Now requesting screenshots from those who attended! ^_^!
[Sat Aug 26 13:05:41] "Occasion? real occasion. I felt like hosting a battle." ~ Erin Larche
God bless the Mason/Kotenku for his logs. He didn't stay until the end, but he had a very good reason not to do so.
Well, here are some log highlights from the Ultimate Spelling Battle, sponsored by Tempus and hosted by the Shieldmaiden Erin the Smith. Mind you, this occured a mere 3 days or so after I saw Akeelah and the Bee, and immediately posted a notice on the message boards. The quote above says it all.
Let me also post the word list I managed to pull together in 10 minutes after I woke up too late to get in good prep time. Thank you!
Zephyr Eucalyptus Strenuous Ao Gladiator Asceticism Deification Promiscuous Luxuriance Prestidigitation Envigor Crocodile Affiliation Illuminate Prescience Convenience Mesmerize Lustrous Camouflage Mediator Aerial Rhythm Perjury Wreak There
Well, that's everything. On with the logs!
- Erin Larche: And you sir, in the hood? Would you compete? Hooded Man: I'm here to evaluate talent Hooded Man: And perhaps offer some employment Erin Larche: I hope you haven't come expecting magic users. Erin Larche: We only have Spellers here. Hooded Man: Bah Hooded Man: Well, if all of you want to see some real battle, come see me in the basement of the rock bottom (Mind you, none of my contestants ran off to join the real battle. +2 Pride.) -
- Erin Larche: Well, if you wish to compete- Erin Larche: ...please....enter the arena at this time. Mason Andronas: Erk- *nods and stumbles a bit as he moves hastily toward the slope into the arena* Mason Andronas: *trips* Mason Andronas: [Tell] falls Mason Andronas: Oof-! Mason Andronas: *scrambles to his feet, face red* Erin Larche: Oh, sir....we have our first injury of the event it seems. Mason Andronas: Huh? Oh er... no... I'm fine. *flushes* (Kotenku was award 25 experience points for that. ^_^ He earned every one of them.) -
- Varlam Nikitovich: Oh- hm, a spellbattle, was it? Erin Larche: Spelling. Erin Larche: With words, you see. Varlam Nikitovich: ...Spelling? Rufus Ironbow: Spelling. Erin Larche: That's right, sir. Varlam Nikitovich: Ah, might as well give it a shot. (Varlam does a fine recreation of the sentiments expressed by our IRC community on learning of my intentions 3 days previous.) -
- [Sat Aug 26 13:11:53] Erin Larche: Welcome, then, to the first Sanctuarian Ultimate Spelling Battle, sponsored by Tempus: My god can beat up your god. Would our four contestants please introduce themselves? Varlam Nikitovich: I am Varlam Nikitovich, conjurer. Mason Andronas: *blinks, grins* Oh, um- I'm Mason. Mason Androna. *beams* Mason Andronas: Scholar! Julian Valerius: *crosses his two large, trunk-like arms over his chest* Valerius. Frem Hill: Frin.... Frin leather (An introduction to our lead players! Varlam, Mason, Valerius and "Frin".) -
- Erin Larche: *nods* Very well. Then let me explain the rules. Erin Larche: I will read you all a series of words. The goal is to be the first one to spell it, correctly. I will be more than able to hear you over the voies of the other contestants, so don't be shy. Erin Larche: (For each word, however, you'll be required to pass an Intelligence check of 5 before you can answer.) Erin Larche: (If you fail the check, please, misspell the word. ^.,,.^) (The rules are blatantly and purposefully simple. At the last minute, I decided to go with my idea of using an Intelligence check, though the original concept had neither a speed trial nor dice rolls.) -
- Erin Larche: I think that's everything then. Are you all ready to begin? Mason Andronas: *blinks* Oh, yes, I suppose so. Frem Hill: aye... Julian Valerius: *slowly turns his head to the right and looks over the other contestants a bit menacingly* Julian Valerius: Yes. Varlam Nikitovich: Yes. Mason Andronas: *catches Valerius's look and flinches* Erin Larche: Alright. As fast as you can, without slipping up. Here we go. The first word... Erin Larche: Zephyr. Mason Andronas: Z-e-p-h-y-r! Erin Larche: And Mason scores the first point! Mason Andronas: *beams* (I've erased the checks themselves, but keep in mind that in the beginning Mason got an early lead because of his raw speed. Eventually, the others got the hang of it.) -
- Julian Valerius: *rests his hands on his club and glares at Mason* Mason Andronas: *flinches* (Setting a precedent for the entire battle.) -
- Erin Larche: As the points stand, Mason is in the lead with three, Frin trailing behind at 2. [Sat Aug 26 13:22:29] Erin Larche: In the second round, we will see exactly why I call it the Ultimate Spelling Battle. (Erin draws her shortbow. The silence is palpable in an arena full of people. Check the time signatures between now and the next quote. Keep in mind, this ENTIRE COMPETITION was being made up as I went along.) [Sat Aug 26 13:23:14] Erin Larche: Be the first one to answer correctly, and get shot at. Mason Andronas: *blinks* Marten Briars: Ehm... what? Erin Larche: Are we ready? Mason Andronas: Erk-! Is that... Is that legal? Frem Hill: the 'ells? Merle Barer: isent that supposed to be the other way round? Erin Larche: Oh, hello to you Merle. No, I think this works quite well as a deterrant. Erin Larche: Are we all ready for round 2? Mason Andronas: Can I- Can I at least er- put on something to er... protect myself? Frem Hill: *removes his robe hastily* Erin Larche: Certainly, if you wish. Merle Barer: Okay *looks at erin as if she's went a little mad* Varlam Nikitovich: [He pulls on a stained leather jacket.] Julian Valerius: *nods firmly* Julian Valerius: Hurry up. Mason Andronas: *stuffs his hands into his pack and jerks out a brilliantly shiny mithril shirt, tugging it on over his head* -
- Erin Larche: The sixth word...Asceticism. [Sat Aug 26 13:25:12] Julian Valerius: a s c e t i c s m [Sat Aug 26 13:25:17] Mason Andronas: A-s-c-e-t- [Sat Aug 26 13:25:18] Frem Hill: A-S-C-E-T-I-C.... [Sat Aug 26 13:25:22] Erin Larche: That is incorrect. [Sat Aug 26 13:25:31] Frem Hill: -I-S-M! (The above is a sign of things to come as people begin to hesitate. I don't think anyone had time to overcome the initial shock of seeing Erin's bow, except Valerius. The very moment Frem finished his word, an arrow hit him.) Mason Andronas: Gack! *flinches as some blood sprays from Frem* Erin Larche: And Frin ties for first place with 3 points. Frem Hill: grr... *angrily pulls the arrow out and throws it towards erin* Erin Larche: Our seventh word...Deification. *gets hit by a halfling-thrown arrow* -
- Erin Larche: Our seventh word...Deification. Julian Valerius: d e i f i c a t i o n (Ffft! Thunk!) Erin Larche: And Valerius is on the board with a correct answer. Julian Valerius: *draws back his face and contorts it angrily as he tugs the arrow out with a twist* -
- Erin Larche: Our eighth word...Promiscuous. Careful with this one. Mason Andronas: p r o m i s c u o u s! Erin Larche attacks Mason Andronas : *hit* : (13 + 8 = 21) Mason Andronas : Initiative Roll : 4 : (5 - 1 = 4) Erin Larche damages Mason Andronas: 2 (2 Physical) Mason Andronas: *flinches* Mason Andronas: Gah! Erin Larche: Mason once again pulls into the lead with 4 points. -
- Erin Larche: Our ninth word of round 2....Luxuriance! Mason Andronas: *tugs the broken arrow shaft out of one of the links of his mithril shirt Julian Valerius: l u x u r i a n c e Mason Andronas: Huh? Oh- gack, I wasnt ready! Julian Valerius: *tugs the arrow out forcefully* Erin Larche: And Valerius is coming up on the outside with 2 points. -
- Erin Larche: Prestidigitation. Julian Valerius: p r e s t i d i g i t a t i o n (The arrow misses by mere inches! Valerius may have felt a feather tickle his cheek!) Erin Larche: And Valerius ties for second with Frin at 3 points. Mason Andronas: *blinks hard* Julian Valerius: *glances off to his far right as he utters out a quick curse under his breath, sounding something like "Shit"* Julian Valerius: *wipes a hand over his course and brutish face* -
- Erin Larche: At the end of the second round, Valerius and Frin are tied at seocnd with three points, with Mason in the lead at four. Erin Larche: Next round! Questions are worth two points, and the one who answers last gets punched in the face. Mason Andronas: Gah! Varlam Nikitovich: [He rubs his jaw, grinning.] Julian Valerius: Do tell me, is it by the one who answers first? Varlam Nikitovich: [He suddenly frowns.] Mason Andronas: *glances at Julian, cringes noticeably* Erin Larche: If you want to take the risk that a chance counterattack could wound you and put you out of the battle, then yes. Julian Valerius: *grunts savagely* Good. (Another spur of the moment idea: Change the round every 5 words. This time, the most predictable nonsequiter available was a punch in the face.) -
- Frem Hill: any chance we can quiz you after this? *holds his arrow wound muttering* Merle Barer: Erin have you been eating funny mushrooms by any chance? Erin Larche: Hm? No, just my usual field rations. Erin Larche: First word! (In the face of adversity, Erin continues the battle!) -
- Erin Larche: Envigor! Frem Hill: e n v i g o r! Erin Larche: Frin, please punch Varlam. Mason Andronas: *blinks hard* Frem Hill: righ' Frem Hill: 'old still bud Varlam Nikitovich: [Chuckling , crouches, shaking his head briefly.] Erin Larche: Frin pulls into the lead with 5 points now. Mason Andronas: *looks fearfully at the right* Varlam Nikitovich: [He blinks, shaking his head again, and runs a hend over his face.] ("X, please punch Y" is really quite important to the process. I feel so proud.) -
- Erin Larche: Second word...Crocodile. Julian Valerius: c r o c i d i l e Mason Andronas: c r o c o d i l e Erin Larche: Mason gets the points. Mason Andronas: *blinks* (Valerius fails with a natural 20, thus showing the fallibility of man. Mason, therefore, gets the point. Frem does not answer, oddly enough, and thus loses the word. Merle comes up to me and asks to help; so the first job that pops into my head...) Erin Larche: It turns out, we have a guest celebrity Puncher. Erin Larche: Please welcome Merle. Merle Barer: hi there *waves* [Sat Aug 26 13:35:36] Erin Larche: Merle, please punch Frin. ( that.) Mason Andronas: Erk? *lets out a breath* oh, good. Berennock Wimfoodle: *cheers furiously* Yeaaah! Go puncher! You're on the lead, take him down! *KER-PUNCH!* Merle Barer: like that? Frem Hill: *holds his gut in pain* Erin Larche: Lovely, Merle. Erin Larche: Our next word...Affiliation. Affiliation. Merle Barer: *big cheery grin* -
- (The bane of doing this on the spot is the unpredictable things, like this. Well, it wasn't so difficult a decision. I wasn't very well going to disqualify him; it could ruin the whole game!) Frem Hill: *fumbles for a potion on his belt* Frem Hill uses Potion of Cure Critical Wounds Erin Larche: Varlam gets his first points of the day! Mason Andronas: Er? *looks to Erin perplexed* is he allowed to do that? Mason Andronas: *looks between Frem and Erin* Erin Larche: It's a waste of a perfectly good potion. Merle Barer: Just means he gets to be punched more Erin Larche: Yes. Merle, please punch Frin. Mason Andronas: Oh... well.. I guess. -
- (Merle misses and Frin smacks her back.) Merle Barer: *shrugs* Erin Larche: Frin is getting the idea. Erin Larche: Next word! This is a tough one... -
- Julian Valerius: i l l u m i n a t e Varlam Nikitovich: i l l u m i na- Julian Valerius: *grins widely* Varlam Nikitovich: [He coughs.] Mason Andronas: *looks at Valerius and then at Varlam, cringes* Mason Andronas: [Whisper] Run! Run! Julian Valerius: I'd would... prefer to do this myself. Varlam Nikitovich: [He smirks and shakes his head to Mason.] Julian Valerius: *bawls his hand up and into a fist* Mason Andronas: *gapes at Varlam* Erin Larche: Oh, certainly. Valerius, please punch Varlam. Merle Barer: i dont see why not Mason Andronas: *covers his eyes* Merle Barer: *winces* Varlam Nikitovich: [He clears his throat, stumble back.] Marten Briars: [grimaces slightly] Mason Andronas: *flinches hard at the sound of the punch* Julian Valerius: *wipes his fist down* Merle Barer: ohh that looks like it stung -
- [Sat Aug 26 13:40:54] Erin Larche: It looks like Varlam may just need our next word to pull through to the fourth round. Will he have it? The word is... Erin Larche: Prescience! Julian Valerius: p r e s c i e n c e Mason Andronas: p r e s c i e n c e Varlam Nikitovich: P r e s c i e n c e Frem Hill: p r e s c i e n c e (Look at that. I'm proud of them; they're getting the hang of it!) Erin Larche: Do you want the punch again? Julian Valerius: *runs a hand over the unchecked stubble emerging in patches over his head and hangs his head a bit* Julian Valerius: Not at the moment. Erin Larche: Merle, please punch Frin. Frem Hill: hmmm.... Erin Larche: Frem manages to escape the blow once again. Merle Barer: no fair he keeps ducking (Ultimate Spelling BATTLE!) -
- Erin Larche: At the end of the 3rd round, our score is thus. Valerius is now in the lead, with 7 points! Erin Larche: Mason is close behind with 6, followed by Frin, who has 5. Erin Larche: Varlam, you have 2. (So this is where we are after 15 words I dug up in 10 or less minutes. Varlam is in a world of hurt. But no one could have expected what will come next.) -
- Erin Larche: *pauses for a moment, seeming to take the time to think* (People may begin to realize now that Erin is coming up with this on the spur of the moment. Could it be just an excuse to hurt people?) Erin Larche: Prepare yourselves...for round 4. The Lightning round. Mason Andronas: *cringes* Oh no.... we're gonna get struck by lightning?! (Mason gets even more freaked out. How forboding!) -
- (The rules of Round 4 are deceptively easy to follow and understand.) Erin Larche: Be the first one to answer and lose a point. Be the last to answer...and you'll get shot and punched. (You heard me.) Mason Andronas: Lose... a point? Erin Larche: Yes, lose a point. Julian Valerius: Wait. Erin Larche: Wait? Julian Valerius: Yes. Julian Valerius: If one loses a point, then am I to understand noone shall see an increase this turn? Erin Larche: That's right, Valerius. The key is moderation. Be the second or third person. Mason Andronas: *shakes his head, bewildered* -
- Merle Barer: *pulls out crossbow* Merle Barer: *begins to load it* Merle Barer: *puts in really sharp bolts* Erin Larche: I'll do the shooting, Merle. You can do the punching. Merle Barer: oh okay Erin Larche: Frankly, that thing looks like it could hurt somebody. Merle Barer: *puts away crossbow* (It wouldn't do to kill them so soon. d6 Shortbow wins over d10 crossbow with sneak attack.) -
- Erin Larche: Very well. Beginning the fourth round...the word is.... Erin Larche: Convenience. Varlam Nikitovich: c o n v e n e n i e n c e Mason Andronas: C o n v e n i e n c e Julian Valerius: c o n v e n i n c e Frem Hill: c o n v e n i e n c e Erin Larche: Varlam goes down from 2 points to 1. Erin Larche: Frin... Frem Hill: hmmm... *mutters something to himself as he stares at merle* Frem Hill: *effortlessly dodges the attacks* Erin Larche: Hm. Is it luck, or skill that can carry Frin through? We'll see. The next word...Mesmerize. -
(From here on out, it was difficult to type over my laughter. This next part of the log is, by far, the best example of what Ultimate Spelling Battle was all about. It also shows the loss of our first contestant!)
- Mason Andronas: Er- Merle Barer: if they dont answer do i get to shoot them? Mason Andronas: M... e... Julian Valerius: Hm. Julian Valerius: M. Julian Valerius: e. Mason Andronas: s Mason Andronas: m Varlam Nikitovich: M e s m... Mason Andronas: e Mason Andronas: r Julian Valerius: *glances over the competition* Varlam Nikitovich: e r e... Mason Andronas: i... Frem Hill: m e s m e r i... err Julian Valerius: s m e r Mason Andronas: *hesitates* Mason Andronas: z... Julian Valerius: i z Julian Valerius: *pauses in thought* Mason Andronas: *eyes Valerius worriedly* Frem Hill: i z *bangs his helmet* Varlam Nikitovich: z... .... Mason Andronas: E! E! Gah!!! *runs out of the ring clutching his hair* Julian Valerius: e Varlam Nikitovich: e Frem Hill: e Mason Andronas: *trips* Merle Barer: I think we broke him Erin Larche: Mason loses the point but saves himself from the lightning. Julian Valerius: *smiles widely and offers out a hearty bellow* -
- Mason Andronas: *stumbles to his feet* Erin Larche: Come on back, Mason. Mason Andronas: *shudders a bit, rubbing his face* Erin Larche: It's alright. Come on back inside. Mason Andronas: That guy is scary! Frem Hill: *smiles under his helm* I think your 'game' is causin' some permenent damages to 'im Merle Barer: hey when its game time its pain time Erin Larche: Is it? I've carefully considered the manner each round is played. It fairly represents the ardures of war. (Blatant lie.) Mason Andronas: *shudders a bit, wiping some sweat off his forehead* Erin Larche: Perhaps. Some people simply can't handle it. Well... Merle Barer: *shrugs* Erin Larche: It looks like Mason is out. Julian Valerius: Yeah... does look that way. Mason Andronas: *watches Valerius nervously* -
- Erin Larche: Bonus question to see who gets his points. The word is Scimitar. Go. Julian Valerius: s c i m i t a r Erin Larche: Valerius steals into the lead, taking the spoils of battle from the fallen Mason. (Erin takes out her shortbow again and shoots Frin.) Merle Barer: thought you said no punches? Erin Larche: This is from last round. Frem Hill: *growls as he twists the arrow from his body* -
- Erin Larche: Lustrous Frem Hill: l u s t r o u s Julian Valerius: *in a slow and lazy manner* L u s t r o u s. Merle Barer: so uh who was it? Julian Valerius: *gives a long look to his far right, seeming momentarily rather concerned* Erin Larche: Varlam is down to no points. Erin Larche: Or... Erin Larche: No, it's Frin. He goes down to four. Erin Larche: Varlam answered second. Erin Larche: Therefore... (Erin shoots Frin again. Doesn't she sound casual about attacking people?) -
- (Another one bites the dust.) Erin Larche: Camouflage. Varlam Nikitovich: c a m o u f... Frem Hill: c a m o Frem Hill: f l a g... Erin Larche: Is that an R, Frin? Julian Valerius: c a m o u Varlam Nikitovich: l a g.. Julian Valerius: f l a g e Varlam Nikitovich: e. Frem Hill: e Erin Larche: Varlam steals by once more. Laramie Lathae: *Makes a face* Mason Andronas: *shifts to his feet, and shuffles off* Erin Larche: Valerius is down to 11 points. Frem Hill: aye that was a r... Erin Larche: And Frin... (Frin gets shot one more time. The one before this was a critical hit, I think, for like 13 damage.) Frem Hill: **Winded** -
Well, that's it for the logs according to Mason/Kotenku! After this, Valerius answered first, using his points pool comfortably to force Varlam to take a hit and go down. Varlam, despite being the lowest on points, still made it to second place. Valerius was, afterwards, rewarded with a Stoneskin potion! Yummy and rare!
Next will be Track and Field. Can you handle it?