Stones tower remaining. The Mist has lifted, and the withering-sickness corrupts seemingly everywhere on Ymph. The Lichess H'bala has been deprived of many of her creatures as well as her most powerful monster, yet she remains safe and secure within her Tower in the far western land.
What will the coming days bring? Time will tell.
:[ Hammer 26th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
The defenders of the rubble repelled another assault from the forces of the Lichess... a large force of angry stonehand giants, crawling from the Roots of the Doom Tree.
It is said that the attack took place after some unknown business deep in the Forgotten Forest.
... but what is most noteworthy is that it is said that during the assault of the giant-kind, strange, insubstantial tree-like giants emerged to do mournful battle against the corrupted giants. When finally the last corrupted giant was destroyed, one of these new giants - supposedly the true Noor - declared that the long slumber of his kind was at an end and they would aid the living in the battles to come.
Even as hope is born in unforeseen places, in others it quickly dies.
Those stragglers in Mistlocke witnessed an influx of Stargazers moving towards the Fox's Dell, some reporting that the Eyrie in which they found refuge had finally fallen to the destruction of the Volcano. As they gathered, it was noticed that many of the Stargazers fell into one of two camps.
The first camp whispered of a ritual in which they would join the elusive Fox Tribe in the Mists. The second spurned such fanciful thoughts, labeling the first camp cowards. Regardless, most of the villagers wondered how the Stargazers expected to have anything to do with the Mist after King Owain's proclamation.
As they watched, many were shocked to hear an awful and angry keening that reverberated across the island, a sound that indicated yet another blow struck against the Maiden. What it could be they would have to wait and find out.
They did not wait long as two groups of Stargazers arrived nearly simultaneously, to catalyze the final events of the evening.
First came Qoha, the meek Trout Stargazer. She victoriously held aloft a small stone with tribal markings. As she approached those in her entourage proclaimed that they had fought and finally freed Rikk'i, a Stargazer hero of lore said to be bound to the Maiden herself as one of her favored and more powerful minions. With that victory, they held the final key to opening up the way into the Mist.
Second came the revered 'Farseer', Pa'andra of the Eagle Tribe. At her side where two vicious looking Stargazers with webs tattooed upon their faces and hands. Behind her were her ever present bodyguard and the infamous Red Frog, Hwufwo[/b] of the Frog Tribe.
As Pa'andra strode forth to address her people, a Stargazer in a skull faced mask stood forward and accused her of cowardice and weakening her people. A powerful shaman named Chouka[/b], he led his disciples, the Eaters of the Dead, to stand against her. It was also then that he demanded the Stones of Ufdu be handed over to him.
Pa'andra countered his demand with a challenge of her own. Send forth a champion and she would fight that one for the stones that Chouka held. Eagerly, the Stargazer called Jungo the Tunnel Rat entered into the circle of the Dell. The 'fight' could hardly be called such as Jungo made short work of the revered Elder.
The triumph of the Eaters quickly turned to confusion as Pa'andra, having schemed this to the very end, forced the appearance of Ufdu with her own blood sacrifice just before the four stones were brought together for the first time in centuries.
As Ufdu appeared, Hwufwo commanded Qoha to start the ritual and quickly a Stargazer of each tribe too their requisite position, each holding a totem stone. With Qoha's chants and the presence of an odd silver-clad Stargazer, the pathway to the Mists was opened and many of the Stargazers, amidst the displeasure of the Eaters, took part in a mass Exodus from Ymph.
It is unknown what true fate awaited the Stargazers as they crossed over, but what is certain is that on Ymph, their numbers are abysmal indeed and they are all but extinct from the island.
::[ Hammer 29th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
Many rumors, as of late...
In Old Port it is said....
Once more, the price offered for un-withered slaves has increased dramatically... the demand for uncursed slaves from the drow who dwell deep below Old Port seemingly insatiable.
The large (mostly Manchakan) hired armada of empty barges and ships docked in Old Port increases by the day. The purpose of this expensive new fleet is not known.
A drunk man, however, declared that the Count was planning war with Amn, believing that boy-king Owain I took his crown and fled there in order to find allies from supposed relatives.
The Grey Mist Raiders have not been seen to trouble the waters of the Archipelago for weeks, but none know where they might have gone.
Children and even entire families have been disappearing from the streets. It's said that packs of goblins fleeing Ymph have taken up residence within the sewers and are probably responsible for these mysterious and wide spread disappearances.
In response to the recent swelling of Old Port "guards" in the Quarantined Zone, the sewers-based Iron Nails gang has placed a bounty of 200 ducats for every guardsman's left hand.
The Vizenjay Manor in the High Estates was raided by Rubies, Lord Vizenjay is said to have somehow escaped and even now plots against the Count. Lord Vizenjay's daughter Amelia, however, is believed to be languishing even now within the Count's dungeons...
A dangerous druid has taken up residence in the northern peninsula, and has been setting about demolishing the long abandoned buildings there and planting trees that seem to be sprouting with a most unnatural speed.
A group of gilled Diluvian Emissaries emerged from the waves and passed to Fortress Senuspur, after a meeting, they exited and returned looking most displeased.
The Count's Grand Vizier and his eunuch guards passed personally through the Flooded Outskirts intent on meeting with Ojo the Bloodmage, however he was denied entrance at the old Lighthouse's doors.
Meanwhile on Ymph....
The druid Emlyn and his mysterious Circle of Stewards are believed to be planning a grand, final march on H'bala's Tower ( in order to destroy the Lichess using some mysterious, unknown method.
... most of the residents of the Old Stones have however fled the Island and headed to the Old Port Quarantine Zone, declaring that once more the druids and wildlings will fail and H'bala will never be defeated.
The Lichess herself is said to have been spotted once or twice traveling the Island personally, forced by necessity to gather up whatever fleshy material she can to replace her decimated undead armies.
.... there are also accounts of some great group of the Numinous Order still roaming the Island and destroying groups of H'balan undead wherever they might be found. Yet these Ordermen seem to wear their uniforms carelessly, are only seen at night, and hurry swiftly away from any others that might approach them.
:[ Midwinter, Hammer : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
On this day, the first of Alturiak, "Dead Winter Day" was the fate of the Island Ymph decided.
More than fifty of Mistlocke's bravest heroes marched out in a final bloody struggle against the remnants of H'bala's armies. They struck out through the Island, through the hidden Ley Roads, burning and destroying all of her horrors in an unstoppable march to her Tower....
... and as they assaulted the Tower itself, the Awakened Noor Giants joined them and the entire Isle quaked under the fury of the titanic battle between them and the last of H'bala's horrible giant servitors and other monsters.
At last they reached the Tower itself, but the Lichess refused to exit. The entrance had been blocked.
The Awakened Noor, declaring that only they had the power to unmake what they had made as a prison for her so long ago, warned the Heroes of Mistlocke back and attacked the foundation of the Tower.
The ancient energies of the Tower were twisted and released, and the Tower was sent crumbling to the earth..... huge blocks of rubble and twisting energies destroying the Noor in their act of final sacrifice.
But when the dust cleared, the Tower was no more. Growing in its place was seen at last the Doom Tree.... swollen and grown to obscene and horrific size. And beside it stood H'bala along with her champion, the corrupted Druid Ar-Moenghul Ymph.
The battle between the Lichess, her remaining servants, and the remaining Champions of Mistlocke was long and extremely arduous. In the last moments, it is said that the powerful Druid Emlyn Ap-Taliesen was destroyed by the Lichess' final hateful scream....and the Hoarite champion Baltaire Magnolian slashed at her her in a wild vengeful fury and drove her into the earth, defeating the ancient and powerful Lichess. Taking up the long guarded Druidic Stake, Siegfried Stromme then drove it through pendant and her twisted heart both... trapping her soul now and forever.
H'bala is no more.
But truly it is a bittersweet victory, for the Island is littered with the dead of many heroes.
And beyond all else, the Doom Tree remains... the Withering Curse remains... it is said that the Elders of the Druidic Circle have declared that they do not know the means by which the Doom Tree can be removed, for its roots have grown deep indeed, and become linked inextricably with the Island itself.
Yet it is also said that from the roots of the long-destroyed Marcail Treant was discovered a miraculous and final cure to the Withering Affliction, and the Five Surviving Champions were each given the Cure, curing them now and forever of the Withering Curse. Truly, they have escaped from undeath.
With this knowledge, it seems that the Elders of the Stewards believe that in time they will unlock a way to make more of this cure, and so treat the thousands who have been cursed. And there seems to even be hope that some way to destroy the Doom Tree will even be discovered.
Yet it has become clear that - for now - there there is no future on the Island Ymph.
Some say that the Circle will sail to Old Port, perhaps there to join the Druids in the Northern Peninsula and work to reclaim the barren lands there. Others speak of passage to Amn, to Calimshan, or even to Chult. Their fate, as with so many others, remains uncertain.
::[ Alturiak 4th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
Strange and shocking rumors begin to spread in the Quarantined Zone of alarming happenings in the Central Districts of Old Port.
According to proclamation, Count Zarono Senuspur has been kidnapped and removed from Old Port. Some say that none other than Ojo the Bloodmage, secretly allied with Amnian Agents under the employ of the twisted boy-king Owain I, was responsible for his capture. It is speculated that even now the Count is being transported to Amn.
The speculation about an impending war with Amn only increases. According to some, even the Withered Ones of the Quarantined Zone may be expected to serve in the conflict to come...
::[ Alturiak 7th : Year 161 : 1383 DR ]::
Greasy fires are seen rising some distance in the northern sections of Old Port, along with vague rumors of violence and riot.
It's said that many of Old Port's youths and even some visiting sailors are being press-ganged into the Armies of the Count, taken into Fortress Senuspur for training in preparation of the seemingly inevitable war with Amn.
Curiously, any with even the slightest touch of Withering - so far - are being passed over. It appears there is, for now, no room in the Armies of Senuspur for the corrupted and cursed.
Chapter Three Final Narrative Shout:
All across the Island of Ymph, the ornate parchments speaking of the Seven Steps of Sanq begin to change.
A smudge covers the Seventh Step, and the Smudge spreads... spreading to obscure the entirety of each parchment in impenetrable inky blackness.
But for those on Old Port it begins with a a foul, warm wind blowing from the south; bespeaking the opening of an Ancient Door in a distant land.
As if in your darkest, most forgotten nightmares..... a thin tendril of blackness rises from the sweltering jungles of Chult. It sinuously sways, rising and rising.... reaching up impossibly tall.
The sun shines hot and heavy as the thin tendril of darkness rises up to meet it.
From some hidden alley in Old Port, a frightened youth's voice begins to chant in a low voice....
"Seven daughters,
Seven sons,
Seven seasons 'ere she comes
Seven steps and Seventh dread;
Seven blunders;
Sun is dead
Nightmares summoned
from our past,
Enter Maiden now at last"
The folk of Faerun watch in mute horror as cataclysmic battles of impossible dread and glory transpire in the furthest heights of the Prime.
They watch as the endless black coils of Dendar the Maiden of Night squeeze tight around the sun far above.
They watch as its maw extends in terrible size and so is the Sun devoured.
They watch as the Light goes out, and all becomes Darkened.
But for you, the Horror has just begun.
For some days after the light goes out Old Port is roiled with panic and wild rumor that reach even the isolated withered survivors of Ymph in the Quarantined Zone. It's said that Fortress Senuspur is sealed. It's said that with the Count gone, nobody knows who is ruling Old Port. It's said that the youths and soldiers of Old Port have been taken into the Fortress, but none have exited for days.
But one day, at last the gates of Fortress Senuspur swing open. And from within rushes a great mass of monstrous figures. Aberrant beasts twisted beyond imagining, accompanied with great legions of twitching drow warriors. Transparent bubbles float serenely above, occasionally diving down to imprison a screaming citizen and bear him off for some dark purpose.
In vast number, this new army of underworld horrors boils up from below into a new world of endless night. And in hours, Old Port is conquered.
At first, the hapless withered residents of the Quarantined Zone are... ignored.
It is almost as if their corrupted flesh and tainted minds is of no interest to the masters of this strange army from the underworld.
This Dread Army marches to the great armada of ships and barges docked in Old Port's harbor, its purpose revealed at last. The sailors, sick with dread, are born away.
The Dread Army is loaded into the great fleet of vessels, and the fleet slowly begins to sail away under a lightless sky.
Yet some few of the monsters remain, and turn their attention to the conquered city of Old Port. Fires are lit, and buildings are burned. Entire quarters are turned to ash. Sorcerous spells and burning brands are fired mercilessly upon the caged inhabitants of the Quaranted Zone, and as buildings crash all around the Withered are forced to scramble like rats into the sewers....
With the sun no longer rising, it has become difficult to mark the passage of time. Perhaps a month passes before the hopeless survivors of a calamity beyond all reckoning rise from the sewers to see what has become of the the world...
Old Port has become a burnt ruin. The great army from the underworld is mostly gone with the ships, sailing to distant lands, yet some scattered groups of monsters remain. The inhabitants of Old Port are now mostly either dead, gone, captured, or wandering mindless through the streets.
What possible hope remains to you?
And so ends, "Chapter 3 - Escape from Undeath: Mistlocke"