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Frem Hill: AUDS

Mr. Hill, at great risk to myself I have openly made known my favoring of an open vote for the citizens of Lower Sanctuary, in which they can construct the terms by which Lower Sanctuary's future will be established.

I urge you to submit a plan to my Knighthood that can come for a vote by your people. My own plans, which I hope are known to you but may certainly be shared again if you wish-and may wish indeed for they evolve with continual input from the people of Lower Sanctuary-will be on the ballot should the Council deign to consent. If they fail to consent, I will make other arrangements to bring this question to the people.

In closing, I hope you see it as important as I do that a plethera of choices are offered to the people. Further, nominations on whom is to stand as a representative of Lower are urged. Do all you can to spread the word, to help bring this to a vote-because if you care about the people of Lower--this is their best hope.

Sir Dungal

send me a copy of your plans, I've been unable to make much contact with anyone of late due to certain matters. I shall send a letter with my thoughts and plans enclosed shortly.

Frem hill

*the following is resent*


I shall see what my members have to say about this, one thing that does spring to mind is the defence force, will they be enforcing the laws as well as defending lower? although your knights have done much to provide aid for lower, some mind's might be lead to believe that the thought of uppers enforcing our laws is another way to take control.

Frem Hill

Myself and my men can not be considered "Uppers". We only recently emigrated to the city, but our intention is only to help the people in any way we can.

In Regard, Sir Dungal