Dalek Emperor
2006-08-27 18:26:15 UTC
A hospital for Sanctuary like, welcome to the House of Healing or something down in lower or something. Pay people small bills and carry the wounded over to them.
People can get jobs and stuff you can run errands to get medical supplies and such. I think its an okay idea, it may be difficult but it would be a fun spot for Cleric's to use... :wink:
2006-08-27 18:28:25 UTC
There was one, but it was recently demolished by PCs.
Red Skull Cultist 389
2006-08-27 20:04:49 UTC
I think things are fine as they are. If you find yourself in need of healing, just stay the course, and persevere, and you'll be rewarded.
2006-08-27 20:27:54 UTC
come to rock bottom. upper scum lol, and if may is there ,she will gladly heal you :)
2006-08-27 23:08:30 UTC
If you want to try to make another one, please do, but this servers all about PC influence. the DMs do almost nothing now except watch their little men mess about with the world and help them do anything that is possible.
2006-08-27 23:18:41 UTC
There is a place in lower that can help should any PC's be there when you arrive. But the 'formal hospital' was destroyed yes......heck it was only around for less than a month too. Guess Lower really likes being wounded and so on.
2006-08-28 00:51:05 UTC
The 'formal' hospital became a tavern after the founder was killed. Now it's dust anyhow. I argue that there never has been a hospital.