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Lona Balaedor's day of fun and violence

Here's some screens from the totally unprompted tournament I decided to host the other day. I would like to thank everyone who attended and made it worthwhile, for myself and for the others. Generally with these occasions, the more there are people the better.

Make sure to read all the comments in the dialogue box - some are quite amusing

First off - The first duel (surprise surprise). Two paladins - one interesting fight

An impressive outcome

To vary the pleasures, we had a little originality

Probably two of the best contestants, but god did they take long to realise they were supposed to hit each other.

Just to prove Lona can put on a show

The crazy naked axe people..no comment

The team fight was probably the most vicious, bloody and exciting part of the tournament. I wanted to be in the middle of thre fray :cry:

Surely the most even fight of the tournament - it lasted ages

That's all folks.

By the way, I'm sorry for the many IC comments and lines which were said to me, but I didn't answer to - I was just overwhelmed with getting everything organised, and didn't see half of what was said.