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Vesa's goodbye post

Hey everyone.

Its time for me to go. EFU has been a ton of fun. Most of my time on EFU has been while I was at my school, but my university work is really piling up this semester and I just do not have time for the server anymore.

I'd like to thank the following people... except the list would be far too long and I know i'd leave out far too many people.

Its been fun folks, I might be back in a few months but I seriously doubt it.

Anyone who wants to keep in touch with me is welcome to, I'll check my PMs every so often, though my new schedule is quite hectic.

I wish every single player and every single DM only the best.

My parting words:



We'll miss you.

See ya mate it was good playing with you, although briefly. :D

I enjoyed the short time with Amolef as well!!

Great character

Good luck with the studies.

Yeah, good luck with class! Take care. :wink:

VESAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :( Didn't meet you much IC because of TZ differences but I saw your character's effects on the server.

Are you coming back after Uni or is this the final goodbye?

Yes. Class. Good luck.

*slowly sips tea at the large bay window in front of the house where we used to live. I sigh, glancing down at a photo of the two of us together at the amusement park. I placed a rabbit on your head. Where did I even get a rabbit at an amusement park? I close my eyes for a long moment, shedding a single tear, then slam the photo down on the table and bolt out the door. Rushing with all my haste to the airport in my Camry, I arrive just in time to call out your name as you're boarding the plane. It's not enough, and you never hear me finally say "I love you". We meet again 8 years later, by chance, in a supermarket, both now married. We smile...we nod, knowingly, but we just keep shopping.*

Holy hell, LTS. I sincerely hope that wasn't Elton John leaving your house earlier.

Why is everyone leaving!? :cry: