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Letter for Caleb[left at the crone]

the letter is written in rat blood on a broken piece of paper.


Lockwood has agreed to meet you in a neutral place to discuss about your 'contract-provider'.

I assume you did show up to the little 'party' waiting for you with 'me' stuck in that crap, and left when Bungo saw you.. or thought he saw you. doesnt matter, that was a 'front', you were going to charge for using necromancy, but the real deal was that Lockwood wanted to meet you. You have friends in common, and might be in grave danger. Listen, I dun care as long as you dont get me involved in your problems. He will be expecting an answer shortly.


Upon the crumbling rooftops of the Lower a child like figure watches the heavily armored half orc leave the Crone. Lying on his back, hands behind his head, he lets out a sigh as he watches the Lift being pulled upwards. The sounds of blades being crossed and rowdy voices are heard in an alley nearby.