Home > Letters and Notes

For Private Erin

Private Erin,

When you've written the arrest report on Kilana I'd greatly appreciate it if you could forward a copy to myself at the Spellguard Tower.

-Agent Ferrington

*Erin looks up from finishing her latest report and takes out her mail, being only the one letter. With a weary nod she folds the letter and tucks it in her storage chest, then grabs her log book. After copying down her arrest report with her off hand, which is bandaged, but not nearly as bad as her right, and after finally finishing the last letter, she goes to put her quill away. Just then, a bad twist of her arm reopens a wound and droplets of blood fall on the new copy. With a pained sigh, she rebinds the wound and sets to making -another- new copy for Agent Ferrington.*

Private Erin,

I demand an explanation as to why you sought fit to release a drow into our city.

-Agent Ferrington