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I need a breather. I need to finish some summer homework. I need to settle into the school year. I need to step back from all the deaths my character has been incuring. I need to think about making a new character or continuing with this one (which I have been playing for a long time now). I need to catch up with a buddy.

Cheers everyone, for the timebeing. Jarpie, Howland, Cullen, Metro, Macizo, Shattenjager, Fish, Kotenku, Terry, Staring Death, Fishingpenguin, and more.

Ta ta for now.

"The power of Helm compels you!"

No, have a good time, man. Come back when you get the shakes.


I implore you to reconsider!

Actually, while I'm still very enthusiastic about EfU, Ambrose Crownguard has grown stale to me. It hasn't been quite the same since I returned from my period of absence, and I don't believe I will continue playing him. With both Laramie and Ambrose inactive the Society shall suffer a setback, but hopefully some new recruits will sign up soon. Perhaps a Society prelude will be in order.

Regardless, I hope to see you back soon, be it as Laramie or a new character.

Secutor, best of luck sorting your things out. Hope to see you around again soon. Take care.

This is a tragedy. :cry:

Thanks for some of the better rp I've had here, and come back soon.

See you soon!

And you will. No tragedy FishingP, just a break. :D I'll look at IRC and forums often and be back within a week, or maybe more. Just need to recharge the RP batteries and make sure I'm not walking into a blunder of a school year.