Don't know if it's on the to-do list or if it hasn't crossed your minds yet, but i'd like to see some god specific vestments added to the tailor near the market. Would add a little flavour to rituals and be a neat addition. Currently there's a pretty non descript priest robe and that's about it.
Religious clothing
Although this is probabaly on the to-do list I think that dying clothes in your gods colours, your self or with the help of a PC tailor, is a good way to go. It'll add more interaction and make being a tailor a little more worth while.
I doubt official religious clothing of Toril's surface civilisations would be found in Sanctuary: there are no trade routes between the settlement and the surface, and a vast majority of the citizens are ex-slaves - would the robes/vestments survive the slavery? I could imagine official robes of the established cults, notably those of the Underdark deities.
However, a non-magical robe of the respective surface deity would be an awesome loot for its cleric, let's say, finding it after a successful ambush of a drow raiding party. One thing to puzzle out - what interest would drow have in such an item? :wink:
I don't think it's really necessary.
I would guess the DMs could better spend their time making something else.
I think it's a good idea. Religious clothing in the Underdark might be more expensive from certain fabrics and the like, and I'm sure the playerbase would be glad to make robes if the DMs don't have time.
Religious vestments will not be sold by merchants. This will allow characters some freedom in deciding what best represents their deity to them. The few established religions in and around Sanctuary have their own versions of vestments, but these are far from official.
In the theme of the Underdark, I can't even see how it is possible that a complete line of religious spring fashon wardrobe even would exist. Sure one or two-for Underdark deities, but maybe it is just me but I can't see how the new and improved version of say Torms Clergy Robes now with autumn colors would even make its way down there, espically mass produced and mass sold. Makes no sense.