Citizens of Sanctuary,
These are difficult times for our beloved Sanctuary. The forces of violence, hatred, and disunity have once again conspired to plunge the lower ward of our settlement into chaos. Even now, our brothers and sisters beneath our feet are suffering from a lack of order, from the excesses of the greedy and violent, and from the interuption of basic supplies and services.
Although the circumstances that have led to this situation remain unclear, they will be fully investigated. The Council is even now deliberating, and I am confident that a solution to the security problem in the lower ward will be found and agreed upon. I urge our Councilors to be wise in their deliberations, and also expeditious. Every moment in which we delay is a moment for the gangs that presently control the streets of Lower to cement their position.
The first step to solving this crisis is to bring security to Lower, and I am grateful to those -- such as the retainers of Councilor Gregor Toboerski among others -- who have stepped up to provide what security as they can. I ask that all such efforts be done in a peaceful and orderly way, and with the full cooperation of the Council. During this time of crisis, it is vital that there be no act which lends any credence to the voices of conspiracy and division that chant of "Upper subjugation" or tyranny.
Citizens of Upper, you may be confident that the Watch and Spellguard will continue to keep order here in the Upper Ward. At this time, there is no reason for alarm. Our streets will remain safe. But we will not forget the plight of those who dwell below.
The great tragedy of Sanctuary has been that even in the face of implacable enemies and evil beyond reckoning, we have not ourselves united and cooperated to ensure mutual security and prosperity. Unless we learn from our past mistakes, the tragedy of our past will become our legacy to the future. There are two paths before us, fellow citizens. One way leads towards security and safety, peace and plenty, a light in the darkness that will never be extinguished. The other leads towards ruin and death, hatred and bloodshed. I beseech all of us to forget that which divides us, and instead work to remember what unites us.