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Magic weapon and throwing weapon

Is there anyway to script a temporary magic weapon into a stack of throwable? it would really be handy for those of us who enjoy throwing axes and darts.

But you´d enchant them per 1, not per stack, I presume.

Given that it has a duration, and you can't "fetch" throwing axes, I see no issue with enchanting a stack. I wonder if it could enchant other weapons too. (I don't think it works on bows and such?)

In PnP, Magic Weapon and others (like Flame Arrow) work on stacks of missiles up to 50 in number.


Power the archer! *hides*

yes, because of the duration I don't see it as being imbalanced with enchanting a single melee weapon.

the question is, if you can argue for magic weaponed darts, shurikens and throwing axes... surely the same logic would apply to enchanting arrow heads or bolts? Or 99 handaxes for that matter seeing as they are almost the same size as a throwing axe? And hence opens the floodgates of complicated rules as to how many weapons/their size etc you can enchant with one spell.

I think that the idea of magic weapon is that you are enchanting a "single" weapon, which means that technically you should be able to enchant ONE ranged weapon/ammunition per spell. But considering that is fairly useless, its probably not even worth making it possible.

One stack will suffice. That would be 50 throwing axes, 50 darts, 1 bow (only gets +1 ab, not +1 damage), 1 sling (see bow).

I don't think it'll make "power archers" since all the weapon spells have been toned down anyway.

Due to how bows work, I think enchanting damage spells would have to go on the ammunition and probably magic weapon go on the bow.