Home > Public Notices

Posted Throughout Upper, Lower, and Canal Districts

A solitary gold and black clad figure hangs notices in prominent areas around Sanctuary.

Citizens of Sanctuary,

The recent violent uprising in Lower has not only left Sanctuary in a time of unprecedented crisis, but largely laid waste to the Tigereye order placed in charge of protecting Lower. So few of our number survived that our organization is nearly destroyed. Some of those survivors have cast off their colors and gone against their oaths to serve the Tigereye for life. If nothing is done, then the order will die out completely as well as exacerbate the current security problem in Lower. As all ranking Tigereye have been killed or are currently missing in action or unwilling to assume the mantle of leadership, it is with a heavy heart that I have decided to take command of what remains.

I have outlined a plan to return the Company to its rightful and contracted place as protectors of lower Sanctuary.


Any surviving Tigereyes are offered complete amnesty if they will return to the Company. No mention of their dessertion will be made on their records or held against them.


The first five new recruits who apply to me will receive a 200 gold signing on bonus in exchange for an oath of fealty to the Tigereye Company. The next five will receive a 100 gold signing on bonus. Recruits will wear the colors of the Company while on active duty. Questions of rank and command will be settled at a later date. All races and professions are welcome.

I will also attempt to resurrect any of those whose bodies have been recovered from the initial battle and are in such a condition to allow the process.


The new Tigereye Company will work to foster a spirit of cooperation between city factions, rather than the bitter rivalry that existed under the previous regime. The protection of citizens (whether of Upper or Lower) and the respect of their rights will be observed at all times. Instances of cruelty will be punished. The old order fell due to the corruption, hatred, and cruelty that welled up from within. This will not be the case under the new regime.

Gang Relations

As Lower is held by numerous gang leaders at the moment, diplomacy will be utilized with those willing to talk. The sword will be utilized with those unwilling to talk and the murder of citizens will not be tolerated. As of this moment, I personally offer a bounty of 500 gold on the head of the orc leader who recently took control of the House of Light, murdering many of its members. Payment will be made to the parties responsible for the death when his body is provided to the Order.


While we gather our strength, we will mass in Upper near the stairway that has been closed off for some time. In this way, we will not get in the way of the citizenry. Any questions may be left for me at the Rock where I have quarters.

We have a chance to rebuild the Tigereyes into the organization it should have been, based on honor and individual dignity. I invite you to join me in this endeavor, not only for the citizenry of Lower but for the safety of all Sanctuary. Interested parties leave word for me at the Rock.

My thanks for your time and consideration,

Commander Unelor Ginfaluin Tigereye Mercenary Company

The posters in Lower Sanctuary are rapidly defaced by angry commoners in a surprising number of very creative ways.

[The notices are removed]

Seeing the reply attached to his notices in Upper, Unelor posts one of his own.


You are more than capable of judging who speaks truthfully for yourselves in this matter. The former Tigereye, Daniel Tane, has no authority to relieve anyone from an organization he has betrayed, denied exists, and ceased association with. Rather than argue reasonably, he has sunk to the level of petty verbal attacks and name calling. Such tactics say much of the man who makes them.

The "riot" he refers to was the attempt by a group of citizens and myself to dislodge the gang which had taken over the House of Light and murdered many of the members therein. Instead of helping us in this matter, Tane chose to support the thugs inside. There are several people who witnessed this action.

Daniel Tane's guttural response and anger toward me are fueled by his own ambitions to grab power in the vacuum left in Lower. Aided by Julilan Valerius, the two plan on creating a Lower watch by working with the gangs that currently rule it (murderers, thieves, thugs, etc.). In other words, it will be more of the same, evil corrupt men placed in positions to control the enforcement of law. Tane's protection of the House murderers attests to that.

The Tigereye Mercenary Company lives on and will grow greater than its former incarnation. Do not let the words of a traitor to his order dissuade you. Join today for a positive security force who will work for the people, not crush them beneath a boot.

Commander Unelor Ginfaluin Tigereye Mercenary Company

Written in black ink, and retraced several times, are the following words:

The Tigereyes were the worst thing that ever happened to us. Anyone wearing their colors in lower will die.

The message is unsigned.