*two copies of a report left with Private Timmons in The Watch House & Prison to give to Taddle and Salina Marshall*
Yesterday, I was attacked on two separate occations.
First was while I was in the House of Light. A false priest entered the temple and invited myself and another cleric to join him in prayer. While we were praying, he was merely standing there. I heard noises behind me but thought nothing of it. Then as soon as I stood, he moved to exit quickly, and I was moving to wish Ilmater's blessing's upon him when I stepped into a trap near where he had been standing. He didn't make any move to assist the way a true priest would, and he promptly left. A man with a similar voice, though slightly muffled through a helmet then came back in and he was identified to be a man who goes by Restar. When confronted and asked to remove his helmet, he refused, and I pushed no further.
The second incident occured when I was speaking with a man in brown leather tunic with blue on the sleeves. A man in a red hood walked up and mentioned something about going to a secret door near a rat statue in the sewers and he would find more information there. I went down to investigate, and met up with two men: Kyle and Melrick.
We searched through the sewers till we find this statue, and before we had a chance to find a door, a man dressed as a tigereye approached us and asked us what we were doing. Then a man in red armor and a large axe just...appeared in front of me and struck me. I don't remember too much after that, except the man in red said some words to me that...I can't remember precisely, but I believe it was something along the lines of "Foolish girl didn't know what you were dealing with". And the next thing I knew, I was in the mausoleum.
I went to the rock after I regained my senses and searched for help, and found a hafling with red hair...I believe her name was Drasha. We went to the sewers together to help the others, and thanks to her they both made it out alive, though barely.
While we were searching for the others, we came across a man in orange leather armor and the man in the tigereye uniform, who began to shout at me. I did get a decent look at the man in the orange leather's face, but it was fairly dark, so it is difficult to describe. But I believe I might recognize him if I saw him again.
During these events in the sewers, Mister Melrick was badly beaten, as well as Mister Kyle. Mister Kyle's tail was also severed. Mister Kyle and Melrick were threatened with death that they were told was brought to myself already. Judging from the lack of strength I have now...I believe it to be true. I don't know how I still walk.
All my armor and weapons and surgical gear was stolen, and I was left with my robes, and my herbs. I neglected to deposit my gold at the bank before I went to investigate, and that was taken as well.
Hope this is helpful, Chana Menner, Healer and servant of the Broken God.