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*Nailed to the Canal Gates*

Scion Dungal Toboerski has made a proposal to bring peace to Lower Sanctuary, order between Upper and Lower, and to make safety and strength the by-words of this land.

He invites leaders of Lower's major factions to speak with him personally, and will seek out those who can not meet him. Peace will come, but only if you accept this plan.

List your name here to show your support.

Proposal 1) Recognition of the fuedal leaders who have taken control of Lower Sanctuary, coupled with their ownership of the lands and properties granted to them.

2) Total amnesty for all crimes committed during the revolt.

3) Lower Sanctuary will be made responsible for its own internal matters in all regards; only external security through war, treaties, civil defense will be handled by the full Council.

4) The Council must henceforth equally represent Upper and Lower Sanctuary.

5) Fuedal leaders must contribute to the defense force of Lower Sanctuary. The total defense force must equal 100 men, this is an increase 10% over the amount in the Tigereyes and equates a 1/3 force that can be raised by Upper.

6) A new system of internal laws will be drafted for Lower Sanctuary. This system will replace and supersede any laws drafted by Upper, but with no authority to over turn those laws regarding trade, tariffs, war.

7) Upper Sanctuary shall rebuild the stairwell that they destroyed in fear of the Lower Revolt.

8.) The Spellguard and Watch will both be forbidden any jurisdiction in Lower Sanctuary.

9) A single fuedal lord will oversee the enacting of these changes, and assure they occur quickly, fairly, and as bloodlessly as possible. While I expect the summit will nominate such a leader, it is my sincere hope that my cousin Gregor is chosen. We have nearly 30 armed men ready to move into Lower from the canal gates when we are called.

10) Lower will continue to support the full civic tax burden, but its share of the burden will be re-examined in light of the damage to Lower's economy by the recent revolt.


A loogie can be found dangling from the bottom of the notice.