2006-08-25 01:33:48 UTC
Dear Citizens of Sanctuary,
I wanted to publically thank the gentlemen Delgado and Taddle for making my commerative march so meaningful over the past two days.
A commemorative march is held to honor the ranking Priests and Paladins of Torm that fall in battle and take the form of a march around the city they died for for two days so the citizens of the city can moune for the fallen.
On the second day it was suddenly deemed that an unarmored lady with a spear was a threat to Sanctuary security and therin ensued numerous beatings by both Watchman Taddle and Spellguard Delgado. Despite these near death inconveniences the march was completed and fallen honored as was his due.
I am flattered that as a healer I was considered such a threat that it required an animatron to arrest me, an umberhulk in prison to beat me as well as being drenched in an acid spray - thankyou Spellguard Delgado for holding my battle prowess in such high esteem.
Private Taddle I am glad that you were able to practice your fist boxing on an unconscious lady - I hope it has helped your training as an honorable warrior in this city.
Through your efforts I feel that a meaningful sacrifice has been made and people will have taken notice on what could othewise have been a non-event no one heard about.
Danielle Addams
Healer of Torm
2006-08-25 05:55:50 UTC
[written brashly in what would have taken only a few moments]
A Pleasure
Private Taddle.
Elytherin Dragonius
2006-08-25 06:13:27 UTC
[witten by a young man wearing clothing of a commoner walking past]
Seems like an injustice to me...
2006-08-25 07:51:37 UTC
*A note with the seal of the Spellguard is placed beneath the notice*
Citizens of Sanctuary are wise to keep in mind that sustained criminal activity such as the supposed healer, the poster of the notice above, was found guilty of will result in imprisonment and/or fining.
I quote the Sanctuary lawbook:
Public Nuissance: imprisonment and/or fine
Failure to remove weapons when asked to by an agent of the law, be it a member of the Watch or the Spellguard, is a crime whether you're brandishing them in some insane ritual to try and remember your dead spouse or in an attempt to assault the Mayor. Agents of the law in Sanctuary are completely unable to predict the future and decide whether one citizen brandishing a weapon is simply following a redundant commerative march or planning to murder one of his fellow citizen.
If, again, a citizen fails to remove said weapons, said agent of the law will be forced to remove them by force.
I quote another part of the lawbook, for your information:
Sustained Criminal Behavior (repeated crimes): exile
Keep this in mind when you decide to ignore orders from an agent of the law, walk around the arena with your weapons brandished or do it outside of Sanctuary. There is no need to frighten the general populace by walking around in a trance like state, brandishing weapons. The Underdark is a frightful enough place without us having to be subjected to the fatuous actions of a deficient, acerbic, healer of Torm.
In the hopes of having informed you.
Operative Delgado
2006-08-25 08:35:28 UTC
Is leaving the watchhouse only to be threated and attacked by a watchmen also a crime? If so I should have stayed in the cells longer.
Elytherin Dragonius
2006-08-25 09:27:29 UTC
*again a young man walks past in commoners clothing reading the notices left, once he finished reading those messages he walks off to walk past once more later on leaving a message on the notice in his wake*
It sounds like some compassion could have been in order. Why the forces of Law did not continue the march along side this Healer of Torm to show support for the thought behind the march then spoken about having announced what her said intent was so that other citizens and law enforcement personel could march showing their equal suport for the right of memberance with her afterwards seems to have been beyond the law enforcement agencies foresight. Even a request to with hold this march of remberance for one day so that they may have announced the intent to sway the potential hystaria that the said Law Enforcement agencies feared may arrise would have been much more preferable to the beating of a citizen.
2006-08-25 10:20:37 UTC
*Another note with the Spellguard emblem is attached beneath the notice*
It is simple enough:
Do your rememberance marches without having weapons drawn or conduct them outside Sanctuary. The citizens of Sanctuary complained to the agents of the law themselves, we did not find anything wrong with her march until she brought fear to the citizens.
Operative Delgado
Mikhail The Heretic
2006-08-25 12:25:39 UTC
*Written underneath in a neat hand*
Aye and it took two of ye big hard gents tae take the lass down, and if ye be talking aboot fear i would be mair worried about the enemies ootside the gate than a poor lass mourning her brother.
Daemonic Daz
2006-08-25 13:40:55 UTC
a halfling in light green robes glances at the notice as he passes and angrily writes on a notice
this is justice? From what I can see this is just an attempt to abuse the citizens of sanctuary, A lengthy jail sentence would have been enough, not being tortured in numerous ways. Your just as bad as the tigereyes.
2006-08-25 15:49:33 UTC
*Amolef passes by and not in any covert way, writes next to the previous comment*
"The tigereyes cut out a mans eyes for fun and tortured him intentionally, for the better part of 6 hours. There is not much comparrison."
2006-08-25 16:38:06 UTC
*A slightly annoyed Spellguard Operative walks past the notice and once more pulls a note out from his robes and pins it up beneath it*
Noone was tortured, the woman was incapacitated as a measure to remove the weapons which she repeatedly refused to lower. Perhaps I should write down the names of the citizens whom are complaining on this board and make sure that the next time a person approaches them with blades drawn within Sanctuary, and they ask for the aid of the Watch or Spellguard, that the perpetrator be asked gently to lower them and then ignored for the remainder of the time his blades do whichever task they are to do, if he refuses.
I believe our fair town would be quite the sight to see if matters were conducted in such a manner.
Operative Delgado
Elytherin Dragonius
2006-08-25 21:11:24 UTC
*a young man walks past reading the last note then comes back a note underneith the last in his wake*
Surely you donot need to worry if you are able to bring a woman to the ground surely others could do the same in defence if needed besides there are others looking out for the safety of the citizens than just the law enforcement agencies
2006-08-25 22:51:51 UTC
*a woman in black leather armor pins a paper with her comment under the posters*
If you had put only half as much effort into repelling the drow than torturing one mourning girl we would not have been sacrifice 5 lives for them.
Order an animatron on her, beating her sensless repeatedly, changing into an Umber Hulk form to do that as well and drenching her into acid are NOT written as ample punishments for public nuisance in that quoted lawbook.
Those show sadistic, coward bullies, tainted souls, rotten to the core.
You can't hide behind your precious lawbook to hide that fact.
Justice will be served.
2006-08-26 03:22:31 UTC
Deal with this IC, not on the board, it's kind of a lame way to go about it.