2006-09-02 22:53:24 UTC
I need a breather. I need to finish some summer homework. I need to settle into the school year. I need to step back from all the deaths my character has been incuring. I need to think about making a new character or continuing with this one (which I have been playing for a long time now). I need to catch up with a buddy.
Cheers everyone, for the timebeing. Jarpie, Howland, Cullen, Metro, Macizo, Shattenjager, Fish, Kotenku, Terry, Staring Death, Fishingpenguin, and more.
Ta ta for now.
2006-09-03 10:30:32 UTC
"The power of Helm compels you!"
No, have a good time, man. Come back when you get the shakes.
2006-09-03 14:05:02 UTC
I implore you to reconsider!
Actually, while I'm still very enthusiastic about EfU, Ambrose Crownguard has grown stale to me. It hasn't been quite the same since I returned from my period of absence, and I don't believe I will continue playing him. With both Laramie and Ambrose inactive the Society shall suffer a setback, but hopefully some new recruits will sign up soon. Perhaps a Society prelude will be in order.
Regardless, I hope to see you back soon, be it as Laramie or a new character.
2006-09-03 20:20:12 UTC
Secutor, best of luck sorting your things out. Hope to see you around again soon. Take care.
2006-09-06 16:59:01 UTC
This is a tragedy. :cry:
Thanks for some of the better rp I've had here, and come back soon.
2006-09-07 03:45:42 UTC
And you will. No tragedy FishingP, just a break. :D I'll look at IRC and forums often and be back within a week, or maybe more. Just need to recharge the RP batteries and make sure I'm not walking into a blunder of a school year.