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Help, I'm stuck!

Well, that's exactly what I shouted earlier, when I crashed while crafting. My dexterity was reduced to 3, and I was unable to move, anywhere.

I just thought I'd let y'all know.

This was fixed by subdueing him. I tried teleporting into a cell, that didn't clear it. Subdual did.

tried to relog? I noticed my fighter gets buffed out of thin air, but not parmanently... IGly he is a believer of Tyr... ;) (not clierc or preist)

Yep. That was tried.

The whole reducing of dexterity thing seems to be a bug with the crafting menu. If you try and craft something, your dexterity gets reduced. Did you try and go back and open your crafting menu then close it? It normally goes away after the menu closes.

Once I get the new crafting system in, this should no longer be a problem.